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The story that most men know but few tell

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Courtesy of Melanation Yahoo group!


The Memory


Here is the story that most men know but few men will tell. It is the story

about the ghosts of past lovers and how they haunt your heart. The story

begins in adolescence when a boy carries with him a fantasy about the

perfect lover. She is shrouded in mystery and beauty-not at all a real woman

with hopes, worries, and cares of daily life. In fact, she contains few

details at all. She is an evocation, a dream, a perfume to the spirit.


This woman of mystery lives somewhere deep in his fantasy, until one day he

believes he has found her the woman of his dreams. She is everything he ever

wanted. He pursues her, she responds, and he is alive like never before.


Every waking moment is spent dreaming of her. Every moment away from her is

agony. When he is with her he looks into her eyes and wants to cry with joy

at the incredible good fortune that has brought this beauty into his life.


He wants to touch her. Eventually he does. His body aches for her. He wants

to give himself to her, to take her, to know her, to love her. They struggle

with the decision, spending long nights of agonized discussion and desperate

gropings. Finally, they make love.


They lose themselves for hours, days. They are adrift on a sea of pure,

heedless passion. Slowly, this passion cools. They begin to spend

theirordinary hours together. She becomes more of a person and less of a



She has needs.She gets angry and has habits. He irritates her; she irritates

him. Their sexual hunger falls out of balance. He finds his mind drifting,

or he feels her turning inward even as her body pretends to be one with his.


Out of the corner of his eye he begins to notice other women. They seem more

attractive. Their laugh has more song in it. They are closer to the dream.


The woman he once thought would fill his life seems empty and ordinary. Soon

there is nothing left but the lovemaking. Their passion is hollow. They are

together in body but absent in spirit. There are tears and fights and long

goodbyes. There are promises that "maybe someday," and gentle claims that

"if it is meant to be, it will be."


Eventually, they part. Their hearts are wounded and their emotions rage.

Sadness smothers the one who was left. Guilt, relief, anger, and self-hatred

swirl around the one who did the leaving. Time passes. The wounds are less.


Another woman comes along. The dance begins again. Soon they are in each

other's arms. It is both harder and easier this time. He looks in her eyes.

She is beautiful. But far down, where only the heart can see, is another



It is the woman he first loved, the woman who came before. He loses himself

in passion. They become one in that magical way that is the gift of

lovemaking. But the image is not gone. It haunts like an echo. She is there:

the ghost of the past lover. The dance continues. Woman after woman after

woman, each one different, each one like a new springtime.


He finds parts of himself he never knew existed. He feels love in ways his

heart and body never imagined. But every time, he hears the echoes. No

matter how he gives himself, no matter how strong his love, his bed is

filled with ghosts of former lovers. And with each woman, there are more



He cannot say it, even to himself, but his heart is less than it was. The

wounds have turned to scars and the joys ofpast passions have taken root in

the hidden corners of his memory. His love, no matter how pure, is filled

with echoes.


He begins to understand a truth, at once terrible and beautiful. He begins

to see that the women he has loved are not memories, they are presences.


Making love to them has made them alive in his heart forever. He begins to

realize that all of those loves-the one-night stands, the deep yearning

passions-were little marriages, eternal unions, each establishing a claim

that cannot be denied.


He knows that there has been a price for the love he has given. His love is

no longer pure. The memory of every lover shares his bed, and will forever

more. And so, be careful with your love. Do not give it casually. Take the

risks you must to find the love you must. But remember that each love is a

marriage and each will be part of you forever. Each decreases by the

smallest amount, your capacity to give yourself totally to another, because

each one fills a small space in your heart that can never be occupied by



Choose carefully and tenderly. Touch has a memory of its own.




Be back after exams.

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Jamal: That was so tru especially where it says, "

there has been a price for the love he has given. His love is

no longer pure. The memory of every lover shares his bed, and will forever

more. And so, be careful with your love. Do not give it casually. Take the

risks you must to find the love you must. But remember that each love is a

marriage and each will be part of you forever. Each decreases by the

smallest amount, your capacity to give yourself totally to another, because

each one fills a small space in your heart that can never be occupied by


.... Why is it so hard to find love like the first one? It is not fair.. but everytime we meet someone else... we just compare them to the first lover we knew...

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The answer is everything good tastes best the first time, as one has never been through such an experience before, it is bound to be the most unique.

It is like when you go to disneyland, the first time was best the others will always be below it.

In economics this is termed "diminishing marginal utility".

But hey go see water world before you go back hunting for disney land

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just a city boy speakng heya ok! i seen alot of smoking rooms, ppl sharing that magic moment.

stranger dancing in the middle of the blvd!!!


my q's is this! what about if u dont remember the others face! not cuz u had a mind altering stuff but just cuz u r human, u work from mon to fri okey@! hello!!couldnt resist and took all de the know current availiable protection! but u got it and said ok! but, u said, hell, yeah, lemme wear my rain coat!


i mean, after all, we all human after all the layers of culture, geo and religion and bleed under the skin de same stuff!!!!!!!

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