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londoners: have you heard?

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I hear some family members are involved in planning organised and well co-ordinated attacks when 60 years old ladies collect their hagbad monies. The sons of the other families are usually informed and then they attack old lil ladies saving for a nice villa in hargeisa. so sad. When my mums is collecting the dosh, the whole area is condoned off and she is escorted by several cars.

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Please explain to me how I've heard the EXACT same story in OTTAWA CANADA.......That's all you need to know about the validity of this nonsense lol....

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Ok I'll be the first to admit, when my cousin first told me this story I laughed. I mean what are the chances of a random Somali lady coming to your house with accomplises to steal from you? They would have had to watch your house several times to determine your daily routine, the number of people that go in and out etc and if its such common knowledge amongst Somalis, why has it not been reported by the media.


But after having a strange Somali man knocking on my door at 10.15pm last night, who was trying to get me to open my door by flashing me a random ID *so that I could not even see the name or the picture properly* and asking me to open the door because "meel dheer baan ka imaaday and salaada baa iga tageyso" was just a little bit uncomfortable.

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