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Sanad Guuraddii 104 Aad Ee Ka Soo Wareeg Dagaalkii Lagu Hoobtay Ee Jidbaale

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Sanad Guuraddii 104 Aad Ee Ka Soo Wareeg Dagaalkii Lagu Hoobtay Ee Jidbaale Iyo Warbixintii Newyork Times Ka Qortay.


Jan 12, 2009 By:




Newyork( gobanimo doonka ahaa ee ay horkacayeen Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xassan iyo mujaahid Ismaciil Mire Cilmi wuxuu bilaabmay sanadkii 1899kii wuxuuna dhamaaday dabayaaqadii 1921kii kagadaal markii ciidamaddii Ingriiska ee Royal airforce duqayn ba'an u gaysteen dhulkana lasimeen caasimaddii Daraawiishta ee Taleex.


Duqayntaas oo noqotay middii ugu horaysay oo nooceedoo kalaa ee lagu qaado dhadhaqaaq kale oo African ah ayaa la orankaraa waxaa soo dedejiyey tabcooyin dhowr ahaa oo Daraawiish laheshay ciidamadii sancaddihii Ingiriiska khaasatan Guul darooyinkii ka soo gaadhay dagaaladii dulmadoobe ee dhegta dhiiga loogu daray major Gen. Regit Cofield oo hugaan u ahaa ciidamada Ingiriiska iyo ciidamadii kale raaciyadda u ahaa amaba aqbalay ku hoos noolaashaha gumaysiga. Ciidanka Daraawiishta ayaa markaas waxaa abaanduule ka ahaa Mujaahid wadani Ismaaciil Mire Isagoo Gabay ugu warbixinaya Sayid Mohamed sida uu u abaabulay dagaalka islamarkaana caalsaaraha uga qaatay ciidanka Koofil wuxuu yiri.


Sengeyaal tabaadihiyo gool, weerarka u tooxnay

Sidii Teyse rooboo onkoday, tiririgtii yeedhay

Teeriyo Berbera qayladii, tahan la waydaaray

Gaaladu waxay tacab lahayd, taabnay subaxaaba

Tirsanmaynin uunkii tirmiyon, Tulushle Iiddoore

Turjubaannadii daba socdiyo, Koofi lagu toogay

Maadhiin turaabtaa ka badan, tuurta kaga qaadnay.


Dhanka kale dagaalkii ugu geeridda badnaa ee dhexmara ciidamadai Ingiriiska iyo Daraawiish wuxuu ahaa dagaalkii lagu hoobtay ee ka dhacay goobta Jidbaale halkaas oo ay ku shahiideen in kabadan kudhawaad labo kun oo qof inkastoo war bixinta Newyork times sheegtay in ay ku geeriyoodeen kun nin oo dhanka daraawiishta iyo tiro yar oo Ciidamadii Ingriiska ah balse sida ay xaqiijiyeen odayaasha iyo taariikhyannada wax ka qoray halgankii Daraawiish tirada dhimashada ciidamada Daraawiisha ee maalintaas waxay ku sheegaan kun iyo lix boqol oo mujaahid halka ay dhanka kalena ku qiyaaseen ilaa ku dhawaad afar boqol.




Waxaa Inoo Soo Diyaariyey


Abdirahman Dhakalaf

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What do you mean asking for trouble. It's history mate. We have to face it. The good, the bad and the ugly.

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lol@oo diidey inuu dhulka ku socdo,


I thought that was only in other parts of Africa, not in Somalia where they used carry those white dudes.

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What is there to face me? A European couple going on a safari or the fact that they are being carried by paid men? This is not unique(to any part of the world pre-automobile age) nor is it bad or ugly.

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Originally posted by Adam-Zayla:

What is there to face
? A European couple going on a safari or the fact that they are being carried by paid men? This is not unique(to any part of the world pre-automobile age) nor is it bad or ugly.



We can not just collect the good sides of our history and throw the rest under the carpet. We cannot dismiss this picture as a couple going on a safari carried by paid men


This picture captures an era. It says as much as Ethiopian Tanks in the Bakaraha. It shows an English man and woman being carried by Somali men. It shows the power relation that existed at that time and era in that region.


But it is not all doom and gloom at the same period this picture was taken there were brave Somali men fighting for the honor of the Somali nation.


We can not just collect nice pictures and forget about the bad ones.


It is not the good pictures that teach us the lessons from history, it is the bad pictures that teach us and it is from the bad pictures we need to learn.


The mistakes we made 100 years ago are haunting us today. And what we are going through today, we went through 100 years ago. It is just that we did not learn from our history.


So we can do two things here:


1. We face our history and learn from it.

2. We pretend everything is shaxshax and pay for it along the way.


History is repeating and the choice is yours. So I would advice you to look at that picture, to read those two short articles and to see whether you see similarities between then and now.

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Have you ever wondered about the roots and historical justification of the administration whose flag you carry and support?


To my knowledge the administration you support seeks historical legitimacy from the period that that picture was taken.


Have you ever wondered about how life was under the colonial occupation of Northern Somalia? What was the role of the Somali's in that administration? Where the people of Northern Somalia happy with the colonial administration?


Did the people of Northern Somalia see the colonial administration as the legal government of that region? was the colonial government a legitimate government according to the people of Northern Somalia?

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^^They ruined a good picture qabilist ppl, looking for insults in everything.


I don't see anything to be ashmed off to be honest, these people were working for a living and the white people would pay them, they were the taxi of those days. What is the big deal? It is not like they are slaves in chains and must carry master white man.

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Qalbi-Adeyg I could show you a similar image involving puntlanders/Southerners and this is nothing to be ashamed about.


No me that's your own interpretation of the picture, because 1 the original picture had a different text(nothing like what is written on the copy you posted) from a book published 50/60 years ago(can't remember the title).


Secondly there are similar images from places such as Siam(Thailand) who were never colonized or dominated by foreigners. You could say that it was European wealth that enabled them to travel to foreign lands such as Siam, China and Japan and receive such treatment


Thirdly these 'carrying men' were not 'slaves' but actual paid men like the ones in China and India constrast this with the Dervish State where there were actual European weapons manufacturers being used as forced labourers in Sayyid's Castle are you telling me that if one of his followers had taken a photo of them that this image would be a symbol of Somali dominance over Europeans? not really!


In my eyes this picture is exactly how i described it in my previous post and one shouldn't make more of it. If you want real symbols from the era of European dominance look no further than the giving away of our traditional territories to other countries which sucked us into this mess in the first place. If you want symbols of Somali resistance look no further than the giant Somali Castles of that era that have survived and outshine every single Colonial relic.

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Originally posted by Abu_Diaby- Al Falastini:




read the caption attached(qolyaha sl) to the pic. Tell me that isn't tribalism at its worst?

It has nothing to do with tribalism, unless SL=one qabil now? Those men could be from any qabil.


It's just those somali in somaliland were pro-colonialism and worship the english even fighting against fellow somali's during that era, even some of them still do today which is sad.

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mr. me,


I know the history of my land, no need to preach to BadaCase. ;)


That picture you have posted doesn't not a proof any point. In fact, I question its validity . There are no proofs to specify whether or not that picture was taken in Sool, Sanaag or Togdheer. It's a picture meant as PR stunt to get some jabs at 'kuwa somaliland isku sheega". :D And there is no other reason that I can think of as to why posted it.








mr. Me what will you say about this one. Is this a 'history lesson' or down right false PR.? Look up to Adam Zayla' post for more enlightment.


pss. QalbiAdayg, saaxib. You spoke too soon. Oopz.

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