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Right now, I can only think of getting into Paradise and keeping well away from hell. That would be a bonus. The one thing the really interests me is thearchitecture of paradise, when ever I see a really nice building or a great landscape or read an interior design piece; I find myself wondering about how magnificent the structural design in heaven this going to be. A house in lower depths of heaven will be far more superior [beyond our scope superior] than all the magnificence of this earth. And then there’s the cloths of paradise, silk, rich colours. And OHMYGod, the thing that just makes you want to prostrate and cry – knowing that you have any opportunity to see The Almighty One that has Created All of That and blessed you with it. Yaa Allah bless us with the taqwa to enter your paradise. Ameen.



Originally posted by chubacka:


The two pious ppl who are married in dunya will also be together in jannah aswell ryt?


I remember reading about a cute couple from the the early sahabis and how that they were so in love, they have agreed that if one of them passed away, the other will not remarry so that Allah will reunite them in jannah. I can't think of anything sweeter. This is why husbands and wives should do their ibadaat together and encourage each other to do good. May Allah place that much love in our marriages… Ameen. Still, it's good to know that you've the option to upgrade :Dicon_razz.gif


[ September 15, 2007, 09:10 AM: Message edited by: Zenobia ]

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Nin baa show xaaskiisa khaati ka taagnaa oo ay ku dhib badatay isaguna wuu iska samri jiray. Maalintii dambe ayuu soo fadhiistay masaajid sheekh uu wacdi ka jeedinayo, markuu waxoogaa dhegeystey buu sheekhii oo wacdigii sii wataa yidhi:


Hadii ninkii iyo naagtii aduunyada isku qabay ay dhintaan hadana jannada ayay isugu imanayaan oo ay wada joogayaan ,,,


Ninkii inta uu fadhigii ka kacay oo uu is haysan waayay buu inta uu qayliyay yidhi:


MA TANAA WELIBA ILAA AAKHIRANA I DABA TAAGNAANAYSA .... :D ,,, markaasuu masaajidkii iskaga baxay.

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LayZieGirl, something you wanna tell me? How in the world are you his dumaashi?

KK, what is there to explain?


The child is not well, his mind is deteriorating.


He once said that because he knows he can never have me, he would rather keep me close than lose me.(as if he ever had me). Even if it means hooking up with one of his brothers.


Obviously, I didn't take him serious, but it seems that he is still living with the hope that one day I might become part of his family, it's a crazy notion, but not much Lazy can do about wacko's, KK. (You gotta let wacko's be)

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^ Dumaashi I think you might have missed my previous post. I can withstand anything you say, so Keep them coming. smile.gif


Besides, the term 'dumaashi' could be used for multiple purposes. I think it's time for somali 101 in here. Mise dumaashi dhaqan celis ayaan kugu suubinaa? :D


PS. all my brothers are married away, so that mean ehem... :cool:

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Lazy an Mslm seriously there must be some history...I am sooo intrigued!



anyway its ramadan so lets put differences aside (for a while at least?!)

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BadaCas, seriously now...One night you're saying:

I am not in the mood for explaining things tonight birthday girl. sorry

And then the next night you're saying:

hadiiba wax laqariyo soomaha gacaliso?

Eeshma haada shuqul yaa walad... (who, what...where did that carabi come from) Horaa Sayidka wuxuu u yiri "af muslim mise af gaal"...So are gonna explain yourself or what?


LG, what can I say if BadaCas wants you to be in his family, must be your addictive personality... :D

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Jac, and there was this guy, similar situations,always had problems with his wife,and when she died, he divorced her at burial site, and when asked why he did it, he said he didnt want Allah to reunite them in Jannah!



Badacas, nin yahow What is going on?, waa lagu careeyee! I thought you were the ladies man there!


Ps, if you need some tricks,let me know. :D

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Originally posted by Dabshid:

Jac, and there was this guy, similar situations,always had problems with his wife,and when she died, he divorced her at burial site, and when asked why he did it, he said he didnt want Allah to reunite them in Jannah!



looooooooooooooooooool :D:D


Ninkaasaa wacdaro dhigay walee ........



how come you give advices ?? ....

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Bal nin naag dhimatay kuleh, Sadex baan kugu furay!


Btw,Advice,Is it your field saxb,Miyaan kugu soo xad gudbay? lool,Send him few lines from your manual, :D

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Hell and displeasing Allah are strong enough motivators to make you want to work towards Heaven rather than hot men and women...and I think your beat up old imperfect regular Farax from this life could be upgraded for the hereafter.


I second Layzie's sentiments on this topic smile.gif .

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Originally posted by -Lily-:

I think your beat up old imperfect regular Farax from this life could be upgraded for the hereafter.

LOOOOOOOOOOOL...You the song UPGRADE U by Beyonce leeba i xasuusisay...They can certaily use a lot of upgrading... sorry no offence!!! ;)

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