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Thanks Jacayl. Codku waa Shay Mire Dacar. Ma isagiibaa ka awrka fuushan? Waa u eg yahay.


By the way, the first time I heard about this guy was in *****shiek (Sorry Jac, meesha astriks la saaray ee MMA uu ku dhagay waa HARTA.Qolyihii aanu maalmahan is eryaneyny buu mooday).


Anoo gaadhi ku jira oo Field u socda ayaan cajalado kuwa iibinaya u yeedhay. Mid xabashi ah baa ku idhi Cabdi Tahliil ma haysaa? Xabshigu show Shay Mire Dacar oo markaa intuu soo baxay dadkoo dhan ka iibsadaan unbuu hayaa. "bataam qonjo zefan aleyn.(I have nice songs.)" Who is the singer I asked. "Shumbura dahir" unbuu yidhaa. Ma Khadra Dahir? wax walba nindhi. Kolkaan ku wareeray baan ku idhi "shumburo daahir" ma rabee, iska tag. Later, I heard the guy and he is a good singer.

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