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Rising star

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I see a great future for upcoming Somali professionals, cause there are many currently playing for different Uk youth teams, i really hope they break through hard so my little brothers and nephews can put their posters up instead of Ronaldo or Zidane :D


one of the most promising rising Somali stars




Size doesn’t matter for Ayub


KUANTAN: Looks can be deceiving. Seventeen-year-old Ayub Daud is one example.


The Somalia-born midfielder looks frail but is full of energy and he is the one running the engine room for Italian giants Juventus in the ongoing Champions Youth Cup.


In the Group B match against Qatar on Thursday, Ayub was all over the field and showed off his wide array of skills. Unfortunately. Juventus could only manage a 0-0 draw.


Ayub was recruited by the club at the age of nine. He is grateful to the Italian side for giving him a chance to show off his skills.


“I will repay the club for nurturing me from young into what I’m today,” said Ayub after a training session at the Kuantan Municipal Council field yesterday.


Ayub is a huge fan of France and Barcelona striker Thierry Henry. He wants to follow in the former Arsenal striker’s footsteps.


“I like his style of play so much that I am wearing the same No. 14 jersey,” said Ayub, whose father Daud Hussein played for the Somali national team. :D


-The Star



MANCHESTER United take on AC Milan, and Juventus face Flamengo in the Champions Youth Cup semi-finals tonight and as has been the case, the teams that adapt faster to the playing conditions, should have the advantage at the National Stadium, Bukit Jalil.


The Under-19 tournament, being held for the first time in Malaysia, gives the future stars of the respective teams to strut their stuff and some like United’s Michael Barnes and Febian Brandy have been doing so.


United edged pre-tournament favourites Barcelona 1-0 on Wednesday to make the last four and once again will be looking to Barnes and Brandy to lead the way tonight.


But United’s defence, yet to be truly tested, will have to shadow AC Milan striker Pierre Aubameyang closely as the tournament’s leading scorer found the mark twice against Bayern Munich in the quarter-finals. With five goals to his credit and with two more matches to go, Aubameyang is the leading candidate for the Roberto Bettega Trophy awarded to the tournament’s top scorer.


"We know what United are capable off. They have come to this tournament as one of the favourites and have a solid team, but we have a game plan.


"We will do what we need to do to remain in the tournament," said AC Milan manager Filippo Galli.


The second semi-final should see a clash of Italian tight play against Brazilian flair.


Juventus, who have the best defensive record in the CYC, will not have it easy against an entertaining Flamengo, but the Italians can depend on their Somalian striker Ayub Daud to get the goals. Ayub scored twice against Inter Milan in the quarter-finals.


But Flamengo coach Goncalves Adilio is not unduly worried and said: "All the four teams are equally good or else they would not have come this far. We just have to play our game, and play it right."




Peacenow as a Somali-Italian do you have more info on him?


BTW I posted the topic here because the last time someone visited the Sports section was in 1998

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Originally posted by Dhulqarnayn -alSumaale:



I posted the topic here because the last time someone visited the Sports section was in 1998 [/QB]


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Heey, I guess, wiil aan abti u ahay oo up-and-coming star ah [ :D ] in aan inta kusoo daro waaye, too. Here it is.






Wiil Soomaaliyeed oo u muuqda in uu u diyaar garoobayo sidii uu u noqon lahaa Ciyaaryahan caan ah


Tan iyo markii ay bur burtay Dawladii Soomaaliya 1991kii, waxaa kusoo badanayay dalalka qurbaha Qaxootiga soomaaliyeed ee kasoo cararay dagaaladii ka dhacayay dalka si ay u helaan amaan iyo nolol. Waxaana qaar badan oo kamid ah caruurta Soomaaliyeed ay ku dhasheen ama ku koreen dalalka Reer-galbeedka.


Britain waxaa ay kamid tahay meelaha ay dadkaasi ku noolyihiin isla markaana waxaa ay u muuqdaan in ay lasii qabsanayaan nolosha dalalkan oo wax badan ka duwan tii taalay dalka Soomaaliya inkastoo haatan ay xaaladdu tahay ka daroo dibi dhal marka la eego dhibaatooyinka ka taagan Soomaaliya.Qaar kamid ah Caruurta Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool Magaaladda London waxaa ay kasoo dhex muuqanayaan Naadiyada lagu taba baro caruurta loo diyaariyo in ay kooxaha waaweyn ee kubadda cagta ee dalkan Britain ay Mustaqbalka u ciyaaraan ama u saftaan.


Mukhtaar Cali Afgooye oo da’diisu ay tahay 12 sano jir isla markaana muddo 4 sano ah u ciyaaraya kooxdan ay da’doodu u dhaxayso 9-14 sano jirka ayaa Onkod News u sheegay in uu rajaynayo Mustaqbalka in uu u safto Kooxaha waaweyn ee dalkan isla markaana uu haatan ka tirsanyahay Kooxda kubadda cagta ee Leyton Orion oo kamid ah Naadiyadda ay kasoo baxaan qaar kamid ah Ciyaartooyda u ciyaara Kooxaha waaweyn ee dalkan Britain sida Kooxda Chelsea.


Waxaa uu Mukhtaar ka jawaabay su’aal ahayd in uu la kulmay caruur Soomaaliyeed oo sidii soo kale u ciyaara kooxaha 9-14 sano jirka ee Kooxda Leyton orion ama kooxaha kale ee lamidka ah ayaa waxaa uu ku jawaabay "waxaan ka qaybgalay ilaa 70 ciyaarood oo aan kula ciyaaraynay kooxo anagoo kale ah, laakiin wali ma arag caruur Soomaaliyeed oo kooxahaasi u ciyaara."


