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Che -Guevara

Not Useful Observations

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Most women on the train whose legs are crossed usually have left leg over the right leg.


Everybody on Facebook says everyone else is good looking, sexy, MashAllah, or Grrr when commenting on each other's pictures.


Most young men on trains ignore the older women who are standing by playing with their Iphones, Ipods, or what every electronic gadget they have.


Waiters at Indian joints constantly walk around with jugs of water waiting to ambush you as soon as you put your glass of water down.


When talking about politics at fadhi kudidir sessions, the type of "discussions" is determined by Qabil make-up. For example, if there are men from Bosaso,Hargeysa, and Mogadisho. The discussions would be about how miserbly are things, and how Qabiil/warlords are destroying our land. Hargeysa folks leave, and the discussions takes new tone, so on and so forth.



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Ms DD   

^^ loool


When 2 different phones ring, they ring dhrrrrr dhrrrrr at the same time.


You smell a perfume, and you are transported back to where you first smelt it or who was wearing it.. to day-dream now

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*The Desert rat can have sex 124 times an hour.*



Not so usefull observation for Maryooleey though

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MS.DD...Interesting. .hmm


Nuune...Is that an observation you made or verifiable fact?



Duceysane....No mini skirts.There's nothing mysterious about them.

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Che, it is a scientific fact, I mean the numbers, but has witnessed dat damned desert rat doin his thing, wicked :D

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Ms DD   

What a reputation Ducaysane has.. I would have been quite envious, if i wasnt

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Actually, desrt rat and I would have something in commone when I was 12 yrs old. hadii naag la ii guurin lahaa salkaan ka ridi lahaa :D ilaahay baan ii guurin.

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