
Farmaajo concedes to Kenya after Italy's pressure, says ''willing to split the disputed sea border equally into halves for both Kenya and Somalia''

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Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo ay Rooma ku soo dhoweeyeen Solo, Maxamed Ismaciil, Cagmadhige iyo heshiisyo khater ah oo soo socda

November 21, 2018

Waxaa dalka Talyaaniga ku qabsatay bahdilaad tii ugu xumeyd Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmajo, kadib markii safaardda Somaliya ee Roma loo diidiay iny iyadu maamusho habmaamuuska booqashada Madaxweynaha.

Inkastoo ay diiday inay safaaradda ka haadasho khaldaadka dhacay haddana dad ku dhow safarka mdaxweyanaha waxay MOL u sheegeen inuu ahaa ninka loo aaminay inuu maamulo Balal Cisman, kadibna uu la wareegay wax waliba oo ku saabsan booqashada.

Madaxweynaha oo ay ka muqatay caro ayaa  maalintii labaad ee la siinayey salaam Sharaf waxaa uu dhex dabaashay jebinta hab maamuuska ciidanka salaan sharafta bixiya oo aan xataa loo sheegin qaabka uu wajahayo iyo sida ay wax u dhacayaan.

Sidoo kale mar ay rabtay Universal inay weydiiso booqashada iyo ujeedadeeda intii aan waxba la weydiin ayuu iska jawaabay caro darted.

Dhinaca kale ma jirin cid ka socota mas’uuliyiinta sare ee dawladda Talyaniga oo soo dhaweysay Madaxweynaha  ee waxaa loo soo diray sarkaal hoose si loogu muujiyo heerka uu gaarsiiyey xiriirka Talyaniga iyo Somaliya, mana jirin madax uga hortimid garoonka dayuuradaha.

Waxaa qol loogu diiyriyey ilaa tobaneeyo qof oo ay horkacayeen Cabdinasir Solo, ciyaaryahan Maxamed Ismaaciil iyo wariye Cagmadhige. Soo dhaweynta kama muuqan shacab iyo bulshada faraha badan ee Somaliyeed oo Talyaniga deggan.

Kadib maalintii labaad oo ay is arkeen R/Wasaaraha Talyaniga waxaa miisa loo saaray inuu ka haro sheegashada arrinta badda ee u dhaxeysa Somaliya iyo Kenya iyo inuu Talyaaniga hogaamiyo ku darista Somaliya ee Itoobiya. MW Farmaajo oo hadda jooga magaalada Roma wadanka Talyaaniga, ayaa kulamo kula qaatay R/wasaaraha Talyaaniga iyo amiirka Qatar oo isna booqasho lasii qorsheeyay ku joogay Roma, lagu dhinacyo garaacay inuu ogolaado waxa laga rabo haddii kale Qatar ay is deyn doonaan oo gamcaha ka laaban doonto.

Waxaa wadahallada Talyaaniga xooga lagu saaray sidii ay Soomaaliya uga tanaasuli lahayd muran badeedka kala dhaxeeya Kenya.Arinta waxaa dabada ka riixaya shikarada Betroolka ee ENI. Dowlada Kenya ayaa dhulka ay Soomaaliya kula muransan tahay u kaashaneysa  shirkada ENI (Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi) oo ah shirkad ay  ay maamusho wasaaradda Lacagta ee Talyaniga oo leh saamiga ugu badan waxayna saameyn xoog leh ku leedahay shirkadaas siyaadadda dibadda ee Talyaniga.

Farmaajo ayaa loo soo jeediyay in loo sii wadi doono dhaqaalaha uu ka helo Qatar haddii wadahadallaan ay guul ku dhamaadaan, waxaasa la hubaa in guusha wadahalladan uu yahay jabka Somaliya.

