Deeq A.

Jawaari Oo Ka Degay Baydhabo (SAWIRRO)

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Deeq A.   

Guddoomiyihii hore ee baarlamaanka federaalka Maxamed Sheekh Cismaan Jawaari ayaa maanta gaaray magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta KMG ah ee Koonfur Galbeed.

Xildhibaan Maxamed Jawaari oo deegaan doorashadiisu tahay Koonfur Galbeed ayaa waxaa maanta si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay Magaalada Baydhaba, iyadoona soo dhaweyntiisu ay ka qeyb galeen qaar kamid ah Musharixiinta u taagan Hogaanka Koonfur Galbeed, Waxgarad iyo Shacab farabadan.

Xildhibaan Maxamed Jawaari ayaa Baydhabo u tegay la socodka doorashada madaxtinimo ee maamulkaasi oo dhowaan la filayo inay ka dhacdo Baydhabo.

Prof. Jawaari ayaa ujeedkiisu yahay sidii uu ula socon  lahaa Arimaha Doorashada Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya ee la filayo inay dhawaan ka dhacdo Magalada Baydhaba.

Waxaa la filayaa in kulamo uu magaalada kula qaato masuuliyiin kale duwan iyo bulshada qeybaheeda kale duwan.


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2 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

Xasan Sheekh is saying that Somalia should rethink  its current relationship to Ethiopia. Amazing,

Ahahaha. Ninkii damcay inuu si 'official' ah Soomaali Galbeed u siiyo the same Xabashis markuu Jigjiga iska xaadariyey, Ileeyna ku amaanay isla goobtaas.

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3 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

Xasan Sheekh is saying that Somalia should rethink  its current relationship to Ethiopia. Amazing,

Regardless of who says it, Its always destructive to stick too much to foreigners and alienate your own. Your competition will do even further and then it becomes acceptable culture and you cannot get back control no matter how much you want it.

Keep safe distance. Don't allow foreigners to get too deep into your affairs.

Don't you be celebrating when your side does it and push other side to look somewhere else to do the same.

When people accused Iley of being too close to Tigray, so that they can justify being too close to Oromo or Amxara, thsy are purposely hiding something very important difference.

The Tigray have a culture of autonomy for themselves and others. Its their system and culture in their area. The Oromo and Amxara have the opposite culture, that is changing you to theirs. Its like the British keep their distance and the French want to make you french.



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As long as politics of survival is played without violence, I am all for it saxibayaal. Alloow kii roon reerka u reeb  roughly means may the best one stay for the family. Who will be elected? Farmaajo's puppet or the guys who has the opposition support.


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7 hours ago, Dahireeto said:

As long as politics of survival is played without violence, I am all for it saxibayaal. Alloow kii roon reerka u reeb  roughly means may the best one stay for the family. Who will be elected? Farmaajo's puppet or the guys who has the opposition support.


Its amazing these old men are so unpredictable and the young men are so predictable. The sign of the times.

I knew the ex speaker was not thrown out because the government wanted to work on the constitution file. Actually it is shown now that he was kicked out because he wanted to work on the constitution file.

Now with friendship with Abiy and Isayas the constitution file will go six feet under.



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