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Short Film: Sakaratul Maut - Your final reminder!

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When i was kid i used to hear, ppl back in the day like the time before nabi scw, angel of death used to knock on their doors and visit them? How authentic is that? :confused: And when ppl die, nafata waa lugu diiba. Allaho no sahal. May Allah Make us the Party of Jannah. Ameen.

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I read a hadith in Sahih Bukhari in which the prophet SCW explained that the angel of death came to take away prophet Musa AS, and Musa ended up slapping the angel of death in the face so hard, that he blinded him in one eye. Since then the angel of death decided to not appear to the people until it was time to die.

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here is no single verse in the Qur'an that states that Moses went to a mountain and never returned. The Qur'an doesn't mention his death, but according to Hadith tradition, Mussa was confronted by the angel of death. In those times, the angel of death appeared when he was about to take people's souls. Since Moses was strong, he overcame the angel of death, and the angel went without taking Moses's soul. Then God told Moses to put his hand on a goat's skin, and that the number of goat hairs his hand covered would be the number of years he would live, but then Moses chose to be near god, and so chose to die. Since that time, the Angel of death has been invisible


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