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Once a young man came to see a wise old man, and ask him about women and relationship,the young man asked O wise man advise me on woman.

The wise old man look at the young man and said; there is 3 type of woman in this world the first one is 100% yours the second one 50% yours and the third doesn't belong to you.The young man continued give me more advice oh wise old man.The wise old man replied the first woman is the vergen of your first love she belongs to you and she will make you feel complete.The second woman is widow without any children 50% of her love went to that man the othe half remaining is yours.The last one is woman who was previously married and have some children from that previous marriage 50% of her love went to that man and the remaining of her love went for the kids and she dont have eyes for you.The young man thanked the wise old man for the very importante counsel.

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Umm i see... and ur point is? I dont agree with that..i feel love is indefinte and that it has no boundaries.


anyways i felt like answering cause ur from qatar! :D man i miss that little penisula.



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