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Live Stream of the Ship followed by Isreali Warships

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An important event that is taking place despite the mainstream media giving it very little attention is the 8 or 9 humanitarian aid ships that have left Turkey, Switzerland, Greece, England, Ireland, Algeria and other places headed straight to Gaza to break the blockade imposed by Israel. The organizers have setup a LIVE video stream on board the main ship for the world to witness what will happen as they approach Gaza.


Those aboard the ships have reported that Israeli warships are now following their convoy and Isreal has been actively cutting off their live feed signal.

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No audio....and most of those people in the live shot are wearing lifejackets, prepared for the worse contingency, even a niqabi lady is running around the live shot.


Not long ago al Jazeera reported that the flotilla changed course in order to avoid showdown with the Israeli Navy in the dark. Both the Israeli media and the associated press reported that the Israeli Navy made contact with the flotilla and warned them not to cross the blockage and gave them ultimatum: To either follow the navy on a near by port in order to examine the content in the ship and redistribute through the strip by way of following the blockage rules through Israeli Personnel or to face the consequence of not complying with the orders of the navy.


When I read about them, they were preparing to sail but this showdown will not amount to nothing, which is why the mainstream media is uninterested, it doesnt generate enough hype for them to be worthy of the 24/7 cable news screens because the end result is known.


These organizers talk smack and in the end they will comply with orders and return home and there will be no story to report.

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The world has turned its back on poor nation literally. they are being cordoned and it's nobody's problem. Shame on humanity!


Congratulations for everybody who took part of the convoy, being with them once, i can tell you how arduous it is and the mental stress that comes with. It takes a lot of guts( specially with all the harassment from the Israeli and Egyptian side). These volunteers shown sincerity, dedication and affection for the people of Gaza.

kudos to them.

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It appears that I was wrong and there is a story here.


Flotilla is under siege. Israeli commandos are inside the vessel, pointing their guns at the activists.



No one can understand the turkish TV reporter or what happened between the time the captain of the flotilla reported to be turning away from the gaza and the time the vessel became under siege.


Shots have been fired and still heard inside the vessel. The live stream shots show what appears to be medics attending to the injured and can be seen clearly, their lifejackets have stains of blood. Al Jazeera Arabic and english are running the same shots while turkish TV is showing the live shots with the commandos on board. Again, the Flotilla is under Israeli Siege.



Less than an hour ago the reports were that the flotilla was turning back but now a helicopter is hovering over the vessel.



Latest update, two are dead and over 30 others injured. According to the reports coming out now, the attack happened on international waters, Israel entered the vessel illegally and started shooting at passengers, reports an eye witness.


Update#2: According to Jerusalem Post, the Army radio reports that the passengers in the vessel attempted to "wrestle the guns from the Israeli commandos", those big bad boys who came blazing with their guns inside the vessel and flex their muscle at unarmed passengers, who repeatedly said they were unarmed on atleast two previous radio reports now were reported to be playing wrestle mania with the commandos and that led the soldiers to open fire, which now is being reported at 10 for the death toll. 10 People are reported dead, says spokeswoman for the Free Gaza Movement on AJE, or atleast according to her lawyer in Israel.


On other news, the Israeli consulate is under attack by protesters in Turkey. Reports say Turkish leaders have dispatched the Israeli Ambassador to Turkey in order to explain why commandos killed between 2-10 people in cold blood in the early morning hours while cameras were on their faces. (yes, talk should get it done)

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Twitter is ablaze with the news. Be interesting if the main stream media picks it up and how they spin it.


CNN seems to be using their turkish counterpart on this one.

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Wallaahi, qalbiga wuu la ololaa, indhuhuna la ilmeeyaan, madaxuna la xanuunaa dhibka Ummaddaa lagu hayo!.


67di & wixii ka horreeyey qofka Masriga ah wuxuu aaminsanaa inuu dhiigiisa Falastiin u huro, haddana Askariga Masriga ayaa uga daran kan Sahyuuniga! Allahul Mustacaan.

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Ilaahey u naxariso. Ameen. They sacrificed the ultimate for their brothers and sisters in Gaza. Martyres.

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As usual Israel again proved that it is above any international laws. No country or a leader including Obama dares to stop them. So, I am not expecting anything will change here. Even the media will stop talking about it very soon.


The scale of what had transpired last night is yet to come. Truth will come out when these people are expelled by Israel and they start telling sharing their experiences with the world. Most of these people bringing aid to Gaza are said to be from Turkey, so Turkey and Israel relationship will further deteriorate. The Turkish primeminister is now heading to this BIG bun house (coffee shop) called UN in New york.

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If this was an attack by Somali's, it would be called piracy and condemned by the US! What's the difference? You can defend yourself against an attack by Somalis. But, you are guilty of attacking Israel if you defend yourself against piracy by Israeli Navy Soldiers. The fact is that, had Israeli soldiers not repelled onto the civilian ship, the passengers would not have had to defend themselves from Israeli piracy. But of course, we all know that Israel, with the backing of its big bad American military, can do what ever it wants with impunity. We refused to do business with South Africa's apartheid government. Yet, we fully support the vicious apartheid government of Israel, and with billions enough to pay for their weaponry. That's why the world loves us so much!

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Barak voiced regret for the deaths, but called the flotilla a political provocation and said
the sponsors of the flotilla were violent supporters of a terror organization.

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