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Gabar fiican

Somali Independence day

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Does any one live in Minneapolis?

If yes do you know if there is some think going on for Somali Independence day?

They usually have staff going on Lake st. if so let me know please.


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This is gonna sound cheesy, but Happy 4th of July everyone!!!! I am proud to be an American. I really Am. I love the freedom I have here. I can stand on my front porch with my Guntiino(which by the way makes me absolutely so amazingly stunning ;) ) if I wanted to without fear of being beaten to death by some looney wadaado.


Sorry not trying to leave non USAers out. Happy Canada day to all you Canucks too.

Enjoy the fireworks and the four day long weekend. Don't forget to protect your pets (if you have any) their hearing is very sensitive, I know Gismo is not going to like it.



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Originally posted by Tyjwania:

This is gonna sound cheesy, but Happy 4th of July everyone!!!! I am proud to be an American. I really Am. I love the freedom I have here. I can stand on my front porch with my Guntiino(which by the way makes me absolutely so amazingly stunning
) if I wanted to without fear of being beaten to death by some looney wadaado.


Sorry not trying to leave non USAers out. Happy Canada day to all you Canucks too.

Enjoy the fireworks and the four day long weekend. Don't forget to protect your pets (if you have some) their hearing is very sensitive, I know Gismo is not going to like it.



I am willing to take for your word that you look amazingly stunning amid the beautiful blonds so plenty in the neighbourhood with their skimpy clothes. Sorry to tell ya the bad news but the competition is fierce. Guntiino doesn't do it where skimpy clothes and barely covering outfits are the norm. Take your freedom to the next level and be part of the competition in full force, no set of principles moored in faith to hold you back from practicing your wishes. It is good to be carefree.


And btw, good luck in maximizing your new found freedoms, afterall, freedom means different things to different human beings ;)

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Guntiino doesn't do it where skimpy clothes and barely covering outfits are the norm. Take your freedom to the next level and be part of the competition in full force.

Although I do follow fashion trends, I'm not one to wear slutty clothing or feel I have to dress provocatively to get a nin, or compete for one in that matter. I dress to suit myself and how I feel most comfortable. I don't do it for attention, I certainly get enough of that without resorting to choosing clothes for that purpose.


As for your blonde comment, I suppose it all depends on how easily led by modern social programming a guy is, wots hot ands wots not etc. To each their own. :D


Here's where it gets interesting, and One more reason why I'm proud to be an American ;)

Take your freedom to the next level no set of principles moored in faith to hold you back from practicing your wishes. It is good to be carefree.

All this because of what? Has my new found Guntiino wearing freedom deemed me whorish and carefree? That's just priceless! icon_razz.gif


PS: Check out my signature, feels like deja vu as if I knew this would come up when I chose it. L0L.

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Hi Sweety, I can take this conversation to the next "A" grade level but decided I shouldn't hurt your female sensibilities :D


I shall be nice again and say to you that as a somali woman, you have beauty and grace.


I take back my "blond" taunts ;)



Dirac and Guntiino are cool and I would buy it for my wife so she could dress them for me, but going out with them is something else altogether. I am too jealous to let my woman be looked at by other men.


Guntiino is such sexy dress that in one glance a man can figure out all the shapes of a woman. Diracna waaba another version of lingerie, simply put on to dazzle your own husband. It is not dress for outside and only somalis wear them which is strange. It is too inviting you must agree.

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lol@dirac being another version of lingerie. Hey I have seen some somali mums wearing them, and they are not see through, with their big Chanel sunglasses they look hot, and a colourful version of Jilbabs. Especially the huge ones that are the trend right now.

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lol, Waterlily, I meant to say "Dirac" as an "intimate apparel" dressed of course as beauty tyjwania said would do it on her balcony :D

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