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my friend is very hip 'n' cool, the other day she sent me a message, i swear i could not decipher it, it was consumed in slang. I had to ring her to find out what she was talking about. I preached her for hours, she told me to calm down but i could not explain my sheer anger. slang is not cool :mad:



If that was no the worst part, i had to right a formal e-mail to my supervisor and upon her reply, i somehow managed to scroll down catching a glimpse of what i initially sent her, then to my horror...... it contained words like "urs" my heart sunk into a pit-hole, in my unconsciounsess i have become the very indiviudals i despise. The only thing my ****** private school taught me was how to be articulate and snobby and here i am, "KHAASAARO" :mad:


I need to catch-up with my old contacts, see if they can put me back on track.Nothing those arrogant, articulate buddies can fix, eventhough i am going to have to exclude some of their legally blonde ways-but i am telling myself its an emergency. I hate slang, now i dont want to see my supervisor :( , my friend is to blame for all of this isn't she?, I should write well-versed/constructed messages from now on, hopefully it will be her that will be influenced :D

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Indeed Xayaat, u need 2 keep away from da people who use slang :D


Anyway, I don't use slang, it is my Engiliish dat is not up 2 date 4 da moment, dat is all, don't like slang, ooh, slang in Somali is soo nicee.

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Dey say s/th u can't understand @ all ... ppl are sometimes crazy writin' all dat stuff and still wan us 2 understand wat dey're sayin' ....



rudy should joint diz thread ...... :D

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Hayat lol you can't blame your friends. You just need to understand when its appropriate to use slang and when it isn't. And, if you can't do that, then whose to blame? yourself I GUESS smile.gif




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she never listens, just today she sent me another message-its like we never even discussed anything! :mad:


this is what she wrote;

Nayaa i kp clln u bt ur fne keepz syin itz off...jst syin hi tke cre

this was my reply,


"my dearest beloved friend. I regret to have to hear that you could not reach me, my outmost apologise. I have been about hankering after the world and merely necessities. I have lately been making new aquintances. How have you been occupying your time?we have been bestowed with fine weather-do tell me if you find any affairs we can mingle with in our disarray of boredome.

awaiting your reply



kind regards,

your beloved friend


lol@nuune. i swear it amazes how some people find it much easier to write slang(a reason of convenience you hear most say), it actually causes me to think, there is no flow and i come to a hault everytime i try to write anything in that nature. Its outrages.


detest slang even though I spoke it alot in my younger years it was never written.


yeah the verbal form is much reasonable- eventhough sometimes i hit a brick wall- but i have a favourite quote "for shizzle my nizzle" rub who knews if it stores itslef in the unconcscious(would cause quite a steer


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changes....ok lets start with this. change your name from blessed to "uncontent" quite personally i guess you have just displayed an innate capacity to fall short of your stance.



as for my friend, she CHOOSES to write in slang, just like you(state-school level) she has adequate knowledge in use of language if she can be bothered!


by the way i write like this so that average misers like you can be given a fair go and not resort to refering to a dictionary all the time-if anything i am helping you dear. keep up- for the sake of converastion. :D:D



I need a legitimate reason to hate on you rich kids..

dont hate them, hate their parents unlike yours they are willing to give their children opportunities , and close a generation gap-quite frankly



your writing is appalling!

i will ignore that after all, like you said


I know that I should be the last person to make such statements,

its nice to see you can admit your lack of creadibility-


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^I genuinely felt bad but anyway..


I'm not the one that is bragging about something that I'm obviously having trouble with, so can you admit to your lack of substance? Yes, no.. Get defensive. Ay, dhoon keer. It's all pots and kettles, really. ;)


p.s I see improvement already. Carry on.. :D

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You just need to understand when its appropriate to use slang and when it isn't.

My gosh are the women in this topic breathing helium?. AAliyah, darls this is not an outcry against my inability to recognize when to use slang or not-its simply the lapse in formality which was caused by my friends infatuiation with slang. I have been conversing with her so much these days-i have taken home to work.!


The guys are so much understanding- women and their attention to pity details, in the process they overlook the situation in its entirety.

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