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Inferiority complex

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Originally posted by 508:

Women are the weaker species if we compare with the men, and i mean weaker physically
and mentally, that has been proven scientifically
and those who would argue viciously, let me remind you, your Biology 101, that woman’s brain is smaller than the man’s, the size indicates significant differences in analytic and critical thinking abilities.

Walaal, research has confirmed the brains of men and women to be somewhat different, that much is true. However, stating those differences translate to mental superiority/inferiority in one gender, in comparison to the other, is untrue because it has not been confirmed by science. Moreover, common sense kind of spoiled any “shock and awe” potential in that revelation, don’t you think? I mean, the two genders were designed differently to begin with and the physique of the average male in most ethnic groups tends to be larger than that of the average female, so the fact that scientists have found there to be variations in male and female brains (specifically a larger male brain) isn’t much of a shock… it’s more of a yeah-so-what revelation. A more relevant finding, in my view, would determine whether or not female brains have any way to make up for what could otherwise be viewed their size “disadvantage”... and guess what, they do. Scientists have confirmed the existence of certain components in female brains which make up for their smaller mass. For instance, female brains have roughly 5% more “grey matter” (the part responsible for thinking) than male brains. Anyway, these details are diverging from my initial purpose so I won't dwell on them.


I wanted to respond mainly because I think your statement has a serious potential to mislead people (perhaps without intention on your part). You’ve taken a single factor - the difference in brain mass in this case - and used it to conclude that females are mentally inferior to males. That’s also where you’re completely wrong. Stating one gender is mentally superior or inferior to the other is a declaration even the boldest of neuroscientists wouldn’t dare to utter for fear of losing their credibility. As I said earlier, science has not confirmed one gender to be mentally superior/inferior to the other.


According to this source (Differences in Male & Female Brains ), “a woman’s brain has a larger corpus collusum, which means women can transfer data between the right and left hemisphere faster than men”. If I were to follow your lead, I could take this one piece of information and use it to justify saying something along the lines of “men are slow”, but in doing so I’d be stretching empirical truth. To put it briefly, that’s what you did and I think it was wrong. Who’s mentally superior, men or woman… honestly, who cares? As far as I’m concerned, the answer doesn’t really matter if we’re not willing to utilize the wisdom and intelligence we’ve been blessed with as individuals. What good would a “superior brain” offer if you didn't make the best use of it?

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On the other hand, there are many other things that women are better than men, such as organization, cooking, cleaning and other important skills.


The best chefs and dishwashers in the world are men, what were you thinking :D ?

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Qac Qaac   

Vanquish-v12, i picked it up, but i didn't want to go another arguement with that person, so i wanted some one to answer, thanks ameenah.


pls don't Compare Aisha ra and ummu salama, to femeinist... pls. lezbian movement.


Women are not weaker in strength only that's all. not mentally. mentaally humans are all same, the guy who used it most would be the smarter person, that's all, it has no gender thing.


Ngonge well said bro... i think it is just a phase they are going through, the more older they get, the more they come back to earth.


women and men are equal in allah's eye, only difference is their taqwa...

so pls gabdho naga daayo calaacal kaan aan nagu soo celinaysaan marwalba, i was aways for days, and i come back, i still see the same thing. subxanallay.

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Originally posted by Amaanimeenah:


I don't think your doing justice to those sahabiyaat by referring to them as feminists. The feminist ideology rejects many tenets of our Islamic teachings, so it isn't fair to attach devout Muslim women to it.

The basic concept of feminism is the social and political movement for equality of men and women.


Feminism is not a religion, its an idea. And a damn right good one. Now, liek every school of thought, it evolves as times goes on. I might not agree with everything about feminism but I will stand up for equality of both sexes.


Feminism is not a lesbian movement, its a women's movement. But then again, that propaganda and hate is being perpretrated by the male species :)





Your just a sexist!

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Originally posted by Devil's Advocate:

The basic concept of feminism is the social and political movement for equality of men and women.

I could not agree more and hence why I consider myself a feminist. I am for the equality between the sexes, races and different beliefs, only through justice for all can we live in a just and peaceful society that is in harmony with itself.


Originally posted by Devil's Advocate:

Feminism is not a lesbian movement, its a women's movement. But then again, that propaganda and hate is being perpretrated by the male species

Again, I agree with you, but I dont agree that all the propaganda and hate is being perpetrated by just all men and I am living proof of that!


A good book that I could recommend on this subject for those who would like to read further is, The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir.

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I am sorry BUT the topic wasn't about equality between men and weman, Was about double standers in our society.. we mostly say some thing and do another.


