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They Youngest Couple Gets Married in Somaliland

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Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Inta la ogyahay lamaanihii ugu da'da yaraa ee Soomaali ah, ayaa habeen hore ku aqalgalay Somaliland.


Lamaahan oo la kala yidhaahdo Shabcaan Maxamed Carab iyo Nimco Cusmaan Feetin oo labadoodaba da'doodu 13 jir tahay, waxa uu habeen hore arooskoodu ka dhacay degaanka tuulada Warta Aadan Abokor oo ka tirsan degmada Sallaxlay oo ilaa 63 Km Koonfur kaga beegan magaalada Hargeysa. "Marka hore way isla tageen (lamaanuhu), ka dibna sidii dhaqanka Soomaalidu ahaa waxay noqotay in la isu doono," sidaa waxa yidhi Cabdinuur Maxamed Carab oo ay walaalo yihiin carruuskaa da'da yar oo shalay Hargeysa ugu waramay Wargeyska Ogaal. "Labadooda midkoodna xataa 14 jir ma gaadhin, labada qoysna way isku waafaqeen guurkooda," ayuu raaciyay.


Waxa uu sheegay in markii labada dhinac habdhaqan gabadha isu waydiisteen ka dib, ay lamaanahaasi habeen hore ku aqalgaleen guriga qoyska wiilku ka dhashay oo Xoolo-dhaqato ah. "Waxa loo sameeyay aroos, si wanaagsana wuu u qabsoomay," ayuu yidhi Mr. Cabdinuur Maxamed Carab oo ah nin dhalinyaro ah, carruuskaa gabadha guursaday ee ay walaalaha yihiina afar carruur ahi u dhexeeyeen.


Inta la ogyahay, Shabcaan iyo Nimco waa lamaanihii u horeeyay ee da'daa isku guursada ee arooskoodu ka dhaco Somaliland.

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so there is no minimum marrying age in Somaliland? how does this work? they're 13, they get married, are they both under the supervision of the parents?

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Originally posted by nuune:

^^ How come JB got this article before you

Looool HAhaha. If I can answer that JB wrote the damn thing. icon_razz.gif


13year old in Somali terms is an adult, not the same as 13yr old in the west. Even their six year old is freakingly oldish in mind.


Somalis traditionally married 14/15/16 Girls mainly, most of our parents got married around those ages.

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Originally posted by ailamos:

so there is no minimum marrying age in Somaliland? how does this work? they're 13, they get married, are they both under the supervision of the parents?

Don't dictate to people what they ought to do an don't my friend. These people have the right to dictate their own way of life, even if its contrary to your preconceived notion of what is acceptable!

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Originally posted by B:

quote:Originally posted by ailamos:

so there is no minimum marrying age in Somaliland? how does this work? they're 13, they get married, are they both under the supervision of the parents?

Don't dictate to people what they ought to do an don't my friend. These people have the right to dictate their own way of life, even if its contrary to your preconceived notion of what is acceptable!
Habibi relax, trends change over time if you haven't noticed... I asked a couple of questions to know more, don't get all defensive and worked up on me waryaa, either answer the question or ignore it... capish?

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Originally posted by Jacphar:

^Didn't realize B was a girl.

He certainly acts like it when his mood goes up and down...

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^Is it not habibi used for girls? Wait. Let me think. oh, ma nacay my broken swahili. My apology hadaan wax khalday.

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