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Opinionated men......

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Many a time we’ve heard women and men asking the same old boring question as to whether or not men like strong, opinionated women but hardly ever is the question directed to women in relation to men.


So I ask you now do women like strong men? Those who possess opinions or air them as though they were the reincarnation of Julius Caesar? The kind of man who can stand his ground who isn’t afraid to disagree with you and excels in returning witty repartee? The kind who is strong, confident and has an @ss coiled tighter than a rattle snaked jammed between two slabs of prime mountainous rock? Okay- so I added the last bit but the rest pretty much still stands.


I only ask because today at lunch time I interrupted a conversation between two female colleagues of mine one of whom was complaining about this unsuccessful blind date she had on the weekend, apparently the dude didn’t appreciate the fact that my work mate actually had ideas of her own instead of giggling and gushing over his biceps. I presume he had biceps with the way she described the dude. Plus personal experience has shown me that dudes who frequent the Gym and guzzle down protein shakes and bars very rarely exercise anything more than their gluteus maximus. (Excuse me for diverting)


So this got me thinking, can we women be as simple minded as dudes who’d prefer not to have a woman who is control of her own thoughts?


Personally I think I’ve come to the grand conclusion that I’d actually prefer for my future husband to just keep his mouth shut altogether, to nod in agreement and acknowledgement that I am the higher being and he is simply a vessel to which I receive my pleasure and any prospective children I may wish to become in possession of. I mean, do I really want a man who argues back incessantly? Who’s insolent enough to speak when not spoken to? Who dares to scratch and cry at me to stop before I’ve gotten my jollies off? I don’t think so! :D (wiggles brows in feigned annoyance)


I mean who needs the bloody trouble? Give me a polite, obedient biddable man who kisses my feet every now and then and rushes to do my every command, the kind that would tip toe through every controversial issue fairly pirouetting in his efforts to avoid giving me offence. You can keep your delectably opinionated fellows for women who have the patience to condition them. Because I do not, call me sick- a control freak or whatever you like but hell I am what I am. (Stretches her arms and rests them on the back of her head whilst flexibly leaning back on a chair)


So ladies what are your own personal wishes on the matter? Let us get to the bottom of this, do women appreciate an opinionated man? Or a quiet unassuming mute who shall lick at her boots and marvel at her intellect?


Now don’t get me wrong, a man is entitled to his personal opinions so long as they are in agreement with mine and or he expresses any of these rebellious thoughts in his dreams. Only there shall he have some room to breath.

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Loool :D:D:D


The Siren, I don't want a slave, I want a man, I already have my own views, which I like and follow, I don't need a silly child to brain wash or parrot to repeat after me. eesh haad. Give me a real man any day, who violently disagrees with me, and is capable of persuading me to even change my view. Truth is, two heads are better than one, and there is no point being with someone (man or women) if they contribute nothing to your ideas and values. That includes friends too. I have severe allergies to people with no real views about anything who just nod, giggle and agree (men or women) I have the urge to beat them silly or just push and push and push some more to see how far I can push them before they react.


I like people with extreme views, passionate people who believe in something, I don’t care what it is, they just need to be passionate about it, you know even if it is few things.


P.s. IF you are really going to burden yourself with a man, he might as well at least be interesting, tell me a few things I’ve not thought of along the way will ya, make yourself useful and all :D Otherwise why bother, just watch yourself in the mirrow and have convos in your head with yourself.

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:D @ The Siren,


Any man worth marrying would want a woman that is strong emotionally,spiritua lly and intellectually..That was what I was told. smile.gif


You got to know what it is you stand for,and be prepared to be told where to get off,when your wrong..I don't mind healthy criticism from hubby,he can express his opinion and I can express mine without jeopardizing our relationship.


ps.It also depends on what is his opinion,is it something reasonable or is he being an a**, I don't tolerate self centered,cocky men. smile.gif

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Why is it, that the yet to be married endlessly pine about these trivial things.


I find it is the ones who protest the loudest (men & women) turn out to be the meekest :D

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^^What a silly women, read her post, it is funny if nothing else. That Siren sure has a way of expresing herself. Cracks me up all the time!! (well when she is not religion bashing that is :D )

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^Yes, I have to admit it is humorous, chuckle-worthy indeed.


As for the question, give me an opinionated Man with strong beliefs any day.

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there is a somali mahmaah which goes like this:



can some one explain this to home-gal Siren. Looks like shes on the qooq destruction path.

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