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Deeq A.

In view of the situation Somaliland is in intervention is warranted

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Deeq A.   

Ibrahim Mead
Ottawa, Canada
Date: November 11, 2018

in view of the situation Somaliland is in intervention is warranted

Intervention and Consultation and Conflict Resolutions are not dirty words.
In consideration of the situation Somaliland is in intervention is the only option there is.
I would like to say a small prayer first:
Oh Lord, save us from our self
Oh Lord, save a runaway leadership with no rudder
Oh lord, we are lost in a long distance, lead us and set our feet on the right path.
Oh Lord, they divided us as to manipulate us for their sinister end, save us from them
Oh Lord, unite us again and bestow your mercy on us for we are sinners and you are most merciful.
Oh Lord, we have wronged ourselves and if thou not forgive us, for certainty we are lost.

“Whom Allah leaves straying, never will anybody else find for him the way” (Al nisaa)
If we choose evil deliberately and double it down by corruption, fraud and deception we do not deceive Allah, we deceived our selves. We deprive our selves of the grace of Allah and are left straying away from the right path. In that condition who can guide us and show us the (right) way? Our true instincts become blunted. Our fraud makes (our leadership) us unstable in character.
“For his mercy Allah especially chooses whom he pleaseth” (Al Omraan)

Our government has an anemic standing in choosing the wrong people who do not possess the knowledge and the experiences to run a government and help the president. They keep in arms length the best and the brightest of the nation for reason the normal minds cannot understand!
I am saddened, ashamed and embarrassed and many people are of what is happening and what is not happening in Somaliland where thousands and thousands died for founding!
If not intervened and sooner rather than later, Somaliland as we know may will not be there!
Intervention in this context means National dialogue and Consultation-“Talo Qaran” in which the government and none governmental civic groups intellectual, moral people and personalities meet and start a dialogue. We must correct what went wrong together. That is not a bad idea as I see it,-in my opinion.
“Intervention is a conscious process by which change is introduced into peoples’ thoughts
and behaviors. The overall objective of an intervention is to confront a person or entity in our case in danger to themselves and to others in a persuasive manner and allow him to see his self-destructive behavior, which affects him, the country and the people.” In this context it is to confront the leadership in K-2 and in all institutions in danger to our CAUSE, to our people and to our country.

Many people believe that K-1 was in a similar situation as far as governing is concerned. We believe that they needed help for the sake of their legacy and for the sake of the nation even though K-1was in an absolute denial!
Many people believe that K-1was in a total delusional state of mind.
How many times K-1 did that and yet they insisted and continue insisting that they didn’t do it even if they did it!?

There was precedence in intervening Mr.Siilanyo’s leadership during SNM
An intervention act in Mr. Siilnyo’s administration happened in 1988when he was SNM chairman! We solved the problem he created in that said period by way of intervention. We were a committee of nine SNM Veterans, they were called “intervention committee of nine”
the author was the vice chairman and the secretary of the designated interventionists who came to Ethiopia to save SNM from Siilanyo and save Siilanyo from Siilanyo! We saved the beleaguered (Chairman Siilanyo) leader and the troubled (SNM) Organization by means of intervention
It was a win, win situation even though it was a short term remedy! We did not solve the real problem for we did not have the time to do that at the time.
Siilanyo’s ineptness and disregard of the consequences of the problem in that (1987-1988) period led president Halo Maryam of Ethiopia to lose trust with SNM under Siilanyo and made a deal with Siyad Barre!

As we all knew the two dictators reached an agreement of compromise. It was an exchange of disowning SNM by Ethiopian administration at the same time repudiating “Ogaden, Houd and Reserved Area- the Somali region of Ethiopia by Siyad Barre” in exchange with the expulsion of SNM from their bases in Ethiopia. That infamous agreement has been reached in Djibouti in 1988. That act happened because of Mr. Siilanyo’s disregard of the future of the Organization he was leading! Intentionally or otherwise Mr. Siilanyo and others created this new found relationship between two enemies Hailo Miriam and Siyad Barre. This new found friendship caused SNM Organization to engage with the well armed but demoralized Siyad Barre’s military prematurely head-on and entered the country earlier than planned to escape the effect of the agreement which would destroyed them. They gambled and chose for the “do-or-die “option. This situation was created as the result of the conflict between then chairman Siilanyo and the Central Committee of SNM which caused to bring together the two warring enemies, Hailo Miriam and Siyad Barre. As a result of this deal, between the two, over 80% of the original Mujahedeen lost their lives in this “no-other-options” adventure. With the grace of God they defeated the enemy in the end. The SNM Mujahedeen had liberated Somaliland without their chairman! The chairman, Mr. Siilanyo deserted them, jumped ship and fled to London-England when the day of reckoning came!!

The would be interventionists here now, the wise moral men and women of Somaliland must clearly and unambiguously but respectfully, inform the affected government of Somaliland of today of the truthful information regarding the situation of the nation and how it already had affected the unity and harmony between the communities and between the ruler and the ruled.
The immediate objective of an intervention is for the self-destructive entity to listen and to accept help before it is too late for them and for the country.
The Market place of ideas must be welcomed thus intervention by way of national dialogue and Consultation (tallow Qaran) is warranted. That is why we need an urgent “taloo qaran”and it must happen I hope Mr.Musa will not see this intervention proposal as a challenge to his ego but appreciate the need of this proposed Consultation, he can participate this virtuous undertaking or even lead it.
Somaliland government seems that they are in a bizarre dilution focused on wacky vision centered on matters that are destructive and incongruent to the principles and tenants of what Somaliland stands for, and what the Mujahedeen martyred for!
The other day I happened to watch a young guy trying to defend the government against a critique from the opposition party-Wadani secretary by insulting him and the party using the street language without challenged him in facts! The young brother seemed he did not understand the rights, rolls and responsibilities of the oppositions parties what happened there was nothing but ignorance with a microphone and that is one of the many other reasons why intervention is warranted. Oh Allah save us from our selves!

However peace and prayers
Ibrahim _ Mead
Ottawa, Canada __________________________________________________________________
The author was Vice Chairman of the SNM Congress in Harrar-Ethiopia in 1987
He was Vice chairman and Secretary of the Intervention committee of nine, in Aware-Ethiopia in 1988 conflict between Silanyo and the Central Committee of SNM.
The said intervention committee of nine consisted notably of:
Mohamed Ali Farah: chair person.
Ibrahim Mead: Vice chairperson and Secretary.
Ibrahim Maigage,
Abdirahman Tuur,
Osman Indooli,
Ali Tuur,
Ismail Boba who was also the chairperson of 1987 SNM congress in Harar, Ethiopia
Hassan Duse and
Mohamed Baregeel

Qaran News

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