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Blair - Your thoughts,,,,,,

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Blair is probably the greatest ever performer at the dispatch box, he destroyed a succession of Tory leaders.

I think destroyed is an understatement :D


The best politician speaker I have ever seen. A liar yes but a great speaker.

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History will judge him harshly. Let's see if Gordon Brown sucks up to Uncle Sam the same way his partner did.


Hopefully he will take a look at 'lessons learned' summary and learn from them.

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Prime minister: Gordon Brown

Chancellor: Alistair Darling (tipped)

Foreign Secretary: David Miliband

Home Secretary: Jacqui Smith

Health: Alan Johnson

Schools and children: Ed Balls (tipped)

Justice: Jack Straw (tipped)

Commons leader: Harriet Harman (tipped)

Defence Des Browne (tipped)

Int Development: Douglas Alexander

Work and Pensions: Peter Hain

Northern Ireland: To be confirmed

Cabinet office minister: Ed Miliband (tipped)

Culture: James Purnell (tipped)

Transport: Ruth Kelly

Lords leader: To be confirmed

Environment: Hilary Benn (tipped)

Chief Whip: Geoff Hoon (tipped)

Industry: John Hutton

Duchy of Lancaster: To be confirmed

Communities: To be confirmed

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