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Very interesting from 35:00 onwards. The guy is the one responsible for coming up with the Garissa city masterplan. They're going to expand the city and give it proper planning. Jidad baa la bixin as well. Balooda qumannna oo baaxad weyn ayaa la goyn doonaa oo la qeybin doonaa. This giving of land is usually free for locals. This was the talk of the town when I was there in 2011. I met the mayor and he was encouraging us to put our names in the list. I think I just might do it after hearing this.

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He also talks about how they plan to give each new plot of land markii la gooyoo good road access, fibre optics in the future IA and gas mains if private companies want to install them in the future. Exciting times for my town!

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lol Apo, my old town is going places ma istiri. I think this is where my fortune lies if this plan is initiated. I might just have to force my mum to give me her farm :D

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Apophis;902867 wrote:
Expensive place with terrible food and full of neo colonists. I had lunch there and never went back.

Really? I personally have never been there so I can't comment really. Neo-colonialists? Explain bal.

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Looking good there back when I knew Garissa was a dusty town with few miles tarmac road..Sign of time I guess..I used to visit my uncle who lived in Province neighborhood back then...He was district education officer

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Haatu;902883 wrote:
Really? I personally have never been there so I can't comment really. Neo-colonialists? Explain bal.

The place in Gaarisa I have been to and Haatu never been to:D

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Haatu;902863 wrote:
Entrance to the town Library


Is this really the Library's entrance? Or is this after the main gate?


The place in Gaarisa I have been to and Haatu never been to

What do you expect of someone from Suuqa Xoolaha. Suuqa Xoolaha used to be like Baaadiye during my days in Gsa. In aad caleyntaada sii qaadato ayey ahaan jirtey;). But I heard now things have change paka kuna mat3 to Suuqa Xoolaha.

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tutu, yeah that's passed the main gate. It's the entrance to the actual building. As for suuqa, yeah it used to be baadiya back in the day. Nowadays it's overcrowded and lacks the planning of townka hoose. It's become a nightmare really.



Che, why would I need to go to a hotel in my own town? Doesn't make sense :D


tutu, what do you know about the new town masterplan? I heard that they're going to literally wipe out some buulooyin and plan them properly from scratch.

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Sxb, as of the near future, magaalo soomaaliyeed oo Gaarisa gaari doonta ma jiri doonta. Today, I'll estimate that 80% of houses have access to clean piped water, 70% have access to electricity and the sewage system is just being built and will reach the whole town soon IA (I saw then digging the trenches in 2011 should've taken pics). Also, the town now has a master-plan and many buulooyin/xaafaddo are going to be reorganised and land is going to be given out to locals....for FREE! In the plan there's spaces for parks, mosques, schools, business areas and an industrial area to kick start the local industry. As is mentioned in the video, reer Garissa County (maamuul-goboleed keenna) have access to 500km of the banks of river Tana, currently only 20km is inhabited. There potential for agriculture is HUGE. In the video I posted the mayor talks about how when the maamuul-goboleed is established in March 2013, then want to send people to egypt and other countries to learn how to use the river for irrigation for farming.


Let me just give you one example, Garissa is the hub for the livestock trade in Kenya. Unfortunately, most of the animals go to Mombasa alive where the businessmen there make the real killing. Part of the master-plan is to have local factories in Garissa that slaughter the animals and take advantage of the non-edible parts of the animal such as the hide and bones.. Also, one area I'm interested in is dairy production. I hopefully want to start a dairy production plant in the future IA. Fodder and grass will come from the local farmers and the water from the water board. Electricity isn't an issue as well Al Hamdulillah.


Add to that the fact that the towns population isn't very big so reorganizing isn't going to be a bid headache like its going to be for other somali cities like Boosaaso, Kismaayo etc.


Things are looking good and Allah has finally given us visionary leaders and a maamuul-goboleed come March. Now, I just hope we get a decent Governor.

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^^ Haatu, yes, and true, how is that gona work when the politicians who hail from Garissa are not investing in the region but building expensive houses and hotels in Nairobi and surrounding, and doing business in as far as Mombasa iyo Dar Es Salam, war naga tag baanu ku niri.



Let me know about your dairy factory plan, I know a connection that is familiar with another connection who is well known to another connection that can be real beneficial, but as you are a ghetto from East End, then I doubt you have any business plan for Garissa, sorry I had to be harsh to you on this because when it comes to Garissa, you don't make sense at all, in all field of sectors, you just like to compete with the likes of Oba, who hails from Ceel Cirfiid and is boasting about the skyscrapers in Ceel Cirfiid & Caliyaale, well, he is a head of you, you are an Ijaara boy, and Oba has his plenty of Goofaf in as far as Hiilweyne iyo Hareeri-Caadle, waryee Haatu, iska warran bal, xageed ka dhacdey waayadan, yes, doing that after aan ku rifey, bal hadal soo celi wakaase hadii kale bilcaan aan kugu aamusiinaa nuune.gif

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War nuune, we're not leaving it to the politicians to invest their own money, they're not far-sighted enough. The city municipality itself is the one that's pushing this agends and the masterplan. I spoke to the mayor personally and this was all he was talking about, the man is literally obsessed about the town re-structuring. The problem he had was that in the current system he had to wait on Nairobi and for them to accept before he could do anything, but come the maamuul-goboleed in March this won't be an issue anymore. This plan has been years in the making and it has finally reached the implementing stage. As for the other sectors, I you've been to Garissa lately you should know the truth yourself. When I say around 80% of houses have access to clean, piped water, this is no exaggeration. The only problem now is that in some places the water-flow isn't 24hrs for some reason. This could be due to incompetence on the part of the water board or it could be due to limitations in the system (this system was introduced in 2000 by funding from KSA when the town and its populattion was much smaller). As for electricity, that too is no lie and anyone who's been there recently will bare witness.


With that done, we move to the future sectors the municipality is hoping to develop. As you know the town currently only usues a small percantage of the land available to it for farming on the river banks and this is using outdated labour-intensive techniques. What the municipality plans once the County is established is to send people abroad as I said before to learn the necessary technology and then to seek international support to implement and irrigation system. As for the industrial/manufacturing sector, all the municipality aims to do is to provide potential investors with land and access to the necessary infrastructure. If the local elite don't take advantage of that then others will come and do just that.


As for my dairy venture, I give it to you it's at least 10 years off but a person can dream can't they? :D


War ninyow lafahaa? Waayahan waa lagu waayee.

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Pffft! Who needs you sxb. There's a certain candidate called Ali Korane and if he gets in Yaa Salaaaaaaaaaaaam waaye if you get my drift :D :D

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