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Che -Guevara

Somali-Oromo Alliance: Resurgent ethnic nationalism shaping geopolitics in the horn

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The rise of Abiy Ahmed Ali as Prime Minister of Ethiopia has heralded an era of peace in the turbulent Horn of Africa.

The ascendancy is putting a sharp focus on the Oromo people as the centrepiece of an imagined Oromo-Somali ‘Cushitic Alliance’ as a new axis in the Horn of Africa politics.

In an enthralling article, “Us and them: The enduring power of ethnic nationalism”, Jerry Muller has argued that although we generally tend to belittle the role of ethnic nationalism in politics, “it will drive global politics for generations to come”.

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Globalism is out Everywhere now.

The three Amigos talking about globalism lol fake just to hide they are doing somebody's interest.

Life is like a pendulum. America took the world by Globalism and now America wants out because the Chinese took advantage of Globalism.

Europeans are now headed back to nationalism.

Nationalism at its core is Ethnic. The horn now is concerned that missing the consolidation. Even the Amhara in Ethiopia who fought against Ethnicitiy since if it comes to Ethnicity they will be like much lower in the totem pole. What ever you think Amhara  is not Amhara. But they are trying to organize as Ethnic none the less.


Oromo Somali alliance is a difficult job to handle. General friendship is manageable, but close alliance is difficult.

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7 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

There's no even Somali-Somali Alliance let alone Oromo and Somali This guy is simply afraid Ethiopia is no longer reliable ally when it comes to Somali issues.

Ethiopia is going to always be in trouble. The reason is the way it was formed. It was not formed by its own effort. It was formed as left over of all Europeans taking what they wanted.

The only way now Somali Somali alliance can work is by regions. Succeed on all the Regions and no interference.

Almost impossible now to have one Somali power. Africans against it, Europeans against it, Arabs against it. Each of them will find a Somali to work for them one who thinks will not benefit from One Somali power.

First candidate for close alliance to Somali in Ethiopia should be Afar. There is good will between the two, good general friendship. Similar culture, economy and faith should help. Then its north. South is difficult with all the land issues.


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