Cali Afgooye oo ah Aabaha dhalay Mukhtar oo isna Onkod News ugu waramayay garoonka lagu taba baro caruurtaasi oo ku yaala Leyton ayaa sheegay in uu 3 maalmood uu todobaadkasta geeyo wiilkiisa garoonkaasi isla markaana ay caruurtu u baahan yihiin waqti badan oo la galiyo si ay ugaaraan waxa ay jecelyihiin mustaqbalka.


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Haye ,,, aniguna aan walaalkay soo dhigo meesha ... where is my camera ?/ :D



Good job Ayub ... i'm really proud of you if you're reading this. Next, i'll go and watch one of Juvantus's matches ,,, someone help me here and tell me the date and time plzzzzzz

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Liban Abdi - Sheffield United




Liban Abdi (left) and Aymen Tahar (second right) leave the pitch at half-time


Football Unites coaches were justly proud when three of their protégés from the Football Unites academy appeared for Sheffield United in their 3rd round FA Youth Cup tie against Watford on 13th December.


The match, played at the Blades' Bramall Lane ground, saw Aymen Tahar and recent signing Liban Abdi star in the 2-2 draw, before both holding their nerve to score in a tense penalty shoot-out. Kyle Walker, who has been with the Blades since being recommended by Football Unites coaches Paul Archer and Luis Silva back in 1998, came on as an extra-time substitute, to make up a fabulous trio of Football Unites referrals. Their reward is a home 4th round tie in the New Year against Aston Villa.


Liban Abdi is the first Somali player to become a professional for the Blades after signing an initial 6 month contract the previous week, and Football Unites staff are hoping his achievement will act as an inspiration for the hundreds of Somali players in Sheffield, many of whom are involved in the project's Positive Futures and Millennium Volunteer programmes.


Scroll down to view one of his goals

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About time our youth got some much deserved recognition. I like the fact that the young juventus player got recruited at a young age.(if only we can tell hooyooyinka and aabooyinka(if they are around) to invest on their children early on)

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^ Lazie don't you think laakiin that we as Somalis would be better off if parents invested in their children’s futures in other fields other than sport? I mean it's not like we have an abundance of professionals as it is- we need teachers, health care professionals, and engineers etc, not soccer players.


We’re lacking the basics; we need to build on that.

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Originally posted by Rahima:

don't you think laakiin that we as Somalis would be better off if parents invested in their children’s futures in other fields other than sport? I mean it's not like we have an abundance of professionals as it is- we need teachers, health care professionals, and engineers etc, not soccer players.


We’re lacking the basics; we need to build on that.

I beg to differ, if anyone can succeed in what they are passionate about then well done to them, weather that be football, painting, acting, art etc.


God knows when Somalia will be in a fit state to benefit anyone again, certainly not in the near future. Even Somalia needs entertainers and sportsmen/women. So many kids are already taking up 'serious' careers.

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^Rahima does have a point. We don't only need professionals in Somalia but also in the diaspora.


My next door neighbours son plays for the Arsenal Youth team, he has mad talent but he's dad is still very adamant that he does well in his studies and has a career to fall back on. The sports field is very competitive, one foot wrong and any signs of weakness and you are out, forgotten. It’s not very easy for black kids to get through so even if they pursue their sports and are successful, they’ll still need an alternative as it’s short lived. You see the great Gaza go from being a household name one minute to a broke ‘have been’ the next.


I agree with Lazy on supporting the kids though, Those who have the talent, ambition and drive can have both but they also need a lot of support, an adult to motivate them and keep them focused when on bad days.


My neighbour was saying how whenever he goes to games, the white kids have their parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and grandparents there to support them, even for small games but black parents would barely turn up.. :(

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Good stuff,MMA and Northerner insha-allah they will succeed!


Rahima Somali children need to explore new arenas, one particular article about a young Somali girl who is a student at one of the best aviation schools in the world said she was striving to become a astronaut!(and she has a good chance of becoming one) that type of ambition puts a smile on my face because it compliments Somali people the same way negative individuals shame Somali people 'collectively' because they are ''somali'' so it would be cool to have a Somali playing in let's say wimbeldon or doing that weird cricket stuff that Indians and Australians love


diversity! but this doesn't mean every single Somali parent suddenly has to take their children to Sporting academies, no that is not neccessary and my point with this topic was simply to illustrate Somali success and this can be achieved in any field including the ones you stated as long as Somali children are inspired and yes a swimmer can inspire an accountant despite their differences


Just picture Somalia winning the world cup of 2010 and then imagine the impact it would have on every single Somali individual regardless of their personal occuppation or location

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^This is nice and I wish them the very best. And as someone else said success in every field of endeavour is good. I just have problems with regarding sports stars as role models along with rap stars, actors etc. It is an easy way out for youngsters who are lucky enough to have the educational and cultural opportunities that one is privilieged to have in the West.

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I agree with you rahima, I think our somali parents should invest in all fields, sports included.


Children benefit alot more than physical fitness in sports.


They learn discipline, teamwork, time management, leadership skills, etc.


They learn values and lifelong lessons that they wouldn't have otherwise learned from a classroom.


Its the job of the parent of the child to make sure that the child has options other than sports (zenobia's neighbour is a good example)


Not every parent is Zenobia's neighbour, there are parents that are all about the money, so they make sure that they teach their child that football is the only thing that matters, so the child is taught to live, breath and sniff football, b-ball etc.


Those same parents make sports look bad, Rahima, but if only they taught their children to balance it all and not to focus or pressure the child to just be good at one thing and one thing only, the image of sports wouldn't be what it is today.

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