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Almost 100 organizations around the globe will protest

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Originally posted by Warrior of Light:

Excuse my language but they are but a bunch of cowards.

WOL, that's such polite language. I'm sure you had harsher words in mind.


I don't know about being cowards though. They were caught between a rock and a hard place. Allow muslims arbitration, with all that it entails, or deny jews and christians. The went for the latter.


This reminds me of my childhood when two of my siblings would get mom or dad to concede something and I or another sibling would come along and ask for the same thing. Predictably, mom or dad would outlaw the whole thing for everyone. Needless to say, the last sibling usually got a nice beating from the other two.

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Actually your wrong Castro in my books thats harsh, remember Im from the fairer sex.


They took the easy way out and that makes them cowards. Havent they ever thought the idea of being pioneers proving everyone else wrong and bring harmony?? The shariah wont be applied to all, it strictly for Muslims and its a choice. They are denying people a right, a right to choose what they deem necessary for their religeous and social wellbeing.


How effective the arbitration could have been,is yet to be known but for starters the idea was a blessing. And Now,well something left to desire.

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Originally posted by Naku Penda Piya:

If Muslims are not able to live under Western secular law, they shouldn't be living in the West (Period.)

That's not practical, Naku Penda Piya. What is more practical is transforming the west to become the east. You see our east is not a dynamic place, it's quite static and stagnant. Change comes at a snail's pace and one would often die of old age, or be killed at a young age for using the word reform. And one of the oldest of human traits is the desire to have one's cake and eat it too. So enjoy your cake.

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I believe two people made an honest comment on the issue while admitting their lack of understanding of this Shari`a tribunal. Before taking any stance, we need to understand what this tribunal means and how it is practised. Judging from your comments, none of u made any logicla explanation as to how its detriment or beneficial to muslims abroad, particularly Onatrio. If u don't mind me asking, how many of u know the Shari`a law? I don't knoe much about this law; therefore, my stance on this one is unclear. We should abstain from making any judgement (i.e., separation of state and religion) since our judgement comes from mere understanding of this law.

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I think most Muslims do use Islamic law regarding inheritance/family affairs and such as it is already, it is not as if they need permission to do these things. I don't see how this will help Muslims in Canada?


As for Muslim countries, I cannot think of any one individual who could be trusted to administer Sharia law fairly, the issue of abuse will always be there.

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Originally posted by TRUTH_BE_TOLD:

Not to disrespect anyone i think there should be sepration state and religion.

I was reading in this book about the 10 things that nullify your Islam, which was compiled from Sahih al-Bukhari, and this discussion made me think of it.


1. Polytheism of worship.

2. He who does not believe that polytheists (Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddists, etc.) are disbelievers, or doubts their infidelity or holds their belief to valid.

3. He who sets up intermediaries between one's self and Allah, supplicating them, trusting them and asking them to intercede on his behalf.

4. He who believes that the guidance of others (such as democracy and communism) is more perfect than the guidance of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

5. He who hates anything that the Prophet peace be upon him was sent with (such as the Sharia'ah, polygyny, etc.).

6. He who denies the religion of the Prophet peace be upon him or ridicules its reward or punishment.

7. Sorcery.

8. Supporting the polytheists against the Muslims.

9. He who believes that some people are exempted from abiding by the Shari'ah.

10. Turning away from the religion of Allah by neither learning it or applying it.

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Originally posted by Warrior of Light:

I pray it wont deter the Muslims and Islamic arbitration will be allowed. Its unfortunate to see that fellow Muslims are the enemies in the forefront.

Consider me one of those 'muslim enemies' as I'm dead set against it.


Sharia Law is outdated, unfair (chop the hands of one who steals few gallons of water but give manicures to rulers who steals nations entire wealth), and accessory to Islamic living. All one needs to follow the path of Allah is the quran and the teachings of the prophet (scw). Since much of the Sharia law (like 60%) is based on Hadiths, it is not compulsary for muslims to follow it. Further, it is set of laws based on the INTERPRETATION by men of their time and NOT the words of God (most of it). Even those parts that are from the Quran are open to interpretation. Remember there is no single voice for muslims, there is no equivalent of Vatican or the Pope. This is why where Sharia is practiced today, it varies among differing cultures and ppls. Since there is so many variation of Sharia Law today, there is a good chance there was a variation of opinion of it back when it was written.


