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cynical lady

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I believe that famous phrase was said concerning your lot, dear lad. Tis a joke for you to utter it against me boy. icon_razz.gif


It was along the lines of what you said.

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^No it wasnt. You called CL ******. icon_razz.gif


CL dear,why be so mean? - actually once you get over the wounded pride one can see the funny bit.

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When I say your lot, I don't mean ciyaalka xaafadda but you know, people from your area. Anyway, let's not get political icon_razz.gif


Malika, ever heard of Soko Mjinka? :D

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Haatu-nothing political but what area are you talking-I have been rumored to be from so many areas of Somalia. You will have to be specific :D


Malika....Bal adaa afjinigaan taqaantidey maxuu cl ku yiri Haatu?

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Malika, CL is only CL. Besides, what could possibly go wrong when I won't understand her Swahili anyway? :D


Che, I'm not talking about qolodaada (I know it anyway but not a lot do - blame nuune :D ), I'm on about your beloved city area.

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Mpumbavu utamjua tu, kiswahili haki wezi lakini bado. Hatuu jifunze luga kwanzaa alafu rudi.


Mpendwa hali nawe? P.s sibabaeshwe na mlendo shoga.


P.s.s mpendwa mean, me? Never. And it’s funny, you just refuse to admit it.


Che- why not?

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Hell yes I am, and I can. What are you going to do about it… haa haaa haa!!! P.s I am sijui and proud, don’t care for the waxiid part though. * starts singing mwimbo wa taifa.


Che-unbutton that macawiis dear and Chillax. Laugh cause it is funny.

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