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Fadhato aka Bililiqo

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Dadkaas aa nabad rabaan aa lagu dhahaa markaas..naga dhaaf yaaqee.


waan xusuustaa dagaalka markuu qarxay, whilst some people trying to survive and make through the city others started looting anything and everything they could get their hands on from TV sets to the photo albums.


What a shame.

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Didn't you see how New Orleans ppl looted super markets in the Katarina disaster?. After 20 yrs of lawlessness and without central government all I can say is Alxamdulillaah calal Islaam.

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Haa!!! waa bililiqo, diirato, murdiso. Guryaha sidan ayey u galaan: Marka hore alaabta ayey kala baxaan, kadibna albaabada iyo daaqadaha ayey ka furtaan. Markaasay u soo noqdaan oo jiingadaha kala cararaan, kama dambaystiina waxay qotaan oo dhulka kala baxaan qasabadaha biyaha iyo waayirada korontada.


Reer bililiqo aka diirato waxa kaliya oo aanay ku saqajaamin waa gidaarada iyo bulaacadaha.

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Well, if anyone can recognise someone in that photo; they can "bililiqo blackmail" that person the way Lazie does. :D:D



“I have to start by stating that Tuujiye and I go along way back and I know he is good people. He is truly a compassisonate young man who cares about people.


However, I do have to confess and say I have never known him to be this passionate about anything as much as he is about the "gaal question". (not even his bililiqo days, which he use to take crush courses on people's possesions was he this passionate)”






“Tuujiska, wa sida nin qalal ku dhacay aa noqotay, ee iisheeg waxa aan badalay?


The purpose of opening this thread was to help you realize the same self-defeating behaviors you have adopted from others(you know who you are) as of late and why your behaviour is unislamic.


You were two posts away from calling Ibti gaaalo if I did not attempt to halt this madness.


A good bililiqo boy like you oo Muslim ah dadka inuu ku dhaho maaha diinta aa ka baxde, mase diinta aa daciif eh, mase waa gaalowday.”

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