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Wuu isla hadley / Wey isla hadashey.

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I’ve always wondered what people mean by that. I get the gist of it meaning the person has some sort of mental instability/psychological problem. But I was wondering if there was more depth to it? Is it a specific type of mental illness where the person talks to themselves?


Maxay Soomaalidu iskula wada hadashaa? Why not break things or commit a crime or something?


Also, is this the same as markuu qofku “jinku†galo? Does any1 know what this means either? Ma soomaalida uun buu jinn gala horta?


Thanks for ur participation.


- qof la wato :D

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^ What is that?


I think "isla hadley" and "isku buuqay" mean the same. However, I doubt it refers to depression. It sounds incredibly worrying when I hear it.

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Originally posted by Legend of Zu:

What about Buufis aa ku dhacay

Which correctly means excessively Inflated by the concerns of worldly-affairs.

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I thought people do that when the chips are down!-Markay bizaratu-hayso (excuse my poor Somali writting redface.gif )!

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LoL @ xiinfaniin. you refering to the cause not Buufis aa ku dhacay?!!!


Enchanty, waa islahadlay is different to Buufis aa ku dhacay... waa isla hadlay is insanity while buufis is depression..I gues.


BTW am back :D



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Wuu isla hadley/hadashay means that the person is suffering from Multiple personality disorder.



Buufis on the other hand means "STRESS"



Allah Yah Diih.

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Qalanjo, I am not a psychology major and I don’t know much bout mental illness maladies but Buufis is a symptom of a clinically depressed individual. It (the word that is) was coined to describe the weird and disturbing acts of those whose minds were affected and injured by the tragedy of the southern conflicts (civil war).


As for your inquiry about the specific meanings of those two words (islahadashay/islahadlay), I can only say it’s not that different (in its meaning) than that of Buufis.


That’s my two cents, and pardon the rubbish I spewed before your royal highness.


P.S: you called me Oday, soo maaha? :D

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Originally posted by Enchantment:


- qof la wato

Lool, barina waa lagu sidan...saa danbana waad isku buuqi... is'jir :D

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qof la wato

And where are you taken to?, Rather, who is taking you there?(where/when/how?) :confused:


And while we are @it, whats the mode of the transportation, and can you come back? :D

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