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Hargeisa vs. Burco vs. Sheikh vs. Berbera etc---

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Assalamu Calaykum,


Good day folks,


I know this sounds bit to looking far ahead, but insha Allah I am planing to raise my future family back home. I contradict myself of whether to raise my family in my hometown of Hargeisa or my ancestrol state of Togdheer or neither and settle else where like Shiekh.


My first choice was Hargeisa but now days Hargeisa is becoming a huge city where every Cali and Xalimo come to live and so is Burco. The city of Berbera is beautiful, because of its Red Sea waters but bit too hot to live in. If I went with Borame, it is bit too far west of where I want to be, Las Anod a bit too far East. Not that there is something wrong with both Borame and Las Anod, but they are distance away of the major cities such as Hargeisa, Berbera, Burco. I want a place that is close to all these places.


So, I have cut the choices of my future residence locations into two choices; Sheikh and Erigabo. Both of these places have a pleasant weather, beautiful saroundings all around them, like the "Dawga Sheikha" in Shiekh as its called and Daalo mountains in Sanaag.


One problem with Erigabo though, it's a place which a conflict might occur between the two neighboring regions of Somaliland and Puntland at any given time. So for that reason I have to eleminate Cerigabo, which leaves me with one choice; the city of Shiekh to be the place I settle permanently .


What is your ONE place of all places and tell us why? it doesn't have to be the regions that I have mentioned above.It could be outside of Somaliland as everyone is welcome to discuss.




Assalamu Calaykum.

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Las Anod a bit too far East.

Well, Las-Anod is located North-Central Somalia region, like math, relative to distance from a reference point


Shiekh is a great choice, due to its climate


Insha Allah, I will settle a Muslim country specifically one of the Gulf States, luckily it will be very easy for me to visit Hergeysa, Las-anod, and Bosaso on every holiday

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