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cynical lady

Yes. I know am Chinese but under the constitutional law I should be classified as Bla

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Africa Chinese want to be black


Chinese activists say they also fought against apartheid

Chinese communitiesin South Africa are taking the government to court over laws which they say discriminate against them.

The Chinese Association of South Africa says it wants its members to be included in the definition of "black people" in constitutional laws. It wants people of Chinese origin to be included affirmative action programmes designed to help black people.


An estimated 200,000 ethnic Chinese live in South Africa.

Ethnic Chinese will soon know if they will benefit from the Broad-Based Economic Empowerment and the Employment Equity Acts.

The BBC's Mpho Lakaje in Johannesburg says these laws were designed to eradicate the legacy of apartheid which left many black people impoverished.


The laws give people classed as blacks, Indians and coloureds (mixed-race) employment and other economic benefits over other racial groups. The Black Economic Employment concept was initiated by the governing ANC to help previously disadvantaged individuals - to start their own businesses or become part of existing companies - thus redressing the country's historic inequalities.

Whites still on top

Our correspondent says a ruling should provide clarity for corporations in South Africa on the rights of their Chinese staff - who were declared "coloured" under apartheid but are generally regarded as white today. An example cited in court papers includes an oil company that disqualified Chinese citizens from getting a slice of its biggest empowerment transaction to date.

The company says the group is not catered for in the Black Economic Empowerment codes.


Another example includes a Chinese national who was refused an opportunity to buy shares from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange two years ago. None of the three government departments cited as respondents in the court case are expected to oppose the application. A study released last month revealed that white South Africans still earn around 450% more than their black counterparts, 14 years after the end of apartheid.



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This reminds me a conversation between a black dude and Asian (indho yar). It went like this:


Black dude: are you Korean?

Asian: No, Do I look like Korean to you. I am Japanese. :D:D


how on earth do you tell the difference.

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I'm glad ,, i'm really glad that some ppl would prefer to be black finally. Now those companies should rush to produce a blacking products as soon as possible ,, :D

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Duceysane Very easy to tell da difference yaa Koofi Cad smile.gif


da Japaneese have luga dalbo leh, u can check or experiment urself, while da korean had garbo or dhabar godan oo qalfoofsan hadey dheeryihiin iyo hadey gaabanyihiinba dhabarku waa sidii fuustuu u godanyahay, da chineese luga qalloocsan while da Vietnameese had waji ballaaran oo kalboobsan, and da Cambodians had one body(jirkoo dhan baa is gashan lama kala garanayo dhankee baa waji ah or dhabar ama xabad)

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