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Maskiin once you get a good look at the culture of the people we live with, I am not surprised at what those young Somali girls are doing. Walahi I am not. I actually pity the situations they are in, and I think if we do not find solutions to our Soomaali-wide problems in living in the West, our morales and values will degenerate even more. Let us be honest, Somalia was not pre-marital sex free either! However there were inistutions and rules there, however unnofficial, that prevented abortions and their likes from happening.


As a culture in the west, atleast in my native city Seattle, we, especially our girls, have rebounded and re-deemed ourselves from even what we were a couple of years ago. Walahi I see so much more young Somali girls donning the hijaab (the one with indho-shareer), practicing their religion, valuing their culture, and flirting and socializing with the opposite sex in the manner our ancestors have done for countless generations. You will see groups and groups of young teenage Somali girls, each veiled to the teeth, jumping of from the metro buses that brought them all the way across town, from their high schools, to the front of the masaajid so they can pray Salaatul-Jimca. You will chuckle at times when you see them encouraging the boys to learn by using reverse psycology. Honestly, a revolution has hit our young girls in Seattle and I think it is a matter of time before the boys catch it. Inshallah we will perserve.


By the way, I watched a video of a Somali-Canadian Sheikh by the name of Rashiid..? Anyways that particular speech that took place in northern European city was about the proplems facing the Somali youth in the west. He is an educated doctor, and walahi it was the most enlightening and interesting speech I have ever listened to. It had the right edge of seriousness, satire, advice, and most of all understanding that Somali youths want to hear. It spoke of subjects ranging from drugs, behaviour, career goals, flirting, sex, schools, friends, and just about everything else important in the lives of today's young Somali people. I would highly recommend it.

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Waad salaamantihiin Dhamaantiin.


waxaynu ka hadli, Yaasiin oo down under ka yimid, oo reer Toronto, Minneapolis uga waramaya.


waa lagayaabaa in nambarku 40 yahay. ama ka yaryahay, ama ka badanyahay, laakiin waxaynu hubno ma aha.


siduu Quraanku noo sheegayna, qof kaliya oo aad dishid waxay la midtahay adigoo ummadoo dhan dilay.


waa wax la ga murugoodo.


In the United States Approximately 1,370,000 abortions occur per year.


Ogaadana, caruurtan uurka lagu dilaaayo, waxay la mid yihiin, gabdhihii ay carabtu aasi jireen wakhtigii Jaahiliga.


Masaakiintaa Xaq Darada loo dilay, Ilaahay Jannuu Ku Waarin.


Kuwii Dilayna Wuu Ka Abaal Marin.

Allah(swt) Wuxuu yiri:


When the sun (with its spacious light) is folded up;

When the stars fall, losing their lustre;

When the mountains vanish (like a mirage);

When the she-camels, ten months with young, are left untended;

When the wild beasts are herded together (in the human habitations);

When the oceans boil over with a swell;

When the souls are sorted out, (being joined, like with like);

When the female (infant), buried alive, is questioned -

For what crime she was killed?

[ AT-TAKWIR: 1-9 ]

Allah knows best!


Ramadan Kariim

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We cannot deny that we have some serious issues as a society, but the major problem is the way people go about addressing these issues. In most cases, attempts to tackle a problem make the problem worse.


It seems obvious, but cay and habaar are not the answer.

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I’m a bit surprised that some of you blame the Wadaad for waking the parents to these problems. Thought I don’t doubt brother MMA or the Sheikh but I’m terrified by that number. It’s a
huge number
and I haven’t heard of it as I am a resident of the state it took place.

My 1st thought on reading ‘Wuxuu soo arkay qof ka shaqeeyo isbitaal’ was to picture him conversing with the janitor. Sorry, I have such a low opinion of Soomaalida.


I wouldn’t sit here and indignantly say this is lies lies n more lies! But I think its scare-mongering more than anything else. I doubt there is a Somali doctor who specializes in abortions and therefore how the statistics came to be known as 40 is simply astonishing. Not to mention such information is private and confidential in hospitals and not ethnically categorized for the papers. I’ve a hunch the number is made up… but the problem definitely exists.


So lets cut the ‘oh shock’ ‘horror’ down to a minimum.

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Cajiib, yaab, amakaag, istacajib, ashqaraar, anfariir, iyo dhabanohays baannu aragnay. All of this cuz Yaasiin raised the issue of abortion within Somali community in Mpls.

