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Gobanimo June 1-----July 1

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as we all know tomorrow (Friday) is July 1st which means every Somali soul old or young, male or female wherever they may be will and should be celebrating our independence day and I would like to take this opportunity and wish all my fellow Somali brothers and sisters "A Happy 45th Gobonimo Day".



To be Somali is to be born in a country of riches

a beautiful land rich in history and tradition

a land rich in natural resources and grace

being Somali is to take pride in the country of greats

to look up at the mountains and at the vastness of the sea

the rivers, the valleys and the deserts and

feel a deep sense of belonging

its in preserving the spirit of Soomaalinimo

in the respectful co-existence of one nation

made out of one race called Somali

in letting our neighbours into our household

to share in the warmth of the fires in our homes

it is remembering the child next door might go to bed hungry

a fellow Somali and never a stranger might need a helping hand

it is in the offering refuge to the downtrodden

in working towards preserving our beautiful motherland

to leave a legacy for our unborn Somali children

it is in the knowledge that our forefathers sacrificed their lives

so me and you would be the heirs to this beautiful & blessed land

being Somali means being true to your fellow Somali people

through good & bad, in adversity and prosperity

being Somali means not looking down on your people

it means helping them back up on their strong feet

being Somali means always giving others credit that’s rightfully theirs

being Somali means not waiting in hope for things to happen

rather, a Somali makes things happen for him and her

when there is not much else he or she can do

a Somali comes and shares his/her bread with you and

sometimes even shares your burdens and sorrows too

being Somali means putting character above wealth

they value other's thoughts and feelings

being Somali means being able to bear our struggles with pride

it means to be proud of our roots, our heritage of our land

it means to rise above adversity and above the war

above famine and poverty and hold our heads up high

because you know as much as I do that WE BELONG.



May God Bless Somalia & My Beloved Somali People.



Peace,Love & Unity.

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^^^^^ Maanshallah BOB, keep up the good work walaalkiis, u just made me more proud of being a Somali..


Maanta maanta maanta waa maalin weyne maanta

Maanta maanta maanta Madaxeen banaane maanta..



Congratulations to my Fellow Somalis..... Happy Independence Day...


Lets all Say prayers today for Somalia.


Fataxa Haloo maro Somaliya!

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^^^^^^^^^ to see that flying, to know how many lost their lives for the sake of it. yaa allah dont make tacabkooda mid qasaaray.


Be Muslim, have Iimaan

somali, Be proud.


may allah bless all of us and bring peace to our peaple.


may allah make somalia prosper once more

may allah bring us closer, keep us safe

may allah forgive us for our sins


faataxa smile.gif

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Amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin 2 dat'.....



HAppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Somali Day' to everyone Of U guyzzzzzzz...



ANother year, Another Day, Another Independence Day In Our eye'z...HOpe the Feature lOoks Brighter 4 SOmalia..Insha allah' tacalaa' I hope it gets Even MOre Better as a whole'country than the people might have hoped 4...May Allah' BLEss SOmalia for all the years to come'...Amiin

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Aamiin Aaamiin juxa walaashiis, Ilaahayoow faraj kheer qabo noo fur



Hambalyo Soomaaliyeey meeshaad joogtaanba


happy Soomalia day



Ps: happy canada day too yall




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It is wonderful to see SOL members United with lots of positive and patriotic comments. Please keep it on like this.

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qiimaha gobanimadu leedahay waa waano iyo gacal walaalayal. smile.gif


Gabaygaani waa waano iyo gacal walaaleyne

Gurgurshaa ku jecel iyo abwaan gogoldhigiise

Gurmad iyo dhawaaq weeye oo waydin garnansiine

Garaadkiina iyo dhagaha iyo galiya laabtiina.


Gobannimada lama soo baryine waase loo go’aye

Guyaal iyo guyaal baa rag badan goobayeen abide

Gabdho iyo cirroolaa ku baxay gaalo erigiiye

Giyigana kagees iyo kagees waa gurmanayeene .


Gobolada waqooyiga kolkii guushu hanaqaaday

Gii iyo raggiisii tagoo gacal walaaloobay

Gurmadkii kolkii waayagii gaaray Xamar weyne

Gelinkii kuxigay waayagii gacal mataanoobay.


Gacal kala maqnaayoo is helay waa gallad Ilaahe

Galalaaska waa tii mashxarad loo guddoon sadaye

Golo sare guddoon madaxa iyo maamul guud dhalaye

Gar ilaahay lama deyrsadee, sharaf ku geeraarnay.


Gacmihii maqnaabay mar kale geesh u kiciyeene

Ugaadeenya waa tii lagalay guulna laga keenay

Godankii Jabuutaad Faranjigii goostay ka carrawye

Keenyana anoon gacan u fidin bay ka guranleyde.


Golihii kacaankiyo raggii guulwadaha sheegtay

Garwadeenka duulkii ahaa goolkii may dhaline

Gaawihii laculay bay marqura gucinkii siibeene

Gobaadiyo hashii noo dhashay gaagaxsheen duhure.


Gabaygaani waa waano iyo gacal walaaleyne

Gurgurshaa ku jecel iyo abwaan gogoldhigiise

Gurmad iyo dhawaaq weeye oo waydin garnansiine

Garaadkiina iyo dhagaha iyo galiya laabtiina.



Nina uma garaaboo ninkale eed kamaan galo’e

Gafkii qaranka lagawada galaan soo gudbinayaaye

Gowsaha adkeystoo in yara gaabsha jabaqdiina

Gunta iyo ujeedada ka raac gabaygu waa saade.


