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Reconstructing the ancient Opone Cushitic Economy

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Ras Hafun is believed to be the location of the ancient trade center of "Opone". Opone was mentioned by an anonymous merchant in the 1st century CE in his Periplus of the Erythraean Sea. Ancient Egyptian, Roman and Persian Gulf pottery has been recovered from the site by an archaeological team from the University of Michigan. Opone is in the thirteenth entry of the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, which in part states: And then, after sailing four hundred stadia along a promontory, toward which place the current ...

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Mosylon was the prime ancient trade power sxb, it was the Kingpin when it came to the cinnamon trade from China, and the Frankincense that was exported to Egypt and Rome, these products were the Gold and Oil of ancient times, undiscovered ruins must be littered around the area.

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Somali Psycho;



ASWRB. Somalis in the puntland region have the potential to create their own date-farming-industry and produce dates for the ramadan rathern than importing them. Such an industry could employ hundreds and thousands of SOmalis. There also many other sectors THAT the Somalis can invest in order to create employment and self efficiency. Moreover, if all the SOmali enclaves create a system of zakat, which will happen twice a year, then there will be no need for the AID groups. Inshallah, in the near future, the Islamic Government of Bladland will send a delegation of economists and knowledgeable people to analyse what sectors are the most promising in SOmalia.

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