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Naagtaada maxa ku furi leheed ama Ninkaada Uga Dalban leheed Furiin.

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smile.gif Naagtaada maxa ku furi leheed ama Ninkaada Uga Dalban leheed Furiin.Waxaan ku fikiraayay Hadi naagta ogtahay sheyada aad kufuri kartid ama Ninkaaga ogyahay sababta aad ugu dalban kartid Furitaan miyeey Dhibaato ama Furiin dhici lahaa.lets see SOL Ideas.


Naagtaada maxa ku furi leheed ama Ninkaada Uga Dalban leheed Furiin?



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1- diiinti uu ka tagay

2- in uu shaqeen.

3- caruurta uu barbaarintooda qeeb wacan ka qaadan.

4- in uu dhoho naag kale raba in aa kula guursado

5- reerkeyga uu ihtiraami waayo yacni abahay hoyaday walaaalahay iwm.


I can't think of anything else right now.But, insha allah if am ever married I wont get divorced.I believe in giving the brother few chances so things might work out for the better, especially if there is kids involved.


wa salaamu alaikum

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This post made me laugh for some reason.


Aaliyah, Naag kale is no 4? That's quiet a long way down the list ma istiri? icon_razz.gif Hmmm.

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diiinti uu ka tagay

2- in uu shaqeen.

3- caruurta uu barbaarintooda qeeb wacan ka qaadan.

4- in uu dhoho naag kale raba in aa kula guursado

5- reerkeyga uu ihtiraami waayo yacni abahay hoyaday walaaalahay iwm.


caruurta uu barbaarintooda qeeb wacan ka qaadan. Aaaliya Sababtaan sax...Lakiin kuwa kale Micnahooda ufur waaye

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I feel the extreme things don’t need to be mentioned, they are so obviously RED card and self evident such as dishonesty & disloyalty on a grand scale, being criminal etc. It’s easy to say this & that would constitute it if we are not in the situation.


Well if he leaves his faith, you are no longer married, right? At least that’s the way I understood it. So that shouldn’t be part of it.

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Lily they are all as important as one another. If a man ever tells me he wants to marry another, that is fine with me he will just have to take his stuff on his way out ;)


caruurta uu barbaarintooda qeeb wacan ka qaadan


waxan ula jeeda yacni caruurta wu in uu iskoolka ka caawiya diinta bara waqtigiisana la qeebsada. ma aha in uu aniga kaliya igu eego, in that case albaabka kaso xidhanaya Kabish ;)


ninka oo diintisa ka tagay


taas waxa ula jeeda in uu diintiisa ku dhaqmin uu mathalan tukan, soomin ama wixi ilaahay amray sameen. ma odhan karta marka wuu galobay? am not sure,ilaahay ba og taas.

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Let me tell


Hadii eynaan kari karin ama diyaari karin quraac beeela ah Subaxdi(i am serious)


Guriga marka aan imado haadi anan ku raxesan karin(farxad, jawi degen iyo wax walba ee sameenaya farxad).



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^I was kinda being sarcastic.


wa in aad qofka waxyaala badan ka eegta xaga diinta dhaqanka waxbarashada shaqada. ma aha in aa ku ekaatid cunta miiska ma isoo saari karta icon_razz.gif

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^^^adiga uun iska fakaraya, haday diin ledahay iyo waxbarasho waxaad ogaanasa bari caruurtaada in ay gacan wacan ku jiraan, fata dhug waxaas lama dhoho.


laakin haday miiska bariis lagu so saaray waxwalba ku yahay wa sheeko ku taala.

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Toronto gal, fiiri Diinta waa muhiin, dhaqankana farxada guriga mawa jiri kara hadu wanagsaneen...Lakin naag wadad aan raabaa not my priorities--i just wanna someone aan fahmi kara in fahmi karta.

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