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Deeq A.

Open letter to acting President Mustafa, Somali Regional State

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Deeq A.   

Open letter to acting President Mustafa,
Somali Regional State
Jig-jiga, Ethiopia.
Dear President, i am writing this view lines to you as you have completed your first 100 days as head of State, Somali Region Ethiopia.
(Let me jump to my point)
As ordinary citizens you and other members of your family have been made cry loudly after your younger brother (Allah bless his soul in Janah) was cruelly murdered by Liyu Police Forces by throwing him out of a fast moving vehicle while, sadly enough, at that moment, your father (My Uncle Mahmoud Omer) was also inside the front passenger seat of the same vehicle.

With this tragedy, Somalis in the region and elsewhere including myself have silently and loudly cried with you and shared the high level of pain and agony you and your family were subjected to go through.

You were not and will never be convinced with what we all know Liyu Police have concluded as the cause of the death of your brother at the time – that he was crazy and killed himself.

Today, as head of state, you were introduced by trouble minded advisors to deploying unrehabilitated same Liyuu Police into jigjiga and letting them make cry other families by deliberately murdering their loved members with machine guns under proud day light.

Similarly, Mr. President, I am not convinced with the fake reason you are claiming is behind the murder of selected and targeted young intellectuals being shot dead on the main streets and schools in Jigjiga every day.

Brother Mr. President, make no mistake, with your make up reasons you can only fool the already fooled person who believed that your brother have committed suicide.

However, your appointers and the rest of the public can understand that your reason that Liyu Police were defending themselves from armed protesters is purely spurious and only sounds good but the real one is that they (the Liyu Police) were acting against Jigjiga Security Official from preventing them build on land they have forcefully looted from their rightful owners.

With your direct orders Mr. President Police have badly beaten and wounded members of the City Security Officials including head of the department Mr. Abdulfatah Matan (Haji) as he was engaged to enforce a rule you have imposed immediately after taking office in which you have temporarily halted all new construction on lands until problems from forcefully confiscated land is sorted out and recovered throughout the region.

Mr. President, contrary to the constitution and your own formal order regarding this matter, you have ordered the arrest of Mr. Abdulfatah based on orchestrated plan when he was fulfilling his duties, in order for you to pave a way for your associates and favored individuals continue build on land that have been looted from weak and voiceless members of the public.

Mr. President, majority of the public overwhelmingly welcomed your appointment as head of the state. They celebrated your victory in both in and out of the country as their own. They did so, just because they sympathized you as a Victim who already have witnessed and experienced the dark and bitter side of life. They felt you did not get the justice you and your family required during those difficult times.

They endorsed your appointment with a hope that you will revitalize their hope and work hard to ensure no more parents, brothers and sisters mourn and shed tears on bodies of their loved ones killed by the same unrehabilitated Liyu Police.

Mr. President unfortunately what i see happening in the region under your command is far below my expectations from a person with international and United Nations Humanitarian experience like you.

I recall and sometimes remember to your old interviews with some Somali Language Radios and doubt myself if old Mustafa i was listening is the same one i see now in power in Somali State.

I doubt if the same old Mustafa with whom i have had great confidence right upon appointment in Addis is the same one (President of the region) who now start seeking and implementing advices of view myopic, inexperienced, uneducated, uncivilized cash loving people around him.

I doubt if you are the same Mustafa who with a loud voice warned against Liyu Police to be deployed in cities and near UN armed civilians and recommended to be kept away in their barracks and battle fields.

Mr. President, i am sorry to witness that all wrong doings you have been complaining about yesterday are happening under your rule and knowledge and by the way during your first days in office.

Somali intellects ask:
What to expect from the end of water that start flooding with Mud……..?
I am asking myself how on earth your people can trust you expect to be save, relaxed in peace and security under your rule when during your first 100 days you have yet to admit and bring to end the ongoing brutal killing and land looting in and around the region with your encouragement.

How can someone depend and trust your governance with his life, wealth and property when he already see you undermining part of your own society by distancing them away from your government and bringing others closer as privileged citizens.

I personally praise you to have extended a helping hand to brothers fighting in Sole Region of Somalia when they badly needed and insha Allah I hope that they reconcile their hostilities to iron out their differences and conclude an ever lasting peace among them.

I am at the same time complaining and accusing you and your government of totally ignoring other brothers in our back yard such asTulli Guled, Moyale, Diri-dhaba and Babily, to name some, who equally and badly need your consideration of giving them hand and voice by at least brokering peace and solution with your Oromo alliances. I am feeling sorry that you did not do enough for Women and children displaced by these conflicts with Oromo so far. I hope you will act sooner and not later to prevent further loss of live in these

Frankly speaking, as of today, I don’t see anything you are doing that is different from your predecessor but you have accelerated following his footsteps as early as you took office.

Mr. President in order to heal the wounded morals of your citizens suffered during your first 100 days in office caused by your so far unjust and wobbling leadership, you have to forgive and seek their forgiveness by following the footsteps of late Nelson Mandela of South Africa.

Make a task force comprising from head of society sectors, religious heads and the elite glass that could repair an already damaged and suspicious relation with your people.
Enforce rule of law in general and avoid depending and favoring a particular group or individuals by defending and investing in their political and economic ambitions.

Ensure equal distribution of all contracting and trading opportunities and development projects thought out the region.

Reverse some of your last decisions and do not protect but instead bring to justice who ever have responsibility in inflicting human and or material/property loss to the citizens and residents of the region under your rule.
Avoid favoring individuals and groups against others by equally treating all citizens in all aspects. Only this way you can slowly win back the trust your people have had with you before you assume your responsibilities as head of state. Only this way and no alliance or dependency with a particular group can restore peace and stability and enforce rule of law in accordance with country and regional constitutions. Only with unity and not division we would be able to compete with other regions in the country in all aspects of life.

From there Mr. President our region can think about, discuss and look forward to prosper and develop in other sectors such as Security, Health, Education, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Livestock, Roads and etc.

The following small note is intended for Somali readers whom i am sure would always ask and like to know who is who and from where?
♥I hail from the same sub-region of the Somali Region in Ethiopia as President Mustafa and together we belong to the same sub-sub-clan of a branch of a major Somali tribe. I hope this info is more than sufficient.

Thank you for reading;

Ahmed Qadhabo

As per usual the opinions expressed in this articale are those of
the author and do not reflect the opinions of

Qaran News

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