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The one thing I have noticed about the women in here is that if someone even mentions something bad about a woman,they instantly start ranting and raving about the men,complaining about how men never get in trouble for anything,just the women.Listen,you are all missing the point.If the woman gets blamed only and not the man,then those people are clearly in error,so don't worry about that,it doesn't concern you anyway.What matters is that not just Somalis,but people from other Muslim countries as well,are coming to Europe and North America and are acting worse than the kufaars,and that we as Muslims are doing very little to stop that or nothing at all.


How does that look to non-Muslims?It looks like half of us are lunatics like Osama and the other half of us don't give a sh*t about our diin,and in some cases,that assumption would be right.We are supposed to set a good example for others and instead,some of us are going worse than them.

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HornAfrique, cajiib aa tahay wallaahi. Talk about "we" re-deemed ourselves.


Excuse me, are you the official somali spokesperson for the Seattle metropolitan area!!!


You sound like you selling the city hard and fast, and its just not working out for you.


Just because you see one or two girls getting off the train and you see few more at the masjid, that all of a sudden Seattle has the official hot spot of all the somali community.


How do you know who is doing whom and what they are doing? Yes you see few girls wearing hijab, but that doesn't mean anything in this day and age. What really puzzles me is just how naive you are sounding right about now.



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How can you not know that your child is pregnant? So the parents have a share in the blame, for I think they might either use pressure or go along their child's request for abortion to save face.


And Liibaan . Women are not hermaphodites who impregnante themselves (uh like in the plant word). And its not fair or right that one person gets 95 percent of the blame for doing 50% of the deed. Its the truth. Doesn't matter how many times its going to be replayed.


And another thing Somalis are notorious for two things: exaggeration and gossip. So approach this with a healthy dose of skepticism.

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I believe preaching from the pulpit ;Armed only with "Heblayo in meel hebel" said this, is not a good thing for any person,let alone a shaikh.


That particular person who leaked vital confidential personal data should be ashamed of himself [if that person exists].


The story is the same, for everything "Bad". A friend was like: "In Mpls; the number of HIV +ve somalis is high; you will be surprised @ how many cute sisters you see in malls with AIDS".


Hes not a social worker, hes not a dr, who gave him that info?. Obviously he heard it from the streets. It spreads like Bush fire, and Wam Bam its "Pulpit News" in some far away city. :rolleyes:

Lets not be naïve here folks, all kind of gross misconducts were abudant in somalia.


The situation is magnified and over analysed by a group of "Waxaa La yidhi Maniacs" here in the west. Its time we moved forward and came with solutions for our social problems, obviously preaching isnt doing it.

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Ilaahoow dadkeena noo hagaaji. Aamiin.


Waxaan idin dhihi lahaa intaad sheekadaan English ku qori laheydeen oo hadhoow gaalada nagu caayi laheyd, (waxaan ugu nibcahay inuu gaal igu caayo 'muslim ama soomaali hadaa tihiin ceebtiinu waa sidaas', waliba anoo kala hadlaayo diinteena wanaageeda iyo sharafta dadkeena), maad soomaali ku qortiin oo aayar arinta inta u dhex gashaan, si fiican ugu lafo-guri weyseen? Koley aniga waxaan eeda dusha ka saaray gaalo oo awalba ahaa dadkii nasoo daadgureeyay oo balaayadaan noo keenay, caruurtiina naga fasahaadiyay, iyo qabqablayaasha iyo odayaasha beelaha oo colaada dadkeena ku kala dhex abuuray.


Ilaaha xaqa lagu caabudo ayaan astako u nahay!

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Abortion is always blameworthy but people are forgetting how many young Somali boys actually have (unprotected) pre-marital sex. The number is probably higher for males than it is for females but the difference is that it is the females that actually GET pregnant. This makes them an easy target for all parties, ironically, including the promiscuous young men.


m u h a m m a d,

I think the verse you quoted is referring to infanticide of females in pre-Islamic Arabia. These girls were buried alive (hence: When the female (infant), buried alive, is questioned - For what crime she was killed?

). These females were killed solely because of their gender but today the foetuses are aborted because they (in most cases) aren't "planned for" and the pregnacies are a result of fornication/adultery.




The ceeb is in the act itself and not the adressing (and condemning) of the issue. Saaxibkey oo turjubaan ah wuxuu ii sheegey intoo niman oo cudurka aidska ku dhacay markeey ka soo noqden Africa ("baashal" bey kujireen ee balaaya ka raacdey). Markaas xaasaskoodi beey qaadsiiyen viruska xun; ragaas magaalada beey socdan - (dowooyin badan beey liqan ee wax ka muuqdaa iska yar) laakinse dadka badan kooda war uma haayan wax yaalahan oo kale. Soomali ahaan na ceeb weyeey wax yaalahan ina laga hadlo ee meeshi laga hadli lahaa arimahan meel ba lagu duuga. Wixii la qariyaa soo qurun kuma jiro? Qurunkii ba soo ureeya sxb!

