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cynical lady


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I am a grumpy old woman this days I go throw my days with something to complain about a lot of things that take place around me, I fill like the world is going into a direction that I don’t like and its my duty to shrug off being politically correct and state what I dislike and complain about things at any given circumstances because will someone has to complain and it might as well be me. Lately I found myself being rushed into a corner with? such as y do Muslims ppl do this and that etc, I thought the attack Muslim fashion season ended but ohh no now its back due to the current trail or the 7/7 boomers’ found out that as a Muslim you have a case to answer for, I mean the police are issuing statements that we moderate Muslims should voice out at our disapproval of this ppl acts, we should inform the police if such terror activities are taking place in our back garden, we should report them immediately. So I start thinking do I know this man who are abt to become terrorist, do they call me to tell me HI GUESS WHT am abt to boom ppl do u approve of my act or etc NO and y should I go to the police and report them is that my job to become a neighbourhood watch I pay tax just like any other person I don’t want to get near this crazy ppl why should I act like a police when I am not surely this is their job and they don’t expect me to do there jobs now? Do they.


Then you get the media who constantly use the word “A MUSLIM” did this and that, I get flabbergasted at this how dare they drag all of us millions of Muslims into that individual persons acts, we all did not do anything it was a crazy person who did it not all of us, surely we deserve better treatment than this? Surely, when the IRA where booming London and Brighton at the conservative annual conference y didn’t the media say the “Catholics” but instead they said the IRA, so y cant they call this fanatics by there code names or there names y do they have to drag innocent bystanders like u and me into this mess.


Then I watched channel 4 Dispatch last night, I could not believe this mullahs and what they where saying according to them we should follow the wahabi principals, that being one said we are leaving in a state within a state and we should increase our numbers and take over and kill this kufars or convert them, one said that Aids is a conspiracy created by the Jews they injected on Africans blah blah this sounded like a perfect e.g. of a mad man to me, one said we should have Islamic police and they should petrol the streets and if they spot a Muslim woman not wearing the veil well she should arrest them……. Excuse me for a second I am not mistaken am I that ure not meant to force anyone in Islam, everyone has their own book which they will be held accountable to on judgement day, and they answer to Allah swt not some human person, so how dare they, surely if you live in a galo country and u don’t like their ways ure urged to MOVE OUT in Islam and y are this people not? They are happy to stay but they preach so much hatred and drag the rest of us as if we all Muslim think like them. I don’t fill like the UK ISLAMIC MISSION does indeed represents me, and they are the worse offenders in my opinion… due to the current circumstance I thought its only fair that I write an email to channel 4 and view my opinion at their bias view about Islamic mosque’s just because this ppl tend to go there and preach things that I don’t think are Islamic to begin with ( most of what they said last night) Islamic mosque are sacred places of worship for the millions of Muslims who enter its doors, they should at less balance their view by looking at the broader community and what purpose they use those places for. Now I find myself constantly defending Islam and its teaching, so my question is do we have a case to answer to, because defending Islam from this attack implies we accept responsibility, so are we responsible for this ppl acts and comment is my question to u lot.

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CL, don't get too frustrated. The media has its own agenda, go do some research on who runs it and who owns it in this country smile.gif .


Some muslims need to realize that the world wasnt build just for them. It's easy to to advocate violence but a lot harder to convince & encourage a pious and peaceful life.


Val, I agree laakin you also have a responsibilty to defend your faith by correcting misinformation. We shouldn't have to apologise for the Qur'an, no matter whom it offends.

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Lily, sure, we've got to defend our faith (although I believe Islam speaks for itself). We've got to defend the faith from both those who are attacking it AND those who are misusing it (those Muslims Cynical is referring to).

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Yes I couldnt agree more Val, that also falls under misinformation, those crazed Imams included.


CL, yes I have watched it, I thought it was part horrific part commical. But it is like someone is searching desparately for a needle in a haystack to magnify it. It is very obvious to everyone Islamic principles and libearl 21st century western ideology are at odds :rolleyes:

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CL i did not think anything that was said was crazy or unislamic, apart from the last two guys (the one who said democracy, freedom etc were not Islamic)


In fact most of the speakers were quoting hadeeth (most of them saxix) or an verse from the Quran. I think for someone without religions background (i.e. formal learning) or a none Muslim it will not make any sense to them and it will sound extreme to say the least. What happened was everything is said in a context and in reference to specific people (audience) the audience the speakers were talking to were clearly Muslim/ religious people (i.e. have a sound understanding of Islam).


here is an interview with Abu usaam it may clear things up for you.



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SO the guy who said we should kill the kufar at every chance we get, and we should rule this country and yes to the man who talked abt loony stuff i mean Aids, are all Islamic, not to mention the fact all they kept on promoting was hate and violence, ibti i did see Islamic things being said there but mainly i have to draw ure attention to the fact most of the comments where pure and simple hate and ****** and mostly if you live in unIslamic country and u don’t agree with there policy what does Islam tell u to do?

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Actually there is nothing loony about it. There is vast evidence to suggest that Polio vaccines and the origin of AIDS are linked which is what he was referring to.


As I said the last two guys (a state within a state dude and the democracy dude were out of line). As for promoting hate and violence i disagree the guy merely quoted an verse in the Quran which says do not keep non Muslims as your friends and helpers, and the other which says they will never be pleased with you ..... Again it is all part of the deen but it was taken out of context and it was for a different audience. For example the guy that said you can marry some under age, again to a non Muslim that’s strange etc


did you watch the link?

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SO the guy who said we should kill the kufar at every chance we get

What is WRONG with that? They, the Kufars do this


at every chance they get...actually they are


doing it right now in somalia, Afghanistan


Lebanon, Falistiin, Iraq and many other places.


They have special places where the only folks


tortured are muslims....Gitmo, Abu-Ghureyb and



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