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Womens attractiveness Judged by software ?

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This software is a combination of Mathematical, and heuristic based approaches i.e Symmetric feature result in a higher rating , and a knowledge base is at work where participants are asked to rate the 'attractiveness' of different female faces.


Roughly speaking this system works like the 'recommendation system' in amazon or Netflix: when you search or purchase a book or movie an algorithm produces a list of books,movies that you 'might' be interested in based on the 'history' of users with similar tastes.


using the 'average' of the preferences of the sample ratings already obtained combined with the algorithm this system produces surprisingly accurate results.


Although many people cannot describe very well what features contribute to an attractive face but it is generally agreed upon whether a particular face is attractive or not.


Most people can tell you if the person they are looking at is attractive, but they can't tell you why they think so. Now, a Tel Aviv University student has developed software to crack the age-old problem of identifying facial features that would be considered beautiful by most people.


"Until now, computers have been taught to identify basic facial characteristics - like is this a woman's face or a man's," explains Amit Kagian, who developed the program for his master's thesis in computer science.

Note: before anybody says what about judging Male attractiveness :D


Nonetheless, the experiment only involved women's faces, as there is a greater variety of positions regarding male beauty.

now that i have got that out of the way im relatively safe from the ladies ;)


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L0L. A computer software looking a woman's facial features and being able to read her level of attractiveness is priceless from a phsyics standpoint but a whack job from a psychological standpoint.

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The system is far from ideal for example one of the problems is that the face is not the only part of the body that contributes to overall attractiveness, even if it(the face) has relative lower ratings it can be compensated by other features unfortunately the face is the only part where there is consensus as to what is considered attractive.


Another problem is the knowledge base is comprised of the ratings of 30 individuals although this may be enough for a thesis but a much larger sample size is needed for greater accuracy for realistic judgments.


nonetheless it is a great technical achievement whereas before image-recognition based software could only distinguish between male and female faces 90% of the time.

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looooooooool@kk that is a brilliant summarization of the whole article.......... it is easier for a machine to 'predict' with reasonable accuracy the preference of men ........... but too many variable for a viable solution the other way around :D

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For some reason, I thought I could follow a link, where I would upload my picture and the sofware would give me a %.. of attractiveness, based on how symmetrical my face is...

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Easily and mathematically explained.







Right on

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Only if the answer to 2 + 2 is that the length of the hypotenuse is the square root of the sum of the lengths of the two other sides squared.

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:D A^2+B^2 = C^2 The Pythagorean theorem is much easier to understand in algebraic form and besides

The Japanese have already defined such a formula (no joke)


The Japanese think they've discovered a mathematical formula to find the hottest chicks ever... find a regular chick on the street, ask her to introduce you to her hottest friend. Then ask this chick to introduce you to HER hottest friend... and so on and so on.

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^LOL. And when they've finally reached the pinnacle of hotness, they stare fixedly at the ground while mumbling something about cherry blossoms and how snow falls on Mount Fuji. Then they go home and play with their robot dogs.


There's a reason why Japan's population growth rate is negative.

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