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Tonight, I was praying salaatul tarawiix at a local Soomaali masaajid. After the first four rakaca, there was a brief relief period. During this period, a young official guest wadaad at the masaajid went to the front, to give a little khudba.


He directly went to a passionate topic about ciyaalka dhulkaan gaalo ku dhashay and how their parents aren't doing "proper" job. He specifically referred ciyaalka masaajidka yimaado and then play in the hallways, not to pray.


Anyway, what was so interesting to me doesn't have to do the message; it was about the way it was delivered. The sheekh was speaking English when he was talking about ciyaalka and the proper way to raise them. But suddenly he excused that he would speak in af Soomaali in few minutes. I thought he would retranslate what he already delivered in English. I was wrong.


Af Soomaaligii markuu galay wuxuu dhahay wuxuu kusoo arkay magaalada Minneapolis wax kasoo yaabiye. (Wadaadka wuxuu u ekaa qof Waqooyi Ameerika ku cusub.) Wuxuu soo arkay qof ka shaqeeyo isbitaal, isbitaalkaasna loogu sheegay sanadkaan inay 40 cunug afartan gabdhood Soomaali iska soo rideen, oona ku jiraan gabdho dugsi sare dhigto. Wadaadka runtii aad iyo aad uu ugu soo fiigay waxaas markuu soo maqlay, xataa khudbadiis ayaa laga dareemaaye oo fiigniin iyo yaabnaan ku jirtay wali.


Intaas uu khudbadii af Soomaaligii kusoo gabagabeeye.


Aniga waxa iga yaabiye ma ahayn wadaadka waxa ka yaabiye. Aniga waxaa la yaabay reer magaalnimada wadaadka, walaahi. Suu ceebteena noogu asturay, inkastoo ajnabi yar fadhiye meesha, laakiin wuu noo asturay ceebteena.


Maku raacsantahay beesaanimadiis?

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^^ No, Sheikha sheekadiisa waa "boqol soon bakhti ku afur." Nin maantoo dhan soomanaa, inuu the misfortune of gabdho yar yar ka hadlaa waa Haram. He should've instead spoke in general terms and discouraged pre-marital sex and abortion without blowing the whistle ie; MN, # of girls etc..etc.


For Tarawih, I'm sick of the cayaalka salaada dhex cararaaya. I always get the weird ones, who make faces at me when i'm praying or the ones that jump onto of their mothers back when their in sujuud. They'r irritatingly funny. :D

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Inaay, waa na ceebeeysay naga tag. Ninkaas af Soomaali sarbeeb uu ugu hadlay. Aniga inta af Soomaali ayaa kusoo qoray intii uu asaga ka hadlay. Oo waan ugu danlahaa inay ajnabi inta ku jiro fahmin.


Maxaa ka dheefay, adigii ayaaba meeshii kashiftay, xataa waxaa soo qortay ereygaas "A."


Adigaa qarxisay, balaayo ku qarxiso.


By the way, the sheekh was interesting. He didn't look like your average faarax surwaalgaab. Nor reer seef labood. Qof daacad ka ahayd uu ahaa oo dhaqankii laga tagay la yaabanaa.

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MMA, sheekha wuu saxsanaa. Anigoo dhalinyaro ah baanba ku naxay arintii uu ku soo bandhigay masaajidka.


MMA, odayaal ma uu yimid khudbadiisa ka bacdi, mise waa la kala dareeray?


PS. Sheekha miskiin waaye, yaan la weerarin fadlan.


[ October 12, 2005, 09:49: Message edited by: Rahima ]

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Why? Do you sympathise with those *****? I'm reacting like this out of love for my religion. I'm actually quite mild on them, considering what consequences these girls should be facing according to our valuable Diin.


[ October 12, 2005, 13:28: Message edited by: Femme ]

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U seem more concerned with their sexual activity(btw they did not get pregnant a la Mariam) than their ridding themselves of a life.


I would never call anyone a whore sorry *** , ho, whatever. I DO have sympathy for they found themselves in a predicament that lead to a loss of life. Perhaps the impregnators refused to marry them; perhaps the girls couldn't deal with the CEEB of having a child outside of wedlock; perhaps it was a one-off sexual act; perhaps it didn't bother them morally; perhaps,perhaps... No woman that gets rid of a child forgets it. Who's to say this won't change them for the better?


Love of religion? That again. Useful isn't it, in excusing anything. Who'll question that?




Do better than that, mate. It's Ramadan.

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Originally posted by sheherazade:

I DO have sympathy for they found themselves in a predicament that lead to a loss of life. Perhaps the impregnators refused to marry them; perhaps the girls couldn't deal with the CEEB of having a child outside of wedlock; perhaps it was a one-off sexual act; perhaps it didn't bother them morally; perhaps,perhaps... No woman that gets rid of a child forgets it.

So why would they "get rid of" their own child ,then?(you make the miskiin babies sound like a garbage bag or something) While you have a point,that there is a man involved in every pregnancy,and they are equally responsible,that does not mean that the woman is absolved of all responsibility for that baby,just because the daddy doesn't care.Women have it harder because they are the ones who get pregnant and deal with most of the child-raising aspects.That's why they need to be smart and not just give it up to any guy they've gone out with for more than 6 months and think the guy supposedly loves her.They need to get married to a man who is mature and responsible in the first place,who won't run away at the thought of having a kid.And if they look for a man like that,they will ensure a life without CEEB(that must be your favourite word,Sheh smile.gif )

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Originally posted by Sky:

(******** ******* ******** ******** ******* ) *** ********* ***** ******* ******** ***** ******. ******** ********* ********* *******.

Subhanallah! Walal, having love for the religion means you are conscious of Allah (swt) at all times, which means you have to watch how you speak and how you address others. Please try and refrain from such profanity, esp in ramadan, and Istaghfar-ka ku dadaal.


MMA, was that khalid bin waleed? You know Musiiboynkan oo kale meel waliba wey jirta umad walibana wey heysataa, unfortunately, laakin I'm glad inuu af Somali ku hadlay haduu details Somalida khuseeya ka hadlayey. Dhibaatadan MN ka taagan with respect to ilma-iskaridida (which I believe is prevalent in other places as well) waan maqlay, and subhanallah waxyaalaha aan is diidsiiyo ayeey ka mid tahay. I simply can't digest it :(


Ilaahay dadkeena ha soo hadeeyo dhaamaan oo ha u dambi dhaafo.


[ October 12, 2005, 13:26: Message edited by: Femme ]

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Qoute Sky: ******** ********* ******** ******** ********* **********

This is very inappropiate statement, in every possible manner for one to qoute in a public forum......let alone for a grown man with any respect for human kind or the opposite sex to utter such Harsh words........What is this place coming to ?





[ October 12, 2005, 13:27: Message edited by: Femme ]

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Meeshan waa lagu waashey. 'I love my religion' seems to hide a multitude of sins these days.


This is no good for my fasting. I should just keep away, walaahi.

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It is not a bad thing to be passionate about your principles, but some people have unnecessary steam coming out of their ears.

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