Just about abusing people and using religion, culture, and abuse them. I noticed those talking the name of religion r abusive to other people whom disagree with them.. some times they call u ignorent or u r so young , shut u up and not let u even think ur own.


I think only Mrembo got the message and I gave her cheat papers


seriouslly wasn't war between 2 genders.


Simply was about Hypocries in our society



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Qac Qaac   

ilaahoow adaa na leh, is 508 a sexist, then all men are sexist, if they are not, waa punch of dummmmmiieees ran their lives by women...

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This isn’t another one of those battle of sexes SOL posts you see all too often on SOL. But this is a more of a mature and lighthearted approach to an issue that’s bothered me for as long as I can remember.

Oh well you tried.....still some interestin exchanges :cool:

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Some people would argue that the world is run by the strong and powerful. They would argue that even if we reach that utopian stage of having equality between the sexes, there would still be a feeling of unease between men and women. They will argue that women will only be given total equality because the men deem it to be a pious act on their part. They will argue that because the men gave it, they could also wrestle it back whenever they feel like it. They would quote examples of places where some sort of equality between men and women existed but then a war, famine or political strife arose and the first victim of such disasters was women’s rights! They would use that example to illustrate the fickleness of the “Western” idea of equality. They would argue that in spite of all the extra tiers of morality, thought, kindness, love, consciousness, modesty and justice, the basic concept of the survival of the fittest would still rear it’s ugly head. They would argue that in order to have control over it, the aforementioned layers would have to be strengthened and enhanced. They would argue that a feminist movement, which aims to FIGHT for women’s rights, is a suicidal idea fighting a losing battle.


I wonder what your replies will be!




This thread was about male bashing (despite the artificial apologies at the start).



I’m a firestarter, twisted firestarter...... icon_razz.gif

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^^^ My aim was to tease and get a playful reaction from our staunch feminist residents. But after reading maansoor’s post, I think I’ll quit playing around and come out in support of all the bra burners in the house (my fire starting could be put into good use after all). :D


Maansoor, I’m not sure how you could say that this collection of ideas, interpretations and assumptions that you just posted can not be classed as anything but utter sexist drivel, saaxib (no offence of course, but it is!). I’m calling it drivel because you’re implying that they’re all facts yet you’re not presenting us with any supporting evidence. :confused:

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Originally posted by maansoor:

NGONGE sxb, like you I'm teasing the women a lil bit.

NGONGE and Maansoor, tease the women in a different way if you want, but not by throwing half-baked truth around the forums. This is because, some impressionable kids that are roaming these forums might take your propaganda seriously, have you guys stopped and thought about that for a second?

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This was a common joke that made the rounds everytime the arguement of gender equality rose. It is just a joke nothing else, dont take it beyond that.


"God may have created man before woman but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece."

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NGONGE and Maansoor, tease the women in a different way if you want, but not by throwing half-baked truth around the forums. This is because, some impressionable kids that are roaming these forums might take your propaganda seriously, have you guys stopped and thought about that for a second?

Oh, stop being soft, man. These are big girls and they can take all the tosh that we throw their way and then some. We both have stated that whatever we wrote was a joke and hopefully none of the girls took offence (if they did then it must be their hormones.heheheh :rolleyes: ). Impressionable kids might indeed take our propaganda seriously, but I’m sure that the feminist movement’s hero, uncle Q would do his bit and tell them not to believe a word the naughty NGONGE and Maansoor write. Oh, before you ask, I wrote this in a hurry and might regret reading it later. It’s all a stream of consciousness, saaxib. icon_razz.gif



** Stops and thinks about the above for a second ** ** Lowers his head in shame **

** Sees an orange **

** Starts thinking about peeling the orange **

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I see nothing changes around here. The freedom fighters of "equlity" continue thier Demands with nothing in return for the oppressors.


Maybe (if you unlock the dusty padlock on your mind) you might see that there is no one solution to the equality mess. You get what you with it. is it right? probably not, but it is what it is. Human beings are diverse and every issue should be judged on it's own merits.


stop trying to creat a user manual with a text book solution to every incident. Accept your differences and MOVE ON. OR Do something about your differences and MOVE ON.

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^ Welcome back.





I really didn't think your post was a joke. By making references to how Eve was made from Adam's rib, you came to some dangerous conclusions. Adamn was not just a man, he was the FATHER of man. He was a prophet. He was not a regular man. So to suggest that we women were born from a man's rib, is well, idiotic (for lack of better word).


In any case, I hardly doubt you wrote an entire essay to "tease" the women of the forum.


:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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