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The perfect guy!

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Assalamu Calaykum


...dear friends especially our lovely sisters in this section we call it 'women' section.


You might be thinking where is this dude going with this. Or perhaps you might thinking that I am going to make some kinda of list that would some how illstrate what a worldy perfect guy would be. But naah I am not going towards that direction.


However, as many of us are aware when good men enter paradise by Allah's will (we all hope to get Insha Allah) they are rewarded with many things among which is the woman whose artiries and viens could be seen through her bones. A woman so perfect that she will never say or utter anything unpleasant. Always kind, loving and caring. . That is for the men allright.


But what about good women, do they get anything like that when enter paradise Insha Allah.?


Here is the good news! YES...they will Insha Allah tacalaa.


All the good women who enter paradise will get the perfect man. One who is handsome like we can't imagine, kind, caring and all that you ever dreamed of and more. however unlike men, you won't get partners in multiples. Though you won't need, because this one man will be all that you ever will ask for from a man and more. Ever so handsome ever so kind and forever caring and loving.




Just imagine this sisters, wouldn't you love to have this perfect man? I think you would all love to have him.


That is what awaits good sisters. I pray and hope that each one of you get there Insha Allah. Amin Amin.




S.lamu calaykum.

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All the good women who enter paradise will get the perfect man. One who is handsome like we can't imagine, kind, caring and all that you ever dreamed of and more. however unlike men, you won't get partners in multiples.

I am fasting and I dont want to be rude, but seriously the cereal I had at 5am this morning aad almost iga matajisay, just by reading your post.

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You only had cereal?! yeah I can see why. Hunger causes anger.


As for the rudeness. That is okay, I can take it from you dumaashi. smile.gif

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May Allah make it easy for us all to enter jannah inshallah, would that not be the greatest achievement?!


The two pious ppl who are married in dunya will also be together in jannah aswell ryt?


Anyway Ramadan Karim ppl.


Thanks 4 da reminder of Jannah Red. Now all we gotta do is work to get there! ;)

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Absulately walal. yep you are very correct. Two couples who love, respect, admire one another in this life will Insha Allah reunite in the hereafter.


Amin amin.

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I was wondering abt this matter for some time now. So, I am glad to know sisters who work hard in the dunya will be rewarded insha allah. :D


May Allah guide us all to the right path insha allah and Jazakalaah red sea for taking the time to post it.



wa salaamu alaikum

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^^^sister did u have doubts or somthing?


For Muslim men and women,- for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah's praise,- for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and great reward. Quran

by red woman whose artiries and viens could be seen through her bones

Red, on da real i never heard of this before, where's ur to explain? thanks

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Originally posted by Mslm: Red Sea:

As for the rudeness. That is okay, I can take it from you dumaashi.

LayZieGirl, something you wanna tell me? How in the world are you his dumaashi?


Mslm, you have some explaining to do!!!

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Assalamu Calaykum,





It's good news huh. Keep up the good work and you are sured by Allah' will to land spot in paradise Insha Allah. Ducona waan kuugu darnay walale. smile.gif





The narations below went ever further than I did. Check out the highlighted parts.



Narations from Sahiihayn:


- "there is not in all Paradise a single unmarried man"; - "Each man among them shall have two wives"; - " the marrow of each of the two wives' shanks will be seen glimmering under the flesh :D " i.e. these beautiful wives will be glistening and shining; - "their wives will be the Hur al-`Ayn";


read this article for complete details and explanations.


Kool Kaat,


I am not in the mood for explaining things tonight birthday girl. sorry(: :D

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Originally posted by Mslm: Red Sea:

Kool Kaat,


I am not in the mood for explaining things tonight birthday girl. sorry(:

Little under the weather...Aight, how about tomorrow then...You know what they say "wixii la qariyo, qurunaa ku jira"... :D

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Originally posted by Mslm: Red Sea:

Absulately walal. yep you are very correct. Two couples who love, respect, admire one another in this life will Insha Allah reunite in the hereafter.


Amin amin.

Asi lee ku daba joogo weli? Do women have a say in who they marry in the hereafter?


Teeda kale, gabdha xaa u discourage gareehee[their only shot is in akhiro]? I'A adduunka intay joogaana waa helayaan mid "almost' perfect ah.


To all the single girls: There IS someone for everyone. You have a wholeeeeeee life time ahead of you! Just keep living your life day to day doing what you do and I promise, before you know it, he will be right there. ;)

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^ :D waa hadii aad jeceshahay oo kaliya hadii aanad rabin. You are the boss of your choices in the hereafter. Allah will give anything you desire. Kabiish.


In addition, I am not really trying to discourage the good sisters. But you can never find the 'perfect guy' in this world and vice versa for men as well. Even if you think you got the perfect guy, he cannot compete with the one stored for good sisters.


As for your Q. This might help:


"Regarding the sister’s desire to not be with her current husband in Paradise, may Almighty Allah make us and her among its dwellers, it is known that the believers will lead a happy and luxurious life in Paradise and that, according to the Qur’an, they will have all that they choose. Based on this, it cannot be said that a woman will be compelled to be a wife of a certain person in Paradise. This is not compatible with the absolute happiness that believers are to enjoy there. Life in Paradise is based on satisfying its dwellers.


The issue of a woman’s choice of a husband in Paradise was also examined by Imam Al-Qurtubi in his At-Tadhkirah fi Ahwal Al-Mawta wa 'Umur Al-Akhirah, (vol. 2, p. 640). He cited many reports about the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and the Companions (may Allah be pleased with all of them). But the aspect in which Imam Al-Qurtubi handled the issue was with regard to those women who married more than once in this world. Which husband would they live with in Paradise? According to him, this will be based on their choice and the kind treatment of the husbands in this world.


However, it is to be mentioned that the conditions and personality of the people in Paradise are not to be compared to those of the people in this world. One’s conditions change completely in Paradise. A person in Paradise will be a symbol of purity and mildness. There will be no room for arrogance, malice, hatred, and other such negative qualities"



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