And it's total BS to say that Sharia Law, when instituted, is not obligatory. While that technically is true, the reality is different. We, muslims and somalis, know very well of the public and community pressure that mold and guide how we behave towards each other. This is important part of our way of life. No one likes to be seen as community outcast, especially when it comes to religion.


If a wife refuses to go to Sharia Law court to settle a marriage problem, what will her community think of her? I can bet my life on it that she will be singled out as weak muslim or a bad muslim. Then what becomes of her?

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Originally posted by ilaaliye1:

Islam is a way of life which includes all values, behaviors, and details of living and separation of religion and state is not an option for us [true Muslim] for it means to exclude the law of Allah and calls for us to desert Allah's decree for that of a man.

What laws of Allah say we can't separate religion and state? As far as I know, the Quran which contain the words of Allah, is not a book for modern governments or modern economies or modern medicine or modern militaries...we are FORCED to use laws of modern states to run out countries. In fact this is the reality of all the muslim majority countries.

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Originally posted by TRUTH_BE_TOLD:

I still stand my point they should be seperation of state and religion.Every country has so many different religion followers and you don't want enforce others on something they don't believe in.if muslims want want rule by sheria let the form a nation for the muslims and we will see what happens.I still stand the canandian muslims shouldn't be given special favour than other religions.let us start sheriah in somalia which claims 99.9% muslim and see how it works.

Hear hear


We as muslims burn and destroy our countries. Come to another man's land, perfectly run by its non-Sharia law laws and we want to change them. Why?


What will sharia law do for you that Canadian laws don't?


The proponents of the Sharia law in Cananda are ppl with hiden agenda. They hoodwink muslims, who sorry to say are the most unquestioning ppl, into thinking that Sharia law is good for them. How so? What reasons are there to believe that sharia law will be good for muslims. Where it was instituted, in the muslim majority lands, it was a failure and much to the disappointment of the muslims.

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Originally posted by MR O:


USA for instance and the whole of the west for that matter.Their constitution is The Bible

Huh? The constitution of the US is not the Bible. You know that, so why are lying?



They enforce on those muslims that live there their way of life i.e you must ASSIMILATE,You must accept homesexuality as being normal,drinking as normal,co-habiting as normal,no parental control as normal,force them to give their children consent to have sex at a young age without marriage.


But we came to their lands, they didn't come to our lands and force their way of life on us. If that was the case, then I would agree with you. If you find the US way of life offensive, then leave to Sharia law run paradise. Show some integrity and decency. A man welcomed you into his land and in a less then a generation you want to change his way of life that he shed blood to get it. How do you think he will feel about all of this?


Now, what the hell are babbling about being forced to accept homosexuality :confused: I live in Canada and no one is forced to accept homosexuality. What are you on? The only thing that is forced other then the law is tolerance towards toward those of differing religion, race, political bent and sexual preference. But hey, that works goes both ways. It also protects me as a muslim from all the bigots and haters. Do you want to do away with that and replace it with selective prejudice-- ie homophobia? How long do you think muslims will be spared?


The separation of state and religion, the rule of law, tolerance are concepts that muslims in the west should totally support. They are our shield and spear that we need to protect and fight against injustices.

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I usually glance at the newspaper from time to time, although it has lost its appeal for me. I chuckled silently yesterday while noting that all of the angry reponses to the editor vehemently against the idea of introducing Shari'a were penned by non-muslims. And one even went so far as to cry for 'oppressed women' and pepper his little delusional letter with emotive words such as 'islamic terrorist' and 'muslim jihadist' seeing this as a 'truimph' and 'domination' of the 'west' by 'Islam'. Pathetic little worm. He knows as much about Sharia Law and muslim women as I know about sports. :rolleyes:


P.S. I'm glad that if muslims can't have it, neither will other religions. The fairness of it all just makes me glow inside. :D

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