Xogtu waxay leedahay sababahan ayaa madaweyne Framajo loogu yeeray Rooma:

  1. In dhulbadeedka Soomaliyeed oo ay rabto inay Kenya qaadato loo kala baro labada dal oo waliba qeybaha uu shidaalka ku jiro la siiyo dalka Kenya. ENI oo ali wada shidaal baaris ka wada dhulkaas ayaa Keny kula safan arrintaan.
  2. In Talyaaniga uu garwadeen ka noqdo wadahaddallada lagu mideynayo Etoobiya, Somaliy iyo Eriteriya, waxaana wadata Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda ee Talyaaniga.


Dalka Talyaaniga waxaa u hadda  yurub ka joogaa meshii ugu hoseesay taariikhda Yurub waxaanu rabaa inuu ka dhigto magac inuu mideeyey waddamada kulaala Badaha Cas iyo Badweynta Hindiya, kadibna sheegto inuu isaga gacanta ku hayo marinbiyoodka dunida ugu muhiimsan oo ay badeecadaha Yurub u soo maraan.

Farmajo waxaa loo sheegay in laga rabo inuu ogolaado labadaan qodob inta aan wax kale laga wadahadlin, waana xujo aysan jirin wax ku khasbaya inuu maanta qaato Madaxweyne Somaliyeed oo ilaalinaya danaha dalkiisa.

MOL waxay ka digeysaa khater kale oo ka soo socota arrintaan oo haddii dawladaha waaweyn ay soo galaan ay dhici doonto inaan arrinkaan marnaba dib looga noqon kareyn xataa haddii gacantii saxeexday la gooyo.

Dadka Somaliyeed ee isda aadka u daneeya dalka waxaa wali xanuunkeeda uu sii hayaa Madaxweynahaooda oo booqsho afar saacadood oo kaliya ahayd gacanta ugu geliyey dal cadowgooda ah, Itoobiya,  afar dekadood oo muhiim u ah nolsoha Somalida, booqashadaan oo ah seddex maalmood  (72 Saacadood) muxuu Talyaniga u saxeexi doonaa  MW Farmajo wax waaba saxeexi doonaaye.?





Waxaa dalka Talyaaniga ku qabsatay bahdilaad tii ugu xumeyd Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmajo, kadib markii safaardda Somaliya ee Roma loo diidiay iny iyadu maamusho habmaamuuska booqashada Madaxweynaha. Inkastoo ay diiday inay safaaradda ka haadasho khaldaadka dhacay haddana dad ku dhow safarka mdaxweyanaha waxay MOL u sheegeen inuu ahaa ninka loo aaminay inuu maamulo Balal Cisman, kadibna uu la wareegay...


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7 hours ago, Dahireeto said:

If true, dhagaxtuur halooga saaro Villa Somalia. I doubt this. 

Kamoon, widaay. Waa beed aan raad lahayn waxaan.

Baddeena Soomaaliya xadkeeda muran kama taagneen until Dalmar's adeer, the corrupt C/raxmaan C/shakuur, was paid some pity dollars by Kiikuuyada by saying there is maritime 'dispute' between Kiikuuyada iyo Soomaaliya and signing the bogus memorandum of understanding in 2009.

If there ever was a maritime dispute, it should have been into NFD seas, not Jubbooyinka area.

Some pro-isbaaro groups - Mahad Salaad, Daahir Calasoow, Axmed Fiqi, Odawaa, C/raxmaan C/shakuur and SOL's own Dalmar are keen members of - want Soomaaliya inay iska ahaato see ahaan jirtay in '90s and '00s, and do as they please. Sheekadaas ma soconeyso. No isbaaro, no hanti iyo maal dadoow xoog ku heysasho, no deegaan kale xoog ku qabsasho, no maati wax galabsan la iska xasuuqo. There are consequences now, laws being enforced, ooya ama cabaada reero pro-isbaaro.

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Mushkiladda jirta aragtidayda waxaa weyaan.

Mucaaradku waa wax aad wanaagsan markuu caqli iyo cilmi salka ku hayo wuxuuna bad baadiyaa dad iyo dal.