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Walee ishaad ka tuurtay, oo waa runtaa, wixii la qariyaa qurun ayaa ku jira. Waxay kaloo soomaali hore u tiri, waxaad qarsataa adna way ku qarsadaan . Laakiin ninyahow markaan leeyahay arimahaan si dahsoon oo ka wanaagsan English-ku-Hadal halooga baaraandago, waxaan ka wadaa maadaama aan ahaan jirnay bulsho ceeb ka saliim ah, oo ceebahaas aan laga dhex aqoon, hadana dad badan waxay dareemayaan, (iyadoo xaqiiqada maanta ay wadna-qabad nagu tahay), in loo baahan yahay xal iyadoon la shaacin mashaakilka na haysta.


Koley anigu waxaan ku talin lahaa arintaas halaga daayo ku qorida english-ka, hadii kale buugaagta ay reer galbeedka qoraan ayaa mid gaal ah, ( in search for new Ph.D. thesis), ku soo qaadan doonaa arimaha dadkeena, waliba intuu been farabadan ku daro iyo qunsax-balaad kale oo aan hada na heysan.


Marmarna waxaan is dhahaa amaad ceebta dadkaaga laga sheegayo u dhimataa! Ilaahow na baxso, Aamiin.

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<-----------Dalaq Kulahaa!!!


Salama Caleykum guys..Ramadaan suu u bilaawday aniga meeshaan sanbuus iyo bur aan ka doontay ilaa aan topicgaan aqriyey oo aan burka ku saxan gaaray....Koow dhaha..


Maskiinka, saaxiib wadaanka bezaani uu ahaa oo ilaahey ajir iyo xasanaad haka siiyo..


Now why is everyone attacking SKY...Why?..because he said something the wrong way..what alse?


the truth is things like this became normal for us people in North America and it became normal in europe long time ago..shimee!!.....


I see Somali strippers in Toronto and Somali working girls..don't ask me how I know them because you don't want to know.


I have seen Somali gay men which actually was little crazy because they were He/shes..shirka cuudu bilaah....and one of them used to play ball with us..ooooooc!!..after finding that out, I didn't play ball for 2 month.


I have seen Mothers who cheet on their husbands and date younger men or other men on the corners..I know some of them and don't ask me how..


They are crazy crazy crazy things happening to us at this kufar world man, and I'm just too scared to stay around and see what the younger generation is bringing to top what we have so far..hehehe..I think Somalida dhib baa heysta and only parenting the right way could save us..Koley aniga ciyaal inta maku dhalaayi because baraf ayaa feeraha ka galaayo oo jini ayuu kusoo baxaa..


People took waaya aragnimo the wrong way. And now being reer magaal is looked at being reer baadiye because too much reer magaalnimo makes you wax aan diin iyo dhaqan laheyn.


SKY you said this sxb..

To my Somali sisters; Keep your heads up, legs closed and eyes open

sxb I love your daacad nimo..waxaa la dhahay dhuu dhuumashoo dheel bilawgeed waaye...


Aniga gabdhaha kama wal walsani sxb because the worse ee gabar kuu keeni karto waa cunug xaaraan ku dhashay..laakiin wiilasha xabsiyada lagu xiray iyo kuwa jidadka darooga la fadhiya iyo qamrigii oo caadi u noqday..aniga taas ayaa iga wal walsiisa sxb..The girls are doing much better than the girls sxb and that is clear like water in every city that somalis live. If you look at Universities and colleges, girls are way more than the boys..


I'm also worried about the new Generations at the ages of 14-18...I don't think they are Somali anymore because they ahve lost their daqan and know litle about the Diin..I'm not saying all are like that but most of them. What we used to see as a wrong thing to do, for them is normal just like how is normal to the cadaan kids or madoow canadian or American kids..


I dont plan to stay in this Kufaar Countries for long..But While I'm here I promised to help my people does that need help and help the youth and take care of my self and family and friends while I finish my education..And I think you should all do that and don't worry about the negative things and try to create more positive in our communities even if is starting here in SOL...




Wareer badanaa!!

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Originally posted by Tuujiyee:



Wareer badanaa!!

La kooye! Hayeey. :D:D:D


Lest it is edited, I hope I am not edited as well, I am only quoting, baliis.

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Layzie OK they are not wearing jalbaabs, they are all half-naked. Now what do you have to yell about? Acudibilaah shaydaanka iska naar walaal.

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