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Deeq A.

Mr. President Muse Bihi Abdi Covering up and Concealing the Corruption is not a solution.

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Deeq A.   

Mr. President Muse Bihi Abdi Covering up and Concealing the Corruption is not a solution.

Truth and reconciliation are the best ways to approach and face the problems that occurred during an intractable time nation-wide. At the same time, truth and reconciliation is best to address the country in confronting the civil unrest, and best way to address those who committed the corruption particularly anyone who participated or involved for that amount of money (eighty million, $80 Million). Somaliland people are honest, sincere and willing to forgive, as they have already forgiven heinous actions such as the individuals who murdered, raped, robbed, looted and plundered. The efforts of trying to cover up and conceal the truth will results in dire consequences that will lead to inevitably a bad situation.
Corruption is not only financial; stealing money or misallocation of resources, but corruption is broader and is when the whole government system is embedded by systematic corruption. Systematic corruption is when corruption is a collective and essential aspect of the social, economic and political system. It would be an endemic and is exactly what has happened in Somaliland for last 7 years that the Kulmiye party has been in power. Corruption is where the law is clearly broken. Most of the Somaliland people have no alternatives but only option they had were to deal with corrupt officials. Let me focus on the three type of corruptions that have been devoted by the Kulmiye party.
Political Corruption
Political corruption is when the laws and regulations are abused by the rulers, side-stepped, ignored, or even tailored to fit their interests. It is when the legal bases, against which corrupt practices are usually evaluated and judged. Its when the legal bases are weak and furthermore subjected to downright infringement by the rulers. The following evidences prove where the Kulmiye party rules has committed political corruption.
In 2015, the House of Elders had issued the decree which stated the presidential extension for two years without any dire circumstances. The dire circumstances would be wider war, internal instability, and serious natural disaster such as earthquakes, epidemic diseases and serious famines. Allah bless to him who save from dire circumstance. The name of grace to Allah non-of it had ever occurred in Somaliland. On the top of that, the president was incompetent and has not been able to fulfil his day by day job descriptions as mentioned by his book the ex Minister of State for Presidential Affairs
The House of the Representative has been in the office for almost 14 years. As the constitution confirmed, the period of the House would be 5 (five) years beginning from the date when the Supreme Court declares the electoral results. Not only that, but the local governments have been overdue its their terms of the offices. Overdue of period of the offices is a negligence and political corruption. In my assessment, Kulimye leaders have very low levels of political morality when it comes corruption.
Individual Corruption
Corruption starts with the individual who has a character of the highest ego, but most often corruption tends to be considered a group level phenomenon or social phenomenon. But in a reality when we closer look, it reveals that corruption begins at and is maintained at the level of the individual. In Somaliland, every minister that held a ministerial portfolio has a biggest luxury home in Hargeisa or in somewhere in overseas. The cost of these homes is estimated approximately three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) roughly, basic with Somaliland home value, but at the overseas could be millions.
As I recalled, the Riyaale administration blamed corruption, but the ex Minister of Finance and Treasury Mr. Mahamed Hashi Elmi has itemised in 2012. The President Siilaanyo was nominated the Inquiry Committee. The committee combined variety institutions such as the Auditor General, House Representative Members and Ministry of Finance and Treasury. The period investigation was 2002 up to 2012. The committee was founded that the budget surplus of $53 million and the committee confirmed there was non-existed any deficit or loan at all. Secondly, they confirmed that $70 million of public properties were founded.
Every Somaliland person that live the Capital, Hargeisa knows the misuse of the government resources by individual that works governments office. The previous government did not care and would not even initiate any effort to challenge the unprecedented corruption. Individual corruption also applies to the individual businesses. A lot of business owners have illegally owned the public assets and public properties. The Somaliland constitution has given the power to government to care and safeguarded of prosperities. The constitution is limited the government power when it comes the selling, purchase or exchange. Article 12: Public Assets, Natural Resources and indigenous Production, section two (2) states: the care and safeguarding of property, endowments and public assets is the responsibility of the state and all citizens; and shall be determined by law. Hundreds of the public houses were sold without proper procedure and legal channels. It is a clear corruption that has had committed by Kulmiye government.
Grand and petty Corruption
Public policy does process and procedures, it starts with the exiting problem, formulation, implantation and so on. Habitually, corruption takes place at the policy formulation and it denotes the amount of money involved. And that grand corruption is at the top levels of the public field. As everybody knows, when President was in power, the handful of the ministers were decision makers and formulated the Somaliland public policy. Sarcastically the one of the ministers have clearly said “I am forty years old and I have 40 million dollars” he was one of the ministers who was acting Prime Minister of the country.
The small-scale corruption such as bribery is common and is in daily basis. The corruption that involves every public sector such as local municipality, policy traffics, civil servants, tax collectors, licensing authorities, fine collectors, and so on. These kinds of corruption will not be stopped and will be still ongoing. It very hard to drive a car in Somaliland unless you prepared and willing to pay a bribery on daily basis.
Mr. President the solution is to appoint the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Somaliland people are fed up with the administration that is hiding the truth and corruption that has happened since the Kulmiye party has been ruling the country. The corruption is/was everywhere and there is no doubt about it. The ministers had stolen properties, assets, liquid assets and are visible in everywhere in the country as well as overseas. Therefore, the truth and reconciliation commission is the best solution to end the corruption.

Qaran News

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