Siyaasiyiinta soomaalida qaarkood, waad la yaabaysaa qoraalkooda iyo hadaladooda.

Ilaa iyo hadda waxay kala saari la'yihiin farqiga u dhaxeeya "Dal" iyo "madaxweyne"

Dalkaaga oo aad hoos u dhigto adigoo ku xumaynaya maamul waxuu la mid qof jiritaankiisa iyo dalkiisaba inkiray.

Burburkii dawladdii dhexe qudbaddii igu dambaysay siyaad barre allaha u naxariistee waxay ahayd kuraasta ciyaalka u daaya wax haku barteene, anigu iskama lihi, waayarada korontada yaysan idin qaban wali qaarbaa shaqaynaya.

Waa nasiib daro in sodon sano ka dib ay wali kala saari la'yihiin farqiga u dhexeeya Dal iyo maamul.


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17 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Kamoon, widaay. Waa beed aan raad lahayn waxaan.

Baddeena Soomaaliya xadkeeda muran kama taagneen until Dalmar's adeer, the corrupt C/raxmaan C/shakuur, was paid some pity dollars by Kiikuuyada by saying there is maritime 'dispute' between Kiikuuyada iyo Soomaaliya and signing the bogus memorandum of understanding in 2009.

If there ever was a maritime dispute, it should have been into NFD seas, not Jubbooyinka area.

Some pro-isbaaro groups - Mahad Salaad, Daahir Calasoow, Axmed Fiqi, Odawaa, C/raxmaan C/shakuur and SOL's own Dalmar are keen members of - want Soomaaliya inay iska ahaato see ahaan jirtay in '90s and '00s, and do as they please. Sheekadaas ma soconeyso. No isbaaro, no hanti iyo maal dadoow xoog ku heysasho, no deegaan kale xoog ku qabsasho, no maati wax galabsan la iska xasuuqo. There are consequences now, laws being enforced, ooya ama cabaada reero pro-isbaaro.

😆 reer isbaaro LOL........ MMA you sound like those secessionists with those fancy made up words.

As for aniga iyo adiga aad iyo aad baa isna qaana, i dont see a reason on why you are attacking your fellow reer Koonfur Galbeed's compatriots when we are supposed to work together, anyway as history shows we all know when the beesha Iljeex roars no one stands.

As for C/raxman Cabdishakur where was his leaders The President Shariif and PM Cabdirashid when he the minister was allegedly double dealing with the Kenyans?




p.s the reer ''pro-isbaaro'' you love to mentioned were rural northern central dwellers when they ousted the militarized regime of the Kacaanka, now in this present day they are 3rd generational settlers in South Somalia, with many ''Gurmad'' settlements, as they are deeply rooted from inside Banaadir, to celesha biyaha, qoryoolay, marka to all the way to Baraawe, so i doubt puppet Farmaajo or anyone like him can do any harm to their interest, they fought every clan, usa and ethiopia and yet today they thrive in terms of population, business and settlement.

Its also funny seeing how you jump in joy for that Terrorist Abu Mansuur candidacy knowing full well that he was iljeex lackey (and still is) doing their bidding obediently, as iljeexs have many shirts, they will always find ways to get inside where ever politically.

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there is some rumors in Nairobi niyoow that this is true. we will see soon. let us not jump the guy and call this a lie. Farmaajo will do anything to be recognized as legitimate by anyone out there niyoow. 

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9 hours ago, Mooge said:

there is some rumors in Nairobi niyoow that this is true. we will see soon. let us not jump the guy and call this a lie. Farmaajo will do anything to be recognized as legitimate by anyone out there niyoow. 

The three of them Eritrea, Somalia, Ethiopia governments now will do anything, say anything, agree to anything to survive. They were traveling every other day to Djibouti until the sanctions on Eritrea were lifted. Now back to old habit already of working against Djibouti.

If Djibouti did not outsmart them in splitting UAE and Saudi and having the Saudi as friend it could have been really bad.

