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The Perfect Wedding Night ............... what a couple

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^^Why? It is winner wears the pants in the family...Loser follows, and judging from that kick, she WILL wear the pants in that houselhold.

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Fara ka ciyaarkaas baa guriga lala tagi, hadhowna waxa lagu oran wa Domestic Violence! Yaab :D


@Indhoos, two pants can not be worn in the same household! See camal adi smile.gif

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Originally posted by chocolate & honey:

I heard of a woman who did that because the groom did the Maid of Honor one last round! She beat him silly and wasnt even charged.

did he not wanted to press charges? That's the only reason I can think of why she wouldn't be arrested. Either way it's not surprising, cops look the other way when the victim is male. The system is effed up.

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masaakin..u ever seen a wedding with no fighting.

real wedding fights start with the couple and go down to chain to the 2 families.


Thats what makes the adventure in bed so ever lasting. Otherwise, its just another indian movie. Basically dull.

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