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Talk About F****ed up Priorities!! Michael Vick

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RICHMOND, Va. -- More than football, Michael Vick's freedom is the question now.


With three associates prepared to testify that he brutally executed dogs and bankrolled gambling, the NFL star agreed Monday to "accept full responsibility" for his role in a dogfighting ring and plead guilty to federal conspiracy charges.


Worries about playing time will have to wait while Vick faces prison time -- from one to five years.


The maximum term is five years in prison and a $250,000 fine, although federal sentencing guidelines likely would call for less. Defense attorneys would not divulge details of the plea agreement or how much time Vick can expect to serve.


However, a source close to the situation told ESPN's Kelly Naqi that prosecutors will recommend a sentence of 12 to 18 months.


The official said such a sentence would be more than what is usually recommended for first-time offenders, reflecting the government's attempt to show that animal abusers will receive more than a slap on the wrist. U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson is not bound by prosecutors' recommendations or the sentencing guidelines and will have the final say.


Twenty-five days after he declared that he looked forward to clearing his name, Vick said through defense lawyer Billy Martin that he will plead guilty. A hearing is scheduled for Aug. 27.


"Mr. Vick has agreed to enter a plea of guilty to those charges and to accept full responsibility for his actions and the mistakes he has made," Martin said in a statement. "Michael wishes to apologize again to everyone who has been hurt by this matter."





This is a prime example of a man with his head not screwed on straight. Going from being the 1st overall pick of the NFL draft and millions of dollars, to the pen. And for what? Dogfighting!! This guy is so freaking rich that he has almost every single option available to him to conduct any legal business venture he wants. But instead, he risked his career and his name, apparently all for the sake of his "friends", who I would imagine wouldn't give 2 s**ts about him if he wasn't rich and famous, AND apparently were ready to testify against him. So much for your "friends". Oh well, enjoy your time in jail, Mike. That's what you deserve for making money off of exploiting and killing defenseless animals. I*d*i*o*t.

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Some of the animals were either drowned and hanged by him and his friends. I heard him saying Jesus will intervene and help him out. how Stup1d.

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this dude was really hung by the press!!... but hes knuckle head 2.


hes gonna do 5yrs for this? but oj is free! loool. so i guess it depends which kalaba u kill!

watta a country!!

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There's a large amount of distrust within Atlanta's black community towards the press regarding their coverage of this story( check this link), and I don't blame them, when you see what they have gone through in the last 3 centuries


And yes, it seems like Vick is being made out to be the fall guy while there are higher-up people in the world of dogfighting that we aren't talking about, but let's face it. That doesn't excuse Vick from what he did because as far as we know, he is going to plead guilty to crimes concerning this matter, so he has essentially admitted his role in Bad Newz Kennels.


This is a man who is a star and a hero to a whole city and he let that city down. This is also a man who has been in trouble in the past and no one should be shocked that he's being hung out to dry by the media, that's how these people make their money, they exploit the situation from every angle they can until people aren't interested anymore and then they'll find a new host to leech off of, and repeat the cycle ad nauseam. Hopefully all those arrested in this case get what they deserve.

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^^The issue of college/uni comes into play here. These guys get scholarships right? From the streets to preppie school to a millionaire and sports star. All without actually 'educated'!

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Talk about letting a city down.When the seasons kicks this thursday night Atlanta will miss the #7 Jersey that has rocked the city for the last few years.I am a big fan of Falcons having lived in the city close to a decade.I have always admired the dude, but to do dumb stuff like this will never be excused even by Jesus himself.I feel sorry for the guy, but to pull the race card on this will be alittle bit over board.Yes there are people who will never like to see a young black man with a hundred million dollar contract.Who in his right mind will ever loose a hundred million dollar deal over thirty thousand dollars? :mad:

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