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2 hours ago, Oodweyne said:


Very interesting perspective there!

First he signed off four (4) ports to Abbiy Ahmed. And in exchange he got himself the chance to get rid off the likes of Sakiin, and soon he will do it, with Xaaf.

Second, he got himself the chance to throw Djibouti under the bus. And in exchange he got for Eritrea sending an army to him and to Somalia.

Third, he went to Italy and ask them to use their good offices to persuade the EU to continue to pay up African forces, and in exchange, he conceded the Italian's Oil company, ENI, will have exclusive right to dig up oil in the disputed region between Kenya and Somalia, which was a contract in which Kenya originally gave to ENI

Fourth, he is in Nairobi to talk to Kenya about its "buffer-zone" (call Jubbaland), presumably along the lines of saying, they can have any puppet they want there, so long as its not Mr Madoobe, and he must be a person who agrees with him and with the rest of the Villa Somalia. And in exchange, he is willing to share the oil extraction business with Kenya, particularly, the disputed off-shore areas.

Fifth, And Mr Museveni of Uganda is there to "smooth" the deal along the way, given that, he will probably ask some deal of his own, considering how much Ugandan soldiers have paid in blood to protect Somalia. 

All in all, when this guy call Farmaajo is done in his term, Somalia's will effectively, have been "auctioned-off" to the regional states, or to anyone with lots of cash, like the Qataris of this world.

And he seems to be intend of doing this just to get himself off from any meaningful opposition, which could be there to him and to his side-kick, by the name of Mr Kheyre.

Lets see what is left of standing in Somalia by the time he is done selling it off the bits others wants.

You must have a good understanding how these things happen.

In the 19-20 Century that is exactly what happened in Ethiopia.

There were 3 houses competing. Amxara,center Tigray north east and Agew north west Kingdoms. The two were just like the Boqor in Puntland fought against Europeans and when the Europeans all of them became friends with Amxara Menelik he became winner of what is left of Europeans.

He signed about 20 agreements in all with Italy, France, Britain. He agreed to 1500 km of sea shore to be taken by Europeans not an inch for Ethiopia left. He agreed all around borders with all of them district or mountain at a time, what ever they wanted. He remained king of what is left and never afraid the Europeans.


British never to continue their friendship with Tigray. The Italians never to reconcile with Tigray never help. The French never to help the Afar Sulatnas (mostly part of Tigray) that were against Menelik.


If Farmaajo can play it in the 21st century which looks like..he would be repeating, but his chances of success are reduced by multiple.



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farmaajo is desperate to get rid of all dowlad-goboleed leaders who don't support him. he would do anything niyoow.

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3 hours ago, Mooge said:

farmaajo is desperate to get rid of all dowlad-goboleed leaders who don't support him. he would do anything niyoow.

if you were him, would you not want to consolidate power? and get this minions off the scene?

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13 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Beentaan kama daashid miyaa? Even colluding with the wretched, sewage-dwelling secessionist creatures, whose hatred for Koonfur is unparalleled.

MMA its important to know that these days one must keep his ''Enemy close while keeping his friend/ally closer'', what Farmaajo is doing is nothing short of treason, at least with those disgruntled secessionists i know where they stand, but with the smiling conniving Farmaajo, only Allah and those close to him know, and those close to him are talking.

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Waraa, if you think the secessionist sewage-dwelling creatures kuu dhoolacadeynaayo today inay dantaada wataan, think again. Those creatures were vehemently against Xasan Sh and Shariif Sh. Axmed as they are now against Farmaajo. Those creatures are more madder against dowladda Farmaajo because it achieved so much in a so short time and sidelined and kept their local Muuse Muqayil in his xaafad, in an open prison with no air travel. That killed them inside.

Those secessionist creatures Soomaaliya (except Waqooyiga) iska burbursanaanto ayee rabaan and no horumar - so always keep that in mind.

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