Gocashadu xaq weeyoo dhib badan geysay taliskiiye

Gumaad iyo dhibaatana ku qabay goballo waaweyne

Guryo lagu nagaadiyo burburi ganacsigii maale

Hayeeshee inaad kala go’daan waa i gali weyday.


Guluf iyo colaad way dhacdoo lays afgaran waaye

Gacantaada waa lagu dayaa ruux gabood falaye

Godobtaada waa laga ritaa gaal iyo Islaame

Hayeeshee inaad kala go’daan waa i gali weyday.


Gogoshii inoo taallay baan wada gubeynaaye

Guryaheenna baa gaal madow naga gabraartaaye

Lixdankii halkii laga gurtaan dib uga guurnaaye

Gumeystaha inaan hoos tagnaa waa gunnimo weyne.


Goboleysigaan waayahaan ceynka lagu giijay

Gaaxdii horaad adi dhantiyo godoshaan aan maalo

Waxa loo golleeyahay haddeer waa gaddii hora’e

Waxba yaan gurbaannada la tumin waa dal kala goyne.


Dana gaara niman maagan baa geedigaan wada’e

Haddii shacabku uu kala go’ rabo oon lakala geynin

Ama guun colaadihi jirtoo laysu gali waayey

Garbahaaray illamaa Berbara kalama goosheene.


Gabaygaani waa waano iyo gacal walaaleyne

Gurgurshaa ku jecel iyo abwaan gogoldhigiise

Gurmad iyo dhawaaq weeye oo waydin garnansiine

Garaadkiina iyo dhagaha iyo galiya laabtiina.


Ninkii godob tirsanayiyo ninkii gacantogaaleeyey

Ninkii guray hantida qaran ninkii calanka googooyey

Ninkii goostay gobalkiisa iyo kii ged kale maagan

Ninna guul masoo hoyn oo intuba waa gablan u jooge.


Intay goori goortahay haddaan cidi kasoo gaarin

Indheer-garad nadiifiyo haddaan geesi u istaagin

Garmaqaatayaashiyo laqaban gacan ku dhiigleyda

Geyigeenna waa loo baqaa gebi ahaantiise.



Gabdhaheenna oo uguba baa gaal hollinayaaye

Gayaankood ma aha oo cidlay goosan ka heleene

Geesiyaal hadday leeyihiin lama guhaadsheene

Axmed gurey raggiisii ayaan joogin gobalkaane.


Gaban iyo barbaar iyo waayeel guudka ka cireystay

Geela kii la joogiyo midkii guunyo adhi heystay

Magaalada midkii galay midkii falayey goofkiisa

Gacan qabad ayey sugahayaan gelinka maantaahe.


Afartooda gees qaaradaha kii ku galay tuugmo

Hurdo gama’ masiiyoo intaas waa gocanayaane

Gadaal buu intaas eegayaa goor iyo ayaane

Guryo noqosho buu dhawrayaa geeri ka horowe.


Waxba gabaygu yuu ila gudbine waxaan ku soo gaabshay

Gacantii mindida qaadday ee goysay madaxeeda

Gacalow hanoqon oo adigu ha isdabar goyne

Goldalooladiiniyo arkiyo cadowga guushiisa.


Gobanimadii raadshoo dadyahow gacal walaalooba

Goballada mideeyoo dadyahow daaya kala goynta

Gacansiiya kuwa maqan intay gaarayaan hadafka

Guushana Ilaah baa hayee midnimo talo ku soo gooya.

By:Cumar Cabdinuur Nuux – Nabaddoon

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Waraa Somalia waa dhimatay ee wadankale raadsada........Siqiirkii dhashay 1991 hada 14 uu jiraa.......muxuu ka kasaa wadan dhismihiisa iyo wadanimo?.........waraa run marabtaan mise been, Somalia aduunkaan ee ka baaba'ee mar dhaw and all we gonna have is memories...iskaga raaxeysta inta yar oo xasuusta aa heysataan...


July should a day that we all feel sad in our houses because is ceeb to know that xaflad waxaan u dhigeynaa a dead city. Somalia is stolen from us by warlords who became very rich after the war and because of that, till they die or we unite with eachother, their is noway we gonna have somalia back.


Honestly look at the people in your city if you are not in Somalia, they are all sick at heart. They use qabiil and division apon them selfs. And they are not even in Somalia..They are the feture? what feture we have if we are teaching our kids here in North about qabiil and about Somaliland,puntland and banadirland buuuull shiiiiiiiidh!!!!!!!!!!


Somalia need people who understand life and are very educated. People who have clean hearts and love their people. and right now, they are very little. Everyone says they are not sick at heart but thats not true. We all Have some kind of sickness in us and untill thats gone, we will never have a country again.


Thats my 2 cents y'all....


I love my country and my people and iinsha allah all we could do is prey for the best.


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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You're absolutely right! Don't look any further than SOL forum. Our own members are full those who advocate for qabiil and its sickening mentality. How miserable do you have to be to reject another clan’s existence and their share of land/resource/government?


When is it time to compromise? When do we realize we failed our own country/people? When is it time for us to go back and learn from our own mistakes? Will we ever hold hands together and treat one another with dignity? Will Somalis ever trust each other? I hope our grand children will live to see this happen. When is enough? Until a tribe is wiped out? Another 15 years? Never?


Each of us CAN make a difference! Would you choose to speak of Somalinimo openly & proudly and yet secretly wire money to your clansman for engaging war or would you be honest with yourself first and then denounce the warlord mentality and the negative usage of qabiil. Somalia is waiting for us, not the next generation of warlords.


Allahuma Ahdiinaa Wa Iyaahum!

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