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Race and Intelligence: Science's Last Taboo

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In 2007, Nobel Prize winning US scientist James Watson was quoted referring to research suggesting that black people were less intelligent than other races. His comments caused a storm of controversy, Watson was condemned.

Although he apologised for the offence he caused, his public engagements were cancelled and he left his British speaking tour in disgrace.

Meanwhile, right wing websites hailed him as the new Galileo - a martyr to political correctness that was concealing the fact that there is indeed evidence that shows different races score differently in IQ tests. But are the tests biased? Is race really a scientific category at all?

In this documentary, part of the season Race: Science's Last Taboo, Rageh Omaar sets out to find out the truth, meeting scientists who believe the research supports the view that races can be differentiated as well as those who vehemently oppose this view. By daring to ask the difficult questions, Omaar is able to explode the myths about race and IQ and reveal what he thinks are important lessons for society.

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Lol. "Black women of low IQ should be sterilized"


Africa is doomed due to low IQ


Ethnic minorities with low IQ immigrating into North America and Europe are the biggest danger



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I'll let you in on what I think of this issue. But I don't have the time now. Rage Omar has really tried his best to confront the scientific evidence the right-wing groups use to justify their claim of race superiority. I think one should watch this show in its completeness. It's very enlightening to say the least. Arguments based on the pelvis size of East Asian, European and African women were even used to explain the bigger brain size of E. Asians and Europeans, while claiming that due to the Black woman's smaller pelvis size, her children are more likely to be born, well, with an IQ of around 70 compared to the higher 103 IQ of an E. Asian.


There were more counter-claims ofcourse that totally rejected such right-wing theories. And Rage Omar has went from the UK to the Brooklyn and then S. Africa among other places, to collage evidence. The environment in which children grow up and also the very 'purpose' of the IQ test (or instrumentalized Eugenics) are also dealt with. What became clear is that IQ tests do not 'measure intelligence per se', rather they test one's adaptability to the abstract world we currently live - a rather reconceptionalization of the world created by the advancement of science and technology - which starts from the first toys a baby is introduced to as a play thing.


Interesting arguments that surely require more time to ponder upon. Watch it Allamagan, that is, if you haven't already.

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What became clear is that IQ tests do not 'measure intelligence per se', rather they test one's adaptability to the abstract world we currently live - a rather reconceptionalization of the world created by the advancement of science and technology - which starts from the first toys a baby is introduced to as a play thing.

Agree. What most people dont know is IQ tests werent even designed to measure intelligence but differences in ability. Just like th ACT,SAT and ST, people run with it and made the benchmark for accomplishments.

The tests measure knowledge(institutionalized and cultural specific knowledge) rather than intelligence and anyone who is still holding on the demistified tests is way behind.

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C&H, brilliant take on it. Perhaps they should review these IQ tests and reform them to be more inclussive for all kids.

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The IQ test is not an indicator of anything its a specif to western environment and can't be used to measure intelligence.


Part of the IQ test is based on puzzles such as Sudokus, Crosswords etc and if you have never done or seen puzzle quiz before you are more likely to perform poorly. So does that mean you are less intelligent? I don't think so!

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Dhubad, exactly. Not many of us are big fans of crosswords or other puzzle-like games, but it seems as if one comes up with such tests based what they already know to discredit others. These Westernised tests are deliberately put in place to fashion intelligence according to pre-percieved results. Thus, someone who has been brought up in an environment in which they have been made accustomed to such things, is seated next to an ill-accustomed another - in supposedly fair exams.


This sort of practice and understanding it for what it is, is infact key to solving the rest of the world's probelms - the rest of the world that is only too busy at becoming the best copy-cats. I remember starting a topic in the Camel Milk Debate some years ago that called for the 'unsheathing of the native mind' from 'foreign' (misleading Western) knowledge, and using what I called organic cultural, knowledge to help build stronger foundation for the sustainable growth of our own (beneficial) knowledge.

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I have to admire the balls of Rageh to take on this and come to the enlightened conclusion that intelligence and how well one does is not determined by a score in some IQ test, but by the environment and the socail factors. However, as is practically shown, if these were to break down, anyone can shine and succeed.


Nothing beats a sense of hardwork no matter where you find yourself in. A determined sense of hardwork can you through any situaiton in life and emerge successful on the other side. Example, check out this fellow and how he achieved against all odds.

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Thanks Paragon, I watched it, find it very interesting and highly informative. These bigots, small minority of white scientists’ opinions are of little account to any sane person, maybe to people like Nick Griffin. IQ test can be considered as ‘knowledge or achievement test and in no way can be recognised as a true yardstick of intelligence. no racial supremacy in intelligence at all. Looking at the races, what these racist scientists failed to take on board was the historical impact of enslavement and decades of racist government policies (USA, south Africa) including that colonial exploitation/ subjugation of Africa plus all those sh1t inherited from them ...a huge setback ...a contributed factor of where we are today.


I agree with Rageh the key to change this is“We have to change culture if we want to change the status quo” education education education education education education.

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