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Ethiopian Singer, Teddy Afro Jailed

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a magazine with a cover story about the imprisonment of Ethiopia pop singer Teddy Afro was seized on 2 May and its editor and three support staff were themselves jailed, a move coinciding with World Press Freedom Day, says the Ethiopian Free Press Journalists' Association (EFJA).


Ten thousand copies of the monthly entertainment magazine "Enku" were impounded by police on 2 May, the day before it was due to hit the newsstands. The publisher and deputy editor of the magazine, Alemayehu Mahtemework, was put in jail, along with three support staff.


CPJ says that police impounded the paper allegedly after receiving a tip from an informant at the printer that the cover story could lead to "incitement".


The story focused on the trial of reggae star Teddy Afro, whose real name is Tewodros Kassahun. Kassahun was arrested and charged last month with causing the death of a young man in a hit and run accident in November 2006.


Kassahun's popular song, "Jah Yasteseryal", became a popular anthem of anti-government protesters during unrest following the disputed 2005 parliamentary elections, according to local sources.


Despite releasing 15 Ethiopian journalists who were jailed on trumped-up anti-state charges last year in connection with a brutal 2005 media crackdown, Ethiopian authorities have not relented in their long-standing pattern of repression of independent media through intimidation and arrests, CPJ says.

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hadhwanaag 2008-06-02 (Hadhwanaagnews) Addis ababa -(HWN)-Fanaanka Caanka ee Pop Star-ka ee reer Ethopia Teddy Afro ayaa waxaa bishan xabsiga ee Adisababa loo dhaadhiciyay kadib markii uu soosaarey hees uu Xukuumada Melles Zenawi dhaleyceyn ugu soo jeediyay, balse xadhigan ayaa loogu soo oogey in baabuur jiidhsiiyay nin wadada marayay oo sakhraan ahaa kadibna baxsaday , shilkaas oo dhacay 2006 waa sida ay dowladu ku eedeyneyso fanaanka.


Jariidad dalka ethopia kasoo baxdaa ee magaceeda layidhaahdo Enku ayaa wax ka qoray xadhiga Fanaanka Teddy Afro sababta loogu marmarsiyooday shilkan dhacay marhore 2006 , balse jariidadaas ayaa waxa ay shegtay in lagu heysto Fanaanka Albunka uu soo saaray Albunka magaceeda layidhaahdo ‘Yasterserial’.

Afar “4” suxufi ayaa iyaguna xabsiga loo dhaadhiciyay kadib markii ay wax ka qoreen Xadhigasi Fanaanka Teddy Afro oo ay ku tilmaameen waxba kama jiraan shilkaasi.


Waalaga diidey in Damiin lagu sii daayo Fanaanka ama wax Ganaax ah Lacageed maadaama uu yahay fanaankan Maalqabeen weyn, wararka kale ee ay Hadhwanaagnews heshay waxaa kamid ah in Fanaankan Maxkamad lasoo taagayo June-04-2008.


Fanaanka Caanka ah ee Teddy Afro ayaa ah nin aduunka oo dhan laga yaqano heesihiisa gaar ahaan dhulka soomaalida ay degto sida Djibouti, Somaliland, Soomaalia, Kenya, suudaan iyo dalkiisa Ethopia.


Saxaafadaha Caalamka ayaa iyaguna wax ka qoray Xadhiga Fanaanka Teddy Afro, waxaa kale oo jira in hay’adaha Xuquuqda aadamuhu ay kacodsadeen Xukuumada Raysal Wasaaraha Ethopia Melles Zenawi in uu sida ugu dhaqsaha badan maxkamad usoo taago fanaankas.


Xadhiga Fanankan ayaa laga dareemay guud ahaan dalka Ethopia oo dhan taasi oo heesihiisa imika aad loo iibsanayo dadkuna ay aad uga xunyihiin xadhigiisa, maadama uu ahaa nin dalkiisa iyo dadkiisa jecel.

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Yastesarial (God forgives /in Ge'ez: the archiac form of Amharic) was the toast of the nights in Addis in 2005 elections. It was a song many used to taunt the Tigres, who for no apprarent reason reacted very harshly to this song which basically was calling for forgiveness and reconcilliation. The part they didn't liked was when he said nothing got better for us (the people) from Haile Sellasie to mengistu to the current regime.


When his majesty walked down

From his throne to volkswagen

And a new one took the helm

sixty graves were dug by the revolution [Mengistu]

To be filled with sixty old heads [the 60 ministers killed the same night Mengistu took power]


Wearing shorts (pants) stitiched with 17 needles [17 years the TPLF fought]

He who claimed to have combed for a change

As he climbed the big throne

Just like that of yesterday

If he is punishing the predecessor

He is just a NEW KING, tell me where is the change?


Ja yastaserial!


The information in the brackets is from me. I am not good at composing a poem, and I regret that some flavour lost in the translation.


But, Tewedros is a hugely popular and wonderful singer. Go Teddy! I wish you listened to his hit: Hewan Indhawaza (the Eve's (women) are not easy).

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Ani iyo xabashi maxaa isaga kaayo dan ah. Nacalaa aabahood ku yaal. But, it is true, I grew up with them.


People are amazed by my levels of Somali given that I never have been to Somalia proper except Hargeisa on vacations when schools close. Burco and Berbera (only on short visit in 2002.


Let me tell you. Mid af-xabashi iiga turjun leh miyaad aragtay (Nairobi) oo nabad-sugidda Ethiopia igu leh walaalo ayaynu nahay ku dheh. " War hedde u sheeg buu kolba i yidhaa"; ana waxaan kulaha xabashiga "maad naga baxdaan buu ku leeyahay!". Guddiga nabadgalyadda Banaadir baan ku jiraa buu igu yidhi. Of course, the man was not from Banaadir.

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:D:D ,, wanjalka dee inaad dhamaysay way caddahay oo meesheedii baad ka timidba e ,, maxaad ka wanjalaysay miskiinka ,,, loooooooool

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Qaabkuu u nacamlaynayey baan ka xumaaday walaahi. Anagoo cashou fadhina (nin aan saaxiib nahay oo TFG la shaqeeya ayuu la socday), unbuu xabashigu noo yimid. Kolkaasuu bilaabay reer hebel waa nabad-diid, dawaladnimo ma ogola. Xabashigii baa Ingiriiskii fahmi waayay oo yidhi; and then my services were required.


Xabshigii markuu kacayay wuxuu lahaa, "hulaachum yaaw naa chuu (you are all the same, tuug baad tihiin). Muxuu la xanaaqay buu i waydiiyey, kolkaasaan ku idhi " cagtaan marinaynaa tuugtaa dawlada diidan buu lee yahay". :D

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