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cynical lady


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The truth is there is no such thing "Moderate Muslim" anyone who claims to be "moderate Muslim" is a sale out in my opinion :rolleyes: people like the Sufi Muslim council etc. As far as i am concerned Islam is a moderate religion, i don't see the big deal, you think people will treat you differently because you claim to be "Moderate Muslim" and kiss *** :rolleyes:


It annoys me to no end that there are Muslims who are tripping over their own feet to condemn Muslims: whether it be the speakers on this program, suicide bombers on Palestine, shikes in Somalia, Iraq, and Iran. What is wrong with these people :rolleyes: Regardless of what Israel does I have yet to see a Jewish person border speaking out against them, nor do I see Christians running around apologizing for Bush or Blair or the catholic for IRA so what is wrong with these Muslims.


The BNP get rewarded for propagating hate against Muslims. British subjects of Israeli parentage are allowed to go to Israel and fight in the IDF. Melanie Philips degrades and attacks Islam and Muslims on her website as well as being allowed to publish her book 'Londonistan' and sold in every book shop.


But for Muslims there is no free speech, or freedom of expression. Shame on the sell outs in the neocon Sufi Muslim Council, also shame on the sell out who filmed the whole saga and for those that instead of question have jumped on the bandwagon.


This is a blatant attempt to smear Muslims, The speakers did not sound like bin laden to me, some clearly stated that they do not believe in violence in this country and promotes multiculturalism, and you call him an extremist! Channel 4 have done the British public a disservice by making this programme and taking quotes out of context and its correct frame work.


I found the whole thing deeply disturbing, journalists are now so desperate to demonise Muslims that they will use cut and paste jobs and refer to them as documentaries. This so-called ‘undercover’ investigation merely panders to age-old anti-Muslim prejudices by employing the time-honoured tradition of cherry picking statements and presenting them in the most inflammatory manner.


Dispatches failed to adequately differentiate between the application of Islamic Shariah in an Islamic State and its application within a minority Muslim community in modern day Britain. This vital distinction would have been self-evident to any viewer had the relevant statements been presented in their correct context. For example He says that punishments can only be given by imams of an Islamic state, the UK is not an Islamic state and neither will it be one. He explains that he does not believe in violence towards homosexuals, he believes it’s a grave sin which is what Christians and Jews also believe.


It is sad that Muslims (forget the non Muslims) did not see this show for what it was.


cheers :cool:

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