
Ahmed Madobe says ''my resignation along with Kismayo is for sale at $7Million'' as ex-PM Geedi reports to Farmaajo's SFG after concluding his visit.

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Axmed Madoobe oo Villa Soomaaliya ka dalbaday $7milion oo dollar si uu isku casilo


Muqdisho  - Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Kismaayo ayaa sheegaya in madaxweynaha Jubbaland Axmed Madoobe uu diyar u yahay inuu xafiiska baneeyo hadii ay Villa Soomaaliya lacag isku furato.

Kismaayo waxaa ku sugan ra’iisul wasaarihii ee Soomaaiya Prof Cali Maxamed Geedi, kaas oo ah ergay ka socda dowlada dhexe madaama uu ku jiro la taliyaasha Farmaajo.


Geedi wuxuu Axmed Madoobe u bandhigay dhowr fursad oo ay ku jirto heshiis uu lacag ku qaadanaayo iyo mid uu ku baxaayo.

Dad ku dhow dhow madaxtooyda Jubbaland ayaa sheegay  in Axmed Madoobe uu aaminsan yahay in Villa Soomaaliya ay sameyn doonto wax walb si ay isaga  meesha uga saarto.

Wuxuu Axmed ka warhaya in Itoobiya ay u wareegtay dhanka Villa Soomaaliya ayna macquul tahay inuu Kenya lumiyo taas oo isaga meel cidlo ah dhigi doonta.

Axmed Madoobe ayaa la sheegay inuu hadal dabacsan u sheegay Geedi kaas oo ah inuu ogol yahay in arrinta xal mastuur lagu dhameeyo.


Axmed Madoobe wuxuu doonaya inuu xoogaa dhaqaale ah kala baxo Jubbaland madaama uu socdo daad ay adagtahay in la xakameeyo. Wuxuu doonaya in la siiyo lacag dhan  $7milion oo dollar sida ay dad xogogaal ah u sheegeen Muqdisho Online.

Axmed waxaa uu aqbali doonaa inuu is casilo oo uu xafiiska baneeyo hadii lacagtaas la siiyo, waxaana dadka yaqaana Farmaajo iyo Kheyre ay sheegayaan iney macquul tahay iney lacagtaas bixiyaan, madama aysan wax culees ah ku heynin ku ciyaarida hantida shacabka.

Horrey ayaa madaxweyne Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan loo siiyay  $4milion oo dollar, taas oo keentay inuu xafiiska baneeyo kana tanaasulo musharaxnimadisii.

Hadii ay dhacdo inuu Axmed Madoobe lacag qaato oo uu xafiiska baneeyo waxaa ay noqon doontaa mid ka mid ah guulihii ugu waa weynaa oo ay gaaraan kooxda maamusha Villa Soomaaliya.

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8 minutes ago, Tillamook said:


''Only'' Lol, i'm sure that $7million is quite a lot of money for an warlord who's time has run out, and also unlike sakiin who was a one man show, madobe not only he has to convince his beesha but also the Kenya Government before resigning his seat in their proxy kismaayo administration.


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16 minutes ago, Dalmar1 said:

''Only'' Lol, i'm sure that $7million is quite a lot of money for an warlord who's time has run out, and also unlike sakiin who was a one man show, madobe not only he has to convince his beesha but also the Kenya Government before resigning his seat in their proxy kismaayo administration.


So, you suggest, the Qatari slush fund should pay more, right?😁

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I am not shocked Villa Somalia  would gamble and waste future generation's money that was supposed to build schools and hospitals to bribe spent warlords on their way out. They paid Sakiin 10 million dollars and now Madoobe will be given 7 million?? 

For what? To survive as president?????

Caqli xayawaan iga dheh. 

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It is probably very cheap propaganda. Money does not grow trees. For sure, Khayre could pay himself 10 million and leave. Neither Qatari and UAE are that generous. it is like the last generation of dinosaurs, trying to survive by the nature changes. Gabre is not coming back. It was about time for new teams and new tribes to be the center. 

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I am not sure how far it can go, but this is revolution from face book to the Hamlets. Gabre Ethiopia may not be coming back, but Gabre Eritrea is there now. Its funny how we personalize things and when that person is gone, we assume things will be gone. What happened in Kismayu in last 30 years and reasons for it are always there. Unless the underlying reasons change, change of powers like Qatar UAE or Eritrea Ethiopia...is only a mirage.



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So you are really aware what happened Kismaanyo last 30 years. I still argued Gabre and others were  involved from the beginning. Aydiid and others crossed border even before Gabre was fully incharge. I agree you can not blame everything for Gabre but Somalia needs at least a short period of less Gabresses.

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