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Troll Corner- in pictures

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About time we shared photos and videos of everyday, mundane ocurrences. Move with the times & all. :D


Here's my first


Ze Burtuqal Qumbula




How to achieve similar result


Part I

Forget about 200ml of fresh orange juice in tightly capped bottle for...

..quite a while....

decide to throw bottle away but first..

empty contents out of bottle in anal attempt to have a clean bottle(which won't stink up the kitchen) in the rubbish bag


Part II

distractedly twist bottle cap

be propelled backward as contents and bottle fly forward with a menacing hiss

contents kersplat on wall and sink

bottle dead in sink

smell of orange vomit to kill the appetite and some innocent, barely visible life forms.


Now you know. Question is, whom can you 'accidently' do this around? Mwahahaha.

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caudubillah look at that 'kitchen on that DIRT', a SOL intervention is what you need dear Sheh, that kitchen needs some serious cleaning!!

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Wow Sheh, that disgusting yellow stuff might be dangerous. You should consider cleaning up once in a while!


**It sez pictures, real trollers don't to read explanatory prose**

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