Che -Guevara

Nigel Roberts to be appointed the governor of the Somali Central Bank

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1. If this fellow has a proven track record of working with banks of nations recovering from wars, he's the right person. (I wrote this earlier,  so I believe he is not)

2. If government 's hand is forced by powerful forces then chill and take the pill, Soomaalaay! 

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  On 1/14/2019 at 10:15 PM, Dhagax-Tuur said:

If government 's hand is forced by powerful forces then chill and take the pill, Soomaalaay!

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We might swallow but, we need some answers. 

"Gaalka ugu Modow haddii uu yahay ha loo dhiibo, 4.5 aa na dishaye" this statement was made by a fool named Jeesow. If that is the case and the bank governor doesn't belong to any tribe, why not appoint a Ugandan or German prime minister to lead the nation.

Where is the debate. It was introduced today and passed the same day without even a debate. 

Maybe Dhagax Tuur is right. Maybe an ultimatum was given to them, " do this or you are finished". Khatar aan ku jirnaa ee hashan ha la boobsiiyo.

THere are four important jobs that must remain in the hands of the nations for security and liberty reasons.

1-Chief of the armed forces

2-supreme courts


4 -Bank governor.

On another note, it is all about the school of thought that someone belongs.

Personally, I can't accept that as a grown man who is not a child, sick or handicapped  that someone want to feed me and baby sit me for generations. If my people are starving or had difficulty to sustain life, the only way out is work, build and work more. Cultivate the agriculture , build electric grids for power, build roads in order for people to trade and connect.

That is how the poorest Asian rice farmers of yesterday got out of poverty. If you want to help, build things that improve life. I can't accept where 75%of the money is spent in hotels, conference rooms and airlines.

Why would someone want to feed and babysit grown men? it doesn't happen in Asia , Latin America or other places where poor people live. Why it is becoming normal for grown men and women to be fed by foreign governments and their system. They are spending billions yet there is no one single  electric grid, fishing port or 10 kilometer of road. 

Much weaker nations had overcome bigger problems than Al-Shabaab or tribal anarchy. We have leaders who had accepted that they bcan't do anything without foreign aid and foreign mind.

Look at Afghanistan. America had spent $2 Trillions for the last 16 years and no end in sight. 

If our President is under pressure and can't implement his agenda due to foreign pressure and other issues, he must share with the Somali people.Afar sano ka hor waxaanu ku lahayn Hassan Sheikh , " Waar Cabdi Illey iyo dad kale inta aad taageero ka raadsanayso, Yaa Soomaaliyaay dheh oo Awooda dadka Soomaaliyeed Isticmaal" If he is under trust-ship which doesn't allow him  to fulfill  his duties,  then he must share with us before it is too late. Everyone is talking about buying time, yet for Farmaajo it is now or never.

He must also confront the Mogadishu quagmire sooner than later or he  will leave office just as he came.

Maybe the time has come to think differently. C/raxman Bayle and company are deeply involved to this IMF thing which pave the way for this. He and Khayre are cooking these things which led to this NGO gut to take over the national bank.


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Muxuu yahay farqiga u dhaxeeya soomaalida jinsiyadaha shisheeye haysata iyo shisheeyaha kale?

Guri joogtii waxaa indho u noqday dibad joogtii, waxay doonaan bay noo akhrinayaan lamana hadli karno sababtoo ah masaariifta reerka ayagaa bixiya.

Hadaad muwaadinimo u doodaysaan tuura jinsiyadaha kale oo dalkiina u shaqeeya.

Hadii reer galbeedku idinku amro inaad dalkiinii ku noqotaan waan hubaa inaad oran lahaydeen asagoo dhan qaata, ee aan idinla joogno.

Gaalada gacanta midigna waad ka dhunkanaysaan gacanta bidixna waad ka qaniinaysaan.

Gabadhii aqalka sare tagtayna waa loo dabaal dagay, gaalkii bankiga soomaaliya u shaqo tagayna waa lagu mudaaharaadayaa.

Taasi soo abaal dhac idinkuma aha?

Bangiga dhexe sodon sano waxaa ku noolaa bisado jirran silsilidihiisiina waxaa loo safriyay Nairobi.

