
Is Somalia on track? A Danish take...

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A doze of reality check. 

It is a revelation indeed. The majority of hotel bombings are from assassination squads operating from Villa AMISom and other power centres. 

Another quote: "Farmaajo is betting Ethiopia will help him install him as a new dictator for Somalia, or Somalia will be back to sqaure one in civilwar"

Other noteables:

1. No elections taking place in 2020

2. Alshebab will not be defeated

3. No Somali security force worthy of its name.

4. Current political leadership in Villa AMISom is on wrong track.

5. Corruption and power misuse


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Poor Cheeseman thinks that Ethiopia can keep him in Villa AMISom. He turned his back on those that have sustained the whole project, i.e. The EU/US donor countries.

With Cheeseman failing to meet International Community's milestones and key expectations as agreed in the London Conference 2017.  The IC have now set Jun 2019 as deadline to have very basics in place. Which is totally unattainable. But never the less that their date before they unwind their support and the whole AMISom "BS" collapses. 

Here is a sneak peek of what is to come. 


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The noose is tightening around Cheesemans neck which is has prompted him to do the unthinkable. 

He has declared the newly appointed UNSG Rep as Persona-non-grata. 



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Farmajo needs a lot of luck for the following not to happen:


Yemen war does not stop so that Eritrea is wanted by UAE and Daudi

Ghelleh does not resolve his fight with UAE and his problems with America until 2-3 years from now

Turkey does not get breather in Syria, because the Turkish are angry with Farmaajo

Ethiopia does not run out of UAE money and turn cold on Farmaajo from Eritrea

Puntland does not elect a strong president who can simply ignore Farmaajo and deal with UAE


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