BOB Posted May 18, 2007 Salam Aleikum W.W The holy Qur'aan has repeatedly informed Muslims to expect animosity and hatred from those bearing enmity and antagonism towards them. This somewhat suppressed hatred manifested itself in no uncertain terms after the fairly questionable events surrounding the 9/11 saga which resulted in the birth and baptism by U.S government of the murderous outfit called Al-Qaeeda. True muslims know that Al-Qaeeda is but just a bogeyman, a phantom, if you like, the Monkey-Business invention by the Zionists to bring nations of the world under its sway and control. In Islam there never was an Al-Qaeeda. True Islam can never sanction an Al-Qaeeda. Islam is simply too pure, perfect, wholesome and chaste to permit the horrendous and barbaric activities which are attributed by the so-called Al-Qaeeda organization led by Osama Bin Laden. When Islam does not even allow a fruit bearing tree to be cut and destroyed, where will it ever permit a true believer to cut apart the lives of innocent women, children with mindless bombings? Islam, the religion of peace does not permit a shade providing tree which provided shelter from the sun for the weary traveler to be hacked or uprooted, where will it ever allow the hacking and maiming of innocent kids and the elderly by the so-called suicide bombers? Islam, the religion of peace does not even permit its followers to display a knife to an animal which is about to be slaughtered, where will it condone the utter destruction and mindless slaughter of innocent civilians whose only crime was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. An eye lost here, a hand severed there, a leg amputated elsewhere, a new bride widowed, children orphaned without case, an old father deprived of support, and no one seems to know exactly why this whole carnage occurred. The only certainty is that this is not the teachings of the compassionate Holy Prophet who was sent as a mercy unto mankind or of the righteous Sharia. Ignorance of Islam creates havoc not only in the so-called extremist ranks but even in the response of those who feel threatened. Just after 9/11, the security forces of another country swooped down upon Islamic institution. With howling sirens and blazing lights they rushed into the institution in the dark of the night with drawn guns. The inmates were awakened and roughed up. Questions were rapidly fired at them. One small boy was asked if he knew Al-Qaeeda. He replied "Yes, we're compelled to study it everyday. We cannot progress if we do not know it. Day after day its drummed into us." Police radio's crackled in excitement. A nest of Al-Qaeeda has been discovered! Bin Laden could not be far off! The place was ransacked and turned upside down. the raiding commander had great personal hopes and ambitions. "Find the guns, the bombs, the grenades. Al-Qaeeda is here"! Despite the most frantic of searches, absolutely nothing was found. If only the security services knew that the child was referring to a simple small Arabic teaching booklet called "Nurani Qa'idah", they would not have made such fools of themselves. Such mass ignorance does more damage than weapons of mass destruction! Worse still, they would not have invited the animosity of the Muslim community, the Nurani Qa'idah which every child has to master is the book, the A, B, C of learning the Holy Qur'aan which is taught in the majority of Institutions around the Muslim world. PS. For those of you who still believe the existence of an organization called Al-Qaeeda led by a man called Osama Bin Laden who masterminded the tragedy that was 9/11, remember one day we will stand in another court where as Allah s.w said in the Qur'aan "Even The Earh Will Reveal Secrets" that day I wont be surprised when the true culprits are revealed and proven that they are not even Muslims let alone Osama Bin Laden. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ms DD Posted May 18, 2007 Al-Qaeda claims It's too easy to blame bin Laden Jason Burke Sunday September 5, 2004 The Observer Heads of security services and governments around the world have something in common with Osama bin Laden. They all stand to benefit from exaggerating the capabilities of al-Qaeda. The idea that bin Laden is a global terrorist mastermind, able to engender violence worldwide, flatters him and helps in the competition with other terrorist outfits for recruits and funds. The benefits of myth-making are also clear to the Russians (and the Uzbeks, Filipinos and Algerians, to name but three serial human-rights abusing governments who constantly claim, disingenuously, that the insurgents that they are fighting in their respective lands are linked to 'al-Qaeda'). Active participation in the 'war against terror' triggers a flood of material and moral support from Washington as well as legitimising tactics the West otherwise wouldn't approve of. It means long-term grudges underpinning any insurgency - discrimination, economic mismanagement, repression - can be ignored and the 'al-Qaeda bogeyman' blamed instead. So it is unsurprising Russian security services have, on the basis of 10 'citizens of the Arab world' being among 20 militants killed in the hostage siege last week, decided that the operation was the work of 'al-Qaeda'. We must be wary. It is true that Chechen warlord Khattab, a Jordanian-born militant leader killed in 2002, met bin Laden while both men were fighting the 1979-89 Soviet occupation of Afghanistan but there is no evidence that Khattab joined his group. Thousands of militants fought the Soviets; only a handful established links with al-Qaeda. A second point is that Chechen militants' main conduit for cash appears to have been a Saudi charity that is part of the royal establishment. Rich Saudis donate huge sums to a whole range of Islamic militants and groups, not just al-Qaeda. A link to Saudi funding is not a link to bin Laden. And individuals connected to 9/11 were indeed planning to travel to Chechnya. But so were most of the thousands of young men who travelled to Afghanistan to get military training between 1993 and 2001. Chechnya has become - like Kashmir, Palestine and Afghanistan - a rallying call for Muslims worldwide. The violence there is held as evidence that the Islamic world is under attack by belligerent Christians. To believe this does not make you 'al-Qaeda'. Finally, it is often claimed that hundreds of Chechen militants have fought alongside al-Qaeda and Taliban forces. In fact, most are Uzbeks or Tajiks; very few are from the Caucasus. Last week's atrocity was not the work of 'al-Qaeda'. It is a result however of the spread of 'al-Qaeda-ism' and, in particular, the ability of the radical new discourse to 'plug into' existing insurgencies, many of which were nationalist or ethnic to start with but have become Islamicised. By misrepresenting the problem, we make the solution harder to find. The greatest hope is the horrified reaction of the world's moderate Muslims - the vast majority. The increasing brutality of the militants will undercut their support and eventually isolate them. But this is a long process and the West is doing precious little to expedite it. Jason Burke's Al-Qaeda: The True Story of Radical Islam was published in paperback by Penguin last month .,6903,1297657,00.html This is dated a while back. Brother Bob We must also not be blind to the wrong doings of our muslim brothers and sisters even if it is against the non-muslims. It is not how the prophet (saw) would have behaved. We also shouldnt discriminate and we shouldnt ignore the oppression of our muslim brothers even if it is our families. Islam commands its followers to be just even in the face of strong conflicting emotions. In dealing with other human beings, two major impediments to justice are love and hatred. See how the Qur'an teaches us to overcome the first impediment when we are dealing with our closest relatives or even ourselves. "O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do." [An-Nisa 4:35] My point is..there are muslims bent on destruction (like those with the placards in Central London) and we should fight with them as much as we fight against the non-muslim oppressors. We dont know who is Alqaeda and we dont know for sure who committed the 911 attrocities but we do know that those orchestrated it were heartless murderers. If they were muslims, May Allah forgive them and show them the error of their ways. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites