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Essential Somali History: an Enduring Pattern...

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Many eye-opener details in this quite interesting, audio refreshner lecture on our enduring struggle against colonization througout centuries (notice how perplexing is the historical pattern still unfolding these very days):



From, click on "HALGANKA GEESKA AFRIKA" by Sheikh C/Raxmaan Abyan.



PS: you can add to your knowledge of Islamic History through the other, not less capturing lectures...

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Here are some valuable lessons, more relevant than ever, albeit we have to deal with much worse conditions in terms of unity nowadays (when powerful East Africans Muslims States incorporated different races, ie Adal Sultanate, we are reduced today to competing sub-clans):


1-Due in part to their hatred against Islam as well as politico-economic motivations, ie an outlet to the sea for trades and internations relations purposes, Christian abyssinians were determined not to let stability arise in Muslim lands.


2- Such perfid stance was uncritically supported by other Christian imperialists who provided any needed wherewital.


3-Muslims were divided into small, inefficient and rival "emirates", based on kinship and competing for the colonists'little favors devised to keep them fighting each other.


4-The Abyssinians colonists never missed an opportunity to appeal to "Christian solidarity" (albeit violating every and each tenet of that religion through their pagan superstitions and oppressing other Christian sects).


5-The only Muslims' success were achieved through Shariah discipline and Islamic principles, ie under the charismatic Imam Ahmad Gure whose forces were majoritarily non-Somalis(possibly not Somali even though he was extensively connected to Somalis).

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