Xagay ku maqnaayeen 40'kun oo dhaqaalaha bartay intaasoo sano?

Mushaarka ay bangiga dhexe oo gaalka lagu haysto yaa bixinaya?

Waa sax in muwaadinku ka horeeyo ajnabiga, balse yaa muwaadina?

Madaxweynaha, sharci dejiyaasha dawladda, intuba waa ajaanib suurta gal noqon mayso in guri joogta lagu wareeriyo kala doorasho shisheeye

Waxaa nagu maqala caddaanku way ka tuugo yar yihiin madawga dhanka aaminaadda.

Anigu shakhsiyan waxaan aaminsahay in oohin kasta oo soomaali ka timaada aysan run ahayn.


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  On 1/15/2019 at 5:27 AM, gooni said:


Muxuu yahay farqiga u dhaxeeya soomaalida jinsiyadaha shisheeye haysata iyo shisheeyaha kale?

Guri joogtii waxaa indho u noqday dibad joogtii, waxay doonaan bay noo akhrinayaan lamana hadli karno sababtoo ah masaariifta reerka ayagaa bixiya.

Hadaad muwaadinimo u doodaysaan tuura jinsiyadaha kale oo dalkiina u shaqeeya.

Hadii reer galbeedku idinku amro inaad dalkiinii ku noqotaan waan hubaa inaad oran lahaydeen asagoo dhan qaata, ee aan idinla joogno.

Gaalada gacanta midigna waad ka dhunkanaysaan gacanta bidixna waad ka qaniinaysaan.

Gabadhii aqalka sare tagtayna waa loo dabaal dagay, gaalkii bankiga soomaaliya u shaqo tagayna waa lagu mudaaharaadayaa.

Taasi soo abaal dhac idinkuma aha?

Bangiga dhexe sodon sano waxaa ku noolaa bisado jirran silsilidihiisiina waxaa loo safriyay Nairobi.

Xagay ku maqnaayeen 40'kun oo dhaqaalaha bartay intaasoo sano?

Mushaarka ay bangiga dhexe oo gaalka lagu haysto yaa bixinaya?

Waa sax in muwaadinku ka horeeyo ajnabiga, balse yaa muwaadina?

Madaxweynaha, sharci dejiyaasha dawladda, intuba waa ajaanib suurta gal noqon mayso in guri joogta lagu wareeriyo kala doorasho shisheeye

Waxaa nagu maqala caddaanku way ka tuugo yar yihiin madawga dhanka aaminaadda.

Anigu shakhsiyan waxaan aaminsahay in oohin kasta oo soomaali ka timaada aysan run ahayn.


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Ma jiro qof somali ah wadankale shaqo dawladeed ka haya isagoo aan ahayn mawaadin wadankaas.

Marka ajnabi asal u dhadhay lama diidin, waxaa la diiday Somali, maaha, (Jinsiyad ahaan). 

Somalidii in la aamini waayey baa muuqata se.

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Also xildhibaan Cabdi Shire Ciyaarjecel waa ka soo horjeedaa:

Sadexdaan xildhibaan dowladda si toos ah ayee ula jireen, maantana mucaarad ayee ku yihiin magacaabistaan shisheeyaha. Dowladda waa inay ixtiraantaa rabitaanka shacabka.

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No doubt that foregin pressure of transparency has brought this. Somalia is number uno leading in corruption. But is  the "gaalka"a Somali citizen? If not, would a non british-citizen  be appointed to the  governor of the central bank of Britin?. Gooni, your anology of comparing Ilhaan Omars victory is flawed sxb. Ilhaan Omar is an american citizen unlike person above.

No one doubted that Somalia needs help with its recovery. We are slowly recovering  but does it have to be like this? A british person to be appointed to a highly sensitive post? Yaab. Waxaad mooda in fudeedka ka batay dadka awaamirtaan soo rogay!

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  On 1/14/2019 at 5:52 PM, galbeedi said:

Because he is “Cadaan “ he is going to improve things? My friend Nigel is not a banker or economist , he is one of those milking Somalia from Nairobi.

in Somaliland one dollar was 6000Shillings. I was in Kampala and one dollar was exchanged for 3600-4000 Dhillings.

There are experts who can help how to peg your currency’ to the dollar or create knew ways floating the Shilling. 

Few years back there was an American currency expert who helped Argentina control the inflation and stabilize their currency.

Furthermore, if this guy is expert you can hire him as consultant to the bank. Taking over the national bank by the NGO and their overloads is unacceptable.

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Why are talking about somaliland? I am talking about south central somalia.i welcome Nigel over a geeljire who refuses to be accountable and runs to his qabiil if he asked or  questioned about the finance of the bank.did you know some govornors of the bank threatened the gov of class war if he is asked about the money he laundered.

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Muwaadinka afarsano lagu noqdo waa "karam" aysan caalamka kale bixin reer galbeedka mooyee

inkastoo aan la yaabo kuwa dharka dhigtay markay maqleen inay muwaadin noqdeen

Carabtu waxay ku maah maahdaa 

(القريب يكون اديب) qofka qariibkaa waa inuu dhawrsanaadaa.

islaan waayeel ah oo dhalashada ingiriiska haysata oo hindi imaaraadka qaybta socdaalka looga turjumayo, dhalasho ma ahan waa soo dhawayn ay idin soo dhaweeyeen.

Sakiriye iyo jingeli farmaajo intuba waa shisheeye iyo sokeeye labadaba. 

waxaana ku wanaagsan mar haday madax sare iyo xildhibaano noqdeen inay ka tanaasulaan dhalashadii reer galbeedka ugana mahad celiyaa soo dhawayntoodii markaa ka dib ay ka hadlaan in muwaadinku ka xaq leeyahay ajnibiga

Wax wayn iiguma muuqato bangi aan lacagu ool shillin soomaaligiina kaba suulay dalka, nin u shaqo tagay.


imaadan fahmin saxiib

Ilhaan idaacadaha layska arko yaan ka daawaaday ayadoo leh qaxooti baan ahaa maantana sharci dejiye maraykana waa tusaale

Maxaa diidaya in gaalka ingiriiskaa asna muwaadin soomaaliyeed laga dhigo si uu bangiga dhexe ugu shaqeeyo? kitaabka injiilkasna lagu dhaariyo sida ilhaan quraanka kariimka  loogu dhaariyay?

Mise soomaalidu jinsiyadaha aduunka way qaadan karaan ayagana xataa shaqo lagama heli karo?

bal noo faah faahi aragtidaada adigoo mahadsan.

  • Thanks 2

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In the end, no shisheeye was needed. Waa ku faraxsanahay inay dowladda maqashay cabashada iyo diidka shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay kala hor yimaadeen in nin shisheeye loo magacaabo jagadaan.


Guddoomiyaha Bankiga Dhexe oo la magacaabay

Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa Guddoomiye cusub u magacawday Bankiga Dhexe ee Soomaaliya, kaddib markii ay dhamaatay mudadii xil heynta aheyd Guddoomiyihii hore ee Bankiga Dhexe.

C/raxmaan Maxamed C/llaahi  ayaa loo magacaabay Guddoomiyaha cusub ee Bankiga Dhexe, kaasoo magacaabidiisa ku yimid guddi loo xil saaray xulidiisa oo ka tirsan Golaha Wasiirada.

Waxaa uu leeyahay Guddoomiyaha cusub khibrad dhinaca maamulka Dhaqaalaha iyo Bankiyada.

Waxaaa uu labadii sano ee la soo dhaafay ahaa La Taliye Sare oo dhinaca dhaqaalaha Xafiiska Ra’iisul Wasaaraha, waxaa uu ka soo jeedaa Gobolka Togdheer.

Waxaa ay magacaabistiisa meesha ka saareysaa hadal heyntii ku saabsaneyd in xilka Guddoomiyaha Bankiga Dhexe loo magacaabayo nin Ajnabi ah, kaddib markii Baarlamaanka ay horaantii sanadkan wax ka bedel ku sameeyeen wax ka bedelka Xeerka Baniga Dhexe.


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