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Press Release





Lord Triesman, Foreign Office Minister for Africa, today met with His Excellency Mr Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, President of the Transitional Federal Republic of Somalia. The President is visiting the UK on 21-22 February as a guest of the British Government. He has a range of meetings with the government, including calls yesterday on the International Development Secretary, Hilary Benn, and the Foreign Affairs Select Committee. He will also address a meeting today on Somalia at Chatham House.


Lord Triesman said:


'We are delighted that President Yusuf of Somalia is visiting the UK as a guest of the British government. We welcome President Yusuf's commitment to reconciliation in Somalia and will support him in his efforts to establish representative, inclusive institutions in Somalia with the support of the people of Somalia. We believe this will help bring peace, stability and democracy to Somalia for the first time in many years.'


Hilary Benn said:


'The challenge of reconstructing and developing Somalia is immense. Four out of five children do not go to school. The average life expectancy is 47, and nearly a quarter of children die before the age of five. But genuine reconstruction will only happen if there is true reconciliation, including a reconciliation congress, and lasting peace in the country. The UK remains committed to helping the President and the Transitional Federal Institutions to find that peaceful settlement, and start to meet the needs of the Somali people.'


Notes to Editors

President Yusuf is visiting with a delegation that includes The Hon Hussein Elabie Fahie, Minister of Planning; Mr Mohammed Wasame Farah, the Head of National Security Agency; and Mr Ali Dirir Farah, Permanent Secretary of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

The UK is one of the largest bilateral donors to Somalia, providing £15.5 million of assistance in 2006/07.

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Lord Triesman said:


We welcome President Yusuf's commitment to reconciliation in Somalia and will support him in his efforts to establish representative, inclusive institutions in
Somalia with the support of the people of Somalia.

Hilary Benn said: But genuine reconstruction will only happen if there is true reconciliation, including a reconciliation congress, and lasting peace in the country

And this is what the president of Somalia said couple weeks ago.


“I believe that the leaders of the Islamic Courts are criminals who committed crimes against the nation and the population, therefore how can I talk to such people?” President Yusuf said from the southwestern Somali city of Baidoa

Talk of useless talk..

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Lord Triesman, Foreign Office Minister for Africa, today
met with His Excellency Mr Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, President of the Transitional Federal Republic of Somalia.
The President is visiting the UK on 21-22 February as a guest of the British Government. He has a range of meetings with the government, including calls yesterday on the International Development Secretary, Hilary Benn, and the Foreign Affairs Select Committee.
He will also address a meeting today on Somalia at Chatham House.

Lord Triesman said:


'We are delighted that President Yusuf of Somalia is visiting the UK as a guest of the British government.
We welcome President Yusuf's commitment to reconciliation in Somalia and will support him in his efforts to establish representative, inclusive institutions in Somalia with the support of the people of Somalia.
We believe this will help bring peace, stability and democracy to Somalia for the first time in many years.'


Hilary Benn said:


'The challenge of reconstructing and developing Somalia is immense. Four out of five children do not go to school. The average life expectancy is 47, and nearly a quarter of children die before the age of five. But genuine reconstruction will only happen if there is true reconciliation, including a reconciliation congress, and lasting peace in the country.

The UK remains committed to helping the President and the Transitional Federal Institutions to find that peaceful settlement, and start to meet the needs of the Somali people.'

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