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Deeq A.

Uhuru receives credentials of new Somali ambassador to Kenya

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Deeq A.   

The New Somali ambassador to Kenya has presented his credentials in Nairobi on Wednesday.

Mohamud Ahmed Nur alias Tarzan presented his diplomatic credentials to Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta in Nairobi state house together with seventeen other envoys.

The former mayor of Mogadishu will immediately start his new diplomatic career as ambassador in Somali embassy.

The mission was without envoy for the past two years since ambassador Gamal Mohamed left to take up cabinet position in President Kheyre government.

Tarzan is set to inject new ideas to strengthen already existing diplomatic and economic bilateral ties between the two neighbouring states.

Kenya and Somalia restored their diplomatic relations in July 2015 after decades of civil war in the country that paralyzed major government institutions.

The two countries share growing business and security cooperation since the reestablishment of the Nairobi embassy in